Who would have thought

Hadan Winters

Mother of 2
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Cypress/Ebony Mix 14" Core of Basilisk Fang; Black Walnut/Maple 12 3/4" Essense of Silver Thistle
October 31, 2007 - November 7, 2039
Amazing, the sky had an overcast on the day that Hadan decided to emerge from the castle. Her black hair was curled with grace, as she made her way elegantly down the lawn. Her ruby-like eyes stared ahead as she made her way to the cliffs. She wore her Slytherin robe per usual. Her pale white skin glowed in what light there was out in the world. She stared over the cliffs. She was fifteen, and she had new siblings. Though she had yet to meet them, she wished not to go home. She already lost her twin Tamara, Hadan did not want to go through that again. Sighing, Hadan sat down on the cliffs, allowing her legs to dangle off the edge. Though a dangerous move, she did not care. Hadan stared out onto the horizon, and had nothing more to say than to wish the sky sorrow so it would rain. Hadan loved it when it was raining.
Raff hated the robes he was forced to wear at this school. They were heavy and... Black. He wished he still had the light blue of Beauxbatons. Another thing he disliked was the Ravenclaw Tower being all the way up a huge amount of steps, so he would have treck all the way up them to change. Sighing, he stepped onto the grounds. He really couldnt be bothered when all he wanted was a simple walk.

Raff let his feet carry him and found himself at the cliffs. Although he wasnt alone, there was someone at the edge with their legs hanging. Raff scrunched his brow. He opened his mouth to mention that it seemed slightly dangerous to do such a thing, but thought better of it. Was it the Slytherin robes that put him off mentioning anything? Instead he stood there, wondering if he should say anything. Maybe she wanted some time to herself? "Hi." He said lamely. Well done Raff, well done. His mind scolded.
Hadan turned the top half of her body to stare directly at the older boy. She stared at him for a moment, then catching the glimpse of his robes. That automatically made whatever warmth she had vanished. She was never fond of Ravenclaw boys, thanks to one that judged her before he even knew her, just because she was in Slytherin. Automatically assumed that she was 'evil'. Hadan uttered out a single word, "Hey." She glanced back at the horizon. She closed her eyes to catch the breeze and released a sigh. She said, making sure that he could hear it, "Don't you have some studying to do, or are you just going to stand there?" She glanced at him once more, before murmuring, "That is...what Ravenclaws do."
Raff felt a little relieved when she said hey back, but her next comment vanished whatever hope he had of not being made a fool of. He frowned a little. "Thought I would take a walk?" He tried. He had studied, but after no reply from both his parents he decided they probably didnt care. Now that the first words had been spoken, Raff thought it safe to mention her not so safe seating arrangement. "Pretty risky to be sat right at the edge dont you think?" He asked, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
Hadan's coldness began to lift a tiny bit, but she still had to keep herself on guard. Hadan glanced at the ground, allowing her hair to fall around her. "Well, that sounds just lovely, however I figured that someone from your house would take a walk to the library more than wanting to be in the presence of a Slytherin." Her tone of voice was empty, and non-threatening. Hadan peered over the edge of the cliff, and realized that he was stating the truth. She scooted back a bit, and brought her knees up to her chest. "For some odd reason, I had assumed that some males would rather be rid of females in my house rather than want to ensure their safety. Perhaps I have misjudged your species in the Ravenclaw house." Though she said this, she was still unsure of what to think of this boy. Her eyes searched his.
Raff stayed quiet as the girl spoke. Maybe she was right. Ravenclaws did like to pay attention to their schoolwork. He knew he did, but they werent all like that. As she mentioned Slytherin's though, he knew that assumption was wrong. Were they really all that evil? He hadnt met many people, but he wasnt one to judge. He still remained silent as she moved back after his comment. He stepped forward as she said she misjudged people and he looked back into her ruby eyes. "I'm not one to judge. Houses rely too much on stereotype if you ask me." He stated simply, pulling his eyes away and choosing to take a seat beside her, although he kept some distance. He gazed out over to horizon for a moment before turning to look at her. "Im Raffael." He said, with a half smile. He still wasnt sure about the girl, but the least he could do was be nice, right?
Could he really be different from the other Ravenclaw males? Or was that one just a bad apple? Just because there is one, does not mean that the rest are rotten. Hadan repeated these words in her mind, and decided to actually give this boy a chance. But there was still that bit of doubt in her mind. After all, Hadan's life, it wasn't the best or the worst, but it taught her things that others would have to learn from firsthand experience. Trust was an issue with her. Hadan finally gave the boy a small, but pleasant smile, "It is relieving to know that you are not like some of those arrogant pricks in your house." Her eyes went up to the Ravenclaw tower, before meeting back with him, seeing that he had sat down next to her. Not that she minded. "I'm Hadan," she introduced herself, and stared back out at the horizon. "You are a transfer, aren't you."
Raff had to chuckle a little when she spoke of the other boys in his house. He hadnt really met any, so he wouldnt know what they were like. He supposed he would just accept that statement as a compliment. Hadan. It was a nice name, Raffael would admit that. She asked if he were a transfer and he frowned slightly. "Yeah, came from Beauxbatons." He admitted. He wasnt happy that he had to leave his home, his school and his friends, but he had learnt to deal with it. The girl didnt seem to bad now that she had accepted he wasnt here to ridicule her. He just wasnt a nasty person.
Hadan wrapped her arms around her legs, and stared out at the horizon. Having company around might not be as bad as she assumed it would, especially with a Ravenclaw boy. Hadan could have been meaner, but she had grown up since her latest spells. Both involved a fellow cousin, and a fellow Slytherin. Hadan glanced at him, and noticed the frown. "I assume you did not like the move. Not that I really blame you though." Hadan was a proud Slytherin, but she preferred the Durmstrang curriculum when she was there. Because of her family troubles, she had to be held back a year. Hadan wondered more about the boy, but she would open up more if he proved himself. If she secured the fact that he was not there to cause any harm.
He shook his head somewhat sadly when she said she assumed he didnt like the move. "Not particuarly. It was my home and now Im here." He said absently, staring out into the horizon also. After a few seconds he looked back at the, what he assumed, slightly younger girl. "I'll get over it though." He grinned, placing an elbow on his knee and resting his cheek on his knuckles. Hogwarts was definatly different to Beauxbatons.

Lame :doh:
Hadan frowned slightly. She could relate to him in that way. "I guess I can empathize. I came here as a first year, and then transferred to Durmstrang for a bit, and wound up back here. Only I miss Durmstrang." Both schools had grown on her, and it was difficult of which one she liked best. Both were amazingly different in every fashion. But it just seems like anywhere Hadan goes, she can never be completely satisfied. Then again, if she went to Durmstrang, she would have to relive the memories of her mother. "What was Beauxbatons like, Raffael?" She gazed over at her, with a subtle curious look upon her elegant features.
Raff nodded, she obviously knew how it felt then. Raff never did like change, so moving countries after being in one place his whole life obviously sucked, but Raffael also wasnt one to complain, so he kept quiet about his ordeal, only mentioning it occationally because most people he met wanted to know.

At Hadan's question he looked at her, noting she seemed geniunly curious. He shrugged, "Its alot different than here. Its much stricter I can tell you that for nothing. It just feels like you can get away with a lot more in this school. In Beauxbatons it's like someone's breathing down your neck all the time." He let out a small laugh. "Well, thats what it felt like for me anyway." He said, his eyes falling down, before raising to the horizon. "What was Durmstrang like?" He asked in return.
Hadan nodded, picturing Beauxbatons. It was the only majorly known school he had not gone to. She laughed softly, more or less about the getting away with more part. It was true. She fought twice and never got in trouble. Hadan sighed, and answered, her gaze at the horizon as well, "Well, Durmstrang's curriculum is a lot different than here. It taught Dark Arts rather than Defense Against the Dark Arts. The students were colder and harsher. Muggle-borns were not allowed in, naturally. The professors were extremely strict, and that is about it. I'm sure that Beauxbatons was a lot more...beautiful than any school." Hadan wanted to see it for herself, but will never get the chance. "Seems like the every school is a different world, with how much they differ." She spoke more to herself than anything, but it was a fact, to her.
Raff listened as she explained Durmstrang. It was quite different to what he had read about it. Sure it sounded similar, but getting it from a real perspective made it seem different to how he imagined. "Sounds... Different." Raff said, not quite sure how to desribe it. He knew he wouldnt like to go there. He doubted he would fit in either.

"Beauxbatons is beautiful." He admitted, smiling slightly at the memory of it. It was crafted amazingly and everything seemed elegant, down to the way most students acted there. Her statement made such sense. They were all different worlds and where you went to school definatly said alot about a person. "So true." He stated. "So do you prefer it here or at Durmstrang?" He asked.
Hadan grew fond of the memories at Durmstrang. She was forbidden so to speak and the gang would not mess with her because she was such a close friend of Dietrich's. Even now, they are close, but not so as they were when she was in school. Hadan nodded slowly, "It was a different school. But unique all the same." She was not an outcast there, but rather someone who simply walked the halls and chatted with a person here and there. Here, she does not do that. It was odd though, because this place was warmer, and she has closer friends. "I would love to see it one day." Hadan smiled at the thought of it. Though her smile faded a bit, and she sighed, "Both schools have grown on me. I doubt that I can really answer that question." Hadan added, "I probably already know that you prefer it at Beauxbatons. Am I right?"
Raff smiled when she confirmed his lame attempt at describing what Durmstrang sounded like. Raffael nodded at her next statement, not really having anything he could say. He turned to look at her when she confessed she couldnt answer which was her favourite and her next statement was completely true, most people that had only just met him would know the answer to that question. "Yeah, you would be right." He let out a small laugh. "Who knows though, maybe this school will grow on me." He shrugged, with a small smile, "but for now, I just want to go back to Paris." He realised he was speaking quietly, almost as if he were thinking his words rather than saying them. He hadnt voiced much of his opinions about going home to many people. He seemed to feel comfortable talking to this girl though.
Hadan bit her lip slightly, and laughed softly. "It's quite easy to grow attached to. Even if someone like me doesn't socialize as much as others." Hadan rested her legs into an indian-style position, and her hand rested softly in her lap. Without much thought, she unwrapped a black ribbon from her wrist, and used it to tie her hair back and out of her face. She thought about cutting it once more. Even if long hair made her look elegant and sophisticated. Hadan stared at him, almost feeling the need to comfort him, but she pushed it away. After all, she did not really know him, then again, she could be just putting her guard up perhaps too much. He hadn't tried anything yet, so maybe... Hadan smiled gently, "I'm sorry that you have to put up with New Zealand, but I'm sure things will turn around for the better. Maybe in a way that you would never expect." Hadan turned back to the horizon. She knew that from experience.
Raff nodded, maybe she was right and if he gave Hogwarts a try he could get used to it. He watched as she put her hair up, for the first time sinse the beginning of their conversation he noticed she was quite beautiful. She caught his gaze and stared at him, he should have looked away awkwardly, but something about this girl had an intensity that made him keep his eyes locked with hers. It made it less awkward than it should have been.

He smiled back at her when she did. "Yeah, Im sure they will." He said, turning away again. His thoughts wandered to the fact that she thought he might nasty to her. He suddenly didnt understand why anyone could be mean to the Slytherin. She seemed nice and house stereotypes in his opinion were rather stupid.
Hadan wondered how in the world did this boy end up in Ravenclaw. But then she realized, there were so many diverse attitudes in her house, and it must be the same in every house. Then why would there be houses anyway? Hadan wasn't for sure. Even the blood status was ridiculous. She never knew her own, just her mothers. Hadan did not care, not did she ever want to find out. Hadan saw that Raffael was rather cute, but as usual, she kept this a secret inside her head. She was rarely open, not with her mind. Hadan wondered aloud, "Are you just saying that, or are you actually believing what I say? After all, the mind can make things look ten times worse than what they truly are." Maybe that is how Hadan became such a steady person. Seeing things as they were, nothing better and nothing worse.
Raff looked back at Hadan when she spoke. "Well, I'll get used to it I suppose. Things have been starting to look up recently, so I can believe what you say to some extent." He shrugged, that part was at least true. After having some social interaction, things didnt seem so bad. He had spoken to Andy and she was nice to him which made him feel a bit better. He was talking to Hadan and she seemed quite nice, so there was a potential friendship there aswell. Although there wasnt a lot for Raff to look forward to, he knew that pretty soon he could say he would fit in. Hopefully.
Hadan smiled to herself, indeed she was right. Though her judgment was completely thrown off when she first laid eyes on him. She was relieved that it was wrong. Her ruby eyes gazed over at him once more, before actually putting her back against the grass. Unlike some other Slytherins that seemed too...fashionable and prissy, Hadan honestly did not mind getting some dirt on her. She stared up into the clouds, knowing that if the sun was out, she would have to retreat inside. "I'm glad to hear that. Things are looking up, it would seem, for some people. I assume actually talking to people is helping you out." She glanced at him once more, before looking back up at the sky. Today seemed brighter than the overcast.
Raffael watched as Hadan lay down on the grass. Instead of following her actions, he leant back on his hands and examined the clouds above him. He looked back at the girl however, when she mentioned exactly what he had been thinking. "Yeah it is." He said, starting to feel comfortable around Hadan already. He kept his eyes on her for a moment, appreciating her company. he then tore his eyes away. Raff wasnt quite sure what to talk about next, he usually found conversation with girls so easy, but for some strange reason he was struggling with Hadan. "Are you a flyer?" He asked, wondering whether she was like him, or if she actually enjoyed being on a broom.
Hadan rested her hands on her flat stomach. Martial arts and arts like that kept her body in tight shape, thankfully. Hadan smiled to herself, things sometimes were obvious. Especially when she was thinking like that back when she first entered Durmstrang. She murmured, though not expecting a response from it, "I thought so." She glanced at him once more, and wondered the age difference. She often hung around the ones in seventh year now back in Durmstrang. Here, it was different. She hung around those younger. Even her classmates were younger than she, because she was held back one year. The next question made her laugh, both softly as well as pleasantly. "Am I a flyer? That's funny, I used to be, but I refuse to get off the ground now. Why?" She wondered if he was like the other boys. Her eyes remained on him as she waited for his reply.
Raff chuckled lightly at her responce and shrugged lightly when she asked why. "Im trying to keep the conversation alive somehow." He said, but he was really thinking why he had to try to keep the conversation going, when usually it would be so easy. "First thing that came to my mind with Quidditch season getting up and running." He admitted, looking back at the sky. Well done Raff. Your an idiot. He mentally 'facepalmed'.

Lame :lol:
Hadan laughed into her hand, finding this all quite humorous. At least she wasn't giggling, that if, she was even capable of it. She stared up at him, and gave him somewhat of a smirk, "Trying to keep it going? Well, I guess that is a way, asking if someone like to fly. Is talking like this normally hard for you?" Hadan was teasing slightly, and she glanced up at the sky once more. She was terrified of flying, actually. But she wouldn't admit that unless asked. However, knowing the reason why was much, much different. Hadan gazed once more at the Ravenclaw boy, "I hope I'm not boring you, even though I do tend to be a dull soul from time to time."

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