Who, being loved, is poor?

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair

So, I'd say it's about time I sorted Sara here out, before she leaves school, and is left drifting. :doh:

Sara is currently completely mixed up about how she's feeling within herself, and I have a lot of friends lined up for her, so I'm fine on that front, but I do need to sort out her final (hopefully older than Sara.) They probably won't be together for a few years yet, but I'm going to put this up anyway, as I'll feel much better if I have her covered.

Sara's family life has fallen apart a bit, and her parents are extremely worried about her. She'd always known what she was going to do with her life, but now she's not so sure. They're used to her being the sibling who isn't causing trouble, or arguing with them, but in the past year, she's become quite moody. She keeps trying to act as though nothing really matters to her, but it's hard for her to cover up how she's feeling. She's planning on going travelling once she leaves school, to try and figure out what she'll do with herself.

I was also hoping she could date a guy who's "the wrong sort." It wouldn't be a particularly long relationship, but there could be plenty of arguing, and Sara thrives on arguments, plus, a guy who treats her badly, is even more likely to spur her toward sorting herself out, which isn't likely to happen very quickly.

So, yeah, not very eloquently put, but I think I've explained most of what I mean. Blame the slight rambling on Easter Eggs. ;) Thanks for reading!

I havent got any guys but I DO have Alyce Brown.
who could be a mentor/bad influence/housemate/whatever.
what do you need to know about her. she is 21/22 (i cant quite remember) she works in a bar in new zealand and the nights she isn't working she us usually attending different bars. she rides a motorbike. her PB is P!nk. she likes girls, but will flirt and have flings with anyone. she attended HS until fifth year then dropped out/was pulled out and transferred to dermstrang.
any other questions just ask.
hey there,
im back with a new charecter. ok so this is xyran he is older than her by a couple of years him being 24. he's a caring lad that looks after any one that he is friends with especially his female friends.. so he can be anything you want him to be i only have a rough guess of what i want him to be atm
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