Whiter Then A Tubesock

Angela Marion

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
The latest events had passed by so quickly, that Angela really still didn't know what was happening. Her mind was still reeling, and she felt so used and let down. She had let her guard down to too many people, she couldn't do that anymore. She wished she just had one friend, that wouldn't betray her. She couldn't even trust Skyle, her cousin. She reflected back on the past few years, as a girl in some flare jeans walked by. Angela sighed, she used to look like that. Unfortunately, she couldn't concentrate on that, she needed to take her mind off things. She had brought out an old book, one from the muggle world. Blaze, that was it's name. A Stephan King Novel. It was her third time reading it, and she was close to the end. She always got sad and cried a little when it ended. She yawned and stretched. She felt lazy, and wearing a black shirt on a hot day, really wasn't working in her favor.

She smiled, looking at her outfit. She was going to wear shorts, but then she had realized she was whiter then a tube sock. She really needed to get tan, but couldn't bring herself to it. Melanoma wasn't on her 'List Of Things To Get'. Another yawn and stretch brought her back out of her thoughts, as her eyelids drooped slowly.
Damian was definitely in one of his lighter moods. He had been hanging around his best friends, the Glam Squad, and he was definitely loving their methods and their style. So much for a clique, he saw that they were just friends that loved fashion, and that the name was not something that they had come up with. Something about a goth gang or whatever coming up with it for them. Really sad, when one thought about it. Damian did not want to meet those scary girls. Anyone dressed in punk and goth that were girls scared the living daylights out of him. He liked it when girls dressed like…well, girls. He loved girl clothing and all, which was probably why he was wearing a pink hoodie, bright blue skinny jeans and a white shirt. Pink, white and blue! He had his hair tied up in a ponytail and he wore yellow converses. His outfit was screaming out ‘colors!’ and that is what Damian loved so much.

The third year Gryffindor skipped out throughout the lawns with an ice cream cone in his hand from the kitchen with sprinkles on it. The flavor was vanilla, and it was to die for. He loved ice cream and it made him extremely hyper as well. Damian came across to the courtyard, and he glanced around. His friends were in class now, and he had a day off. He was rather bored so he thought that he might try to meet someone. He just hoped that now that he was hanging around Alyssa Snow and them that people would not prejudge him. Then again, they already did. His status of Half-Veela had flown around the school. Damian did not mind. He was happy that he was an abnormally pretty boy. He glanced over to the side to see someone reading. She seemed almost familiar, but nothing came to mind. His teal eyes sparkled, and he walked over to her. “What’cha readin?” pipped Damian with a smile on his face. She dressed almost scary, but maybe her attitude would not match it?
She was now drifting in and out of sleep. Angela couldn't help it. Lately sleep had been nearly impossible. She had driven some people crazy, constantly tuning her Ukulele and her Guitar. It was her comfort zone, people just didn't understand that. Her aqua eyes came open slowly, they just didn't want to open at all.She yawned slightly, and gripped her book a bit tighter. She was about to close her eyes again when she heard a lyrical voice. It was pretty, and had a feminine tone to it. Angela looked at the person it belonged to, and tried to focus her eyes a bit better.She held in another yawn and looked at the book. Her eyes came into focus on the title and she smiled lightly. Her slightly cracked, chime-like voice stated, "Blaze." She sat up straighter, against the wall for more support. Now she could fully look at the person who was speaking.

She looked at her, and then deduced that it was a he. A familiar one at that. She brushed some of her false, red locks back and looked at him for a second, before silence killed her ears, and she had to say something. "Um..." 'Real intelligent, Angela.' She thought. "I'm Angela." She finally said. When she was in her first year, and still had some of her drive, she might have been embarrassed. She knew she would have liked him from the minute she saw him, but she just couldn't bring herself to think of any boy like that, save for the hufflepuff fourth year who broke her heart.
The girl looked like she was falling in and out of sleep. Damian debated on leaving her alone or else she might like, take out her wand and jinx him into next week. But he stayed right where he was. Damian was a Gryffindor, and often, he was brave only in some circumstances. He heard her voice and she answered him. Blaze? He had never heard of that book before. Damian put his arms on his knees and bent down so that he could get a good look at her, and not seem like he was talking to a Gringotts goblin even if she was just sitting down. Damian listened to her say her name, and he waved at her while saying, "Hiya Angela! You must be in my year cause I recognize you!" Damian was normally this happy, and he had a gift to make others smile while they were around him. He can be seen doing such silly things, dancing and such, even in Potions!

Damian wondered if Angela would want him for company. He was always up for making new friends. But his best friends could never be replaced, ever. Damian gave her a grin and he introduced himself, "I'm Damian!" But he left out his last name. His brother Dietrich was a famous Quidditch player after all. He was goofy too, not to mention that he was very public with his boyfriend Michael Drape. "Want me to keep you company, since that book looked like it was boring you to sleep, or want me to go away? Cause I was thinking about going to practice my seeking skills for the team." Angela did not seem that scary, but what intrigued him was her eyes. Aqua. His own were teal, the color of the oceans. Why did a lot of people here have weird colored eyes? Damian had seen them all. Black, blue, red (which scared him), gold, purple... The list went on!
Angela smiled even more at the androgynous boy. He seemed nice enough. Something about him, whether it be the aura around him, or the fact that he was so smiley, made Angela feel less uncomfortable to be around him. Angela had been sleepy before, but having a companion to look at and talk to made her eyes a little brighter. She yawned again, this time just from lack of oxygen to her brain. Angela could forget how to breathe if she was in thought; not one of her better traits. She stretched a little, only moving a bit. She didn't want to do any big stretches with someone watching, it would be awkward, in her opinion. She smiled. "De Ja Vu, right?" She asked to his comment.

She kept that little smile on her lips, though she didn't want to. Angela had gained a bit of weight lately, and noticed how chubby her cheeks had gotten. She didn't like them anymore, not like she used to. She shrugged at his questions. "As long as you want to, sure." She needed some company. Angela may have lost faith in a lot of people, she was still a social person, and needed some interaction. "You're a seeker?" She asked. She hadn't really attended any quidditch matches, it had never caught her attention. And she had always been too busy to go. "What house are you, Damien?" She asked, being sure to use his name at least once. It would help her remember.
Damian stated, "I think it is classes, maybe." But he rarely stuck around in Transfiguration. When there were bugs involved, he bolted out of there earlier than was expected of him. He hated bugs with a passion, as well as other odd things that he would run away from. He had a huge fear of yellow, clowns, anything that was slimy and scaly and crawled. Damian hated the like of them. It was utterly disgusting. Damian smiled down at her and he knelt down on his knees in front of her. He then shifted to Indian style and he had an appointment with the team, but he had plenty of time before the practice. Even so, the Quidditch captain, she amused him and she scared him as well. He did not want to get on Andy's bad side, that was for sure.

"Yep. Well, Taylor Mercer and I share the spot. She is an awesome seeker, and she is a Prefect too!" Damian gloated about someone that she probably did not even know. Damian thought for a moment, and he wondered what would happen if neither of the seekers could play a game. That would be bad, giving up! That is no can do! Damian would never give up! Not unless he had a broken neck. "I am in Gryffindor. What house are you in?" Damian had recently learned the names of the houses, and he was quite proud of himself for learning them all. Damian hung around mostly Slytherins though. He was once afraid of them, but nor anymore.
"I doubt it'd be classes. I've been skipping out... a lot." She giggled slightly. It wasn't a proud giggle, more of an 'I'm so terrible' giggle. She messed with some of her hair, wondering if her roots were really that noticeable. If she had been around anyone else, she wouldn't have worried, but, Damian's hair looked perfect. She had to remember to ask him what shampoo he used. Angela wasn't necessarily a girly girl, but she did like to take care of herself. Except her weight, which made her nose wrinkle whenever she thought about it. It wasn't a very noticeable wrinkle, unless someone was really staring hard into the young Ravenclaw's face. She let the thoughts seep out of her head quickly, and the small wrinkle went away. She locked her eyes with his, and nodded when he spoke about a second seeker.

The second thing, besides Damian's looks, that Angela noticed, was his grammar. Angela used to have amazing grammar, but lately she had given up on it. Since normally she didn't talk to anyone. He sounded proud of this girl. Maybe they were close, they shared a spot so she imagined so. "Gryffindor?" She asked curiously. With as bubbly as he was, she would have guessed Hufflepuff. "I'm a Ravenclaw, and proud of it!" She said putting her fist on her chest and puffing it out like a muscular man. She giggled a bit. Now that she had asked the basic questions, she had to know, "What product do you use on your hair?"
Damian raised an eyebrow and his usual perky smile faltered a bit when she said that she skipped classes. Why, that was not nice at all! Only bad people skipped classes, how else would they learn? Damian shrugged, "Oh, then I dunno." Maybe he was confusing her with someone else who actually attended classes? Damian covered up his dislike for hearing someone skip classes. Damian hoped that Angela was not a trouble-maker. He did not like those types of people. Not in the least bit, cause then they would ask him to skip classes, and that was just something that Damian could not do. He was also did not like pranking or breaking rules. Except the student ones, of course. Damian did not like rules that were there for no reason at all. Damian averted his eyes from hers so he looked elsewhere for a moment. Up at a butterfly flapping in the wind. Damian loved butterflies.

With a nod, Damian explained, "Yeah, the talking hat said that I most belonged in Gryffindor, but there was a good chance I would belong in Ravenclaw. But back then, I called them the 'red' house and 'blue' house. I love them both, but nowadays, all I hang around are Slytherins." Damian smiled brightly. One thing about him was that he could hardly shut up when he started talking. Most would find that entertaining, but others could easily find it annoying. Though her actions made him raise an eyebrow once more and cock his head to the side. Angela was a weird one, wasn't she? Damian laughed and he flipped his smooth, straight hair over his shoulder, and he wagged his finger to and fro, "Oh, a glamorous male never reveals his hair products." Damian winked and he laughed softly. He never told anyone what he used except those that were closest to him. Dietrich had to go out and get his hair products from the States. Damian was really picky on what he put in his hair.
The facial expressions he shared with her about her skipping class (she assumed) were normal. Angela didn't mean to, she just had trouble being in the same classes as certain people. For a while, she had hung outside at nights and slept days to avoid her cousin Skyle. of course, that was after her pompous boyfriend decided to make a move on her. Thinking about that gave a pinch in Angela's heart. Her and skyle hadn't spoken since Sarah's funeral. Damian's voice brought her out of the thoughts adn she shrugged. Now it bugged her though, because she did know this boy. If she could only think back farther then the funeral. She couldn't remember much after that. Everything was clouded by recent events. She saw his eyes flicker away from hers, and she followed his vision. Of course, Angela only got a small glimpse of the butterfly before blinking and looking at the green grass.

Angela listened to Damian explain how he got put into Gryffindor. She giggled sightly at his comment about the red house and blue house. It was kind of cute to think of it that way. Childish almost. Angela was never childish anymore; she felt too grown up. She had to be, she took care of a baby now. Baby Kairi. the light of Angela's eyes, with Sarah's Asian features and Kari's green eyes, she was a giggly little thing. Angela was so protective over the baby, that when a social worker tried to hold her, she had bitten her. That child was the most important thing in the world to Angela. Angela did not frown when he said Slytherins, because what house a person was in, made no difference. She watched his hair shine when he flipped it, and sighed a bit in admiration. She used to have hair like that. "Oh, pooh!" She said with a slight pout. Then she went back to smiling again. "So, other then being a seeker, what do you do for fun?" She asked. Now she was interested, she wanted to know more about a boy that had made her smile.
Damian thought of the butterfly in the wind, and he smiled at the vision of black and blue patterns on those powdery wings. What else could Damian think of. He liked butterflies. He wanted a butterfly clip for his hair that would flap in the wind or every time he walked. Damian hoped that someone would find him one. It would make a good fashion accessory. Damian moved his chopped bangs from his oceanic eyes to stare at Angela. She was too different from the girls that he hung out with, but that made her interesting to him. Well, interesting for right now. Damian did not know her, and he was not sure on if this girl would be a good friend or not. Ravenclaws were good people, weren't they? Well, Damian did not judge on houses though. He could not help but wonder this in his mind. Then something else occurred, since when do the smartest house skip class like Angela did? Damian started to get weary around her.

Thinking back on his days as a first year who did not know anything about Hogwarts, who was afraid to go to Durmstrang, and was forced into a life that he did not know where to go or what it was. Nothing. He did not know the houses, or anything. Hell, he did not know what language this place spoke! At least his English was good now. Though he was a much better talker in German. When Angela pouted, Damian laughed, "Besides, only certain shampoos will work on certain types of hair. Mine happens to be...very fine." Damian twirled his hair around his index finger. Damian thought about all the things he did in his free time, and he started to list them out, "Well, I like to fly, play in the roses and gardens, study, be with my friends, shopping, singing, shopping again, and um, reading. Exploring and swimming is up there too. I like to go rock climbing, ride a horse, go out to eat for ice cream. What about you?" Damian gave her a subtle smile, but it still lit up his entire face like the sun. Damian was naturally a happy boy.
Angela felt uncomfortable in silences. To be honest, she did not like silences. She didn't think she was afraid of them, she just knew that they tended to make things uncomfortable. It gave people time to think, to hate, or worse. Silences with Adam weren't like that, until Teddy ran his mouth on something that wasn't her fault. Adam and her hadn't spoken since. Would he even look at her anymore. She sighed quietly, it seemed that Damian was still looking at the butterfly. She smiled slightly to herself, she used to be like that. Before everything got serious on her. Before she had been thrown into life. She had to snap back into reality before she got upset. Whenever she got upset, she made some really lame excuse to leave, and then usually avoided the person. But, Damien seemed okay, maybe she'd be able to make friends with him.

She listened to his comment and nodded in agreement, stating, "Then it wouldn't work for me. I have really thick hair. Definitely not fine!" She mindlessly pulled at a curl and let it go, it bounced up and fell back into place. Before dieing, her father called her his slinky. His answer was long, but it gave her a bit of an insight on who he was. And she found that they had things in common. "Well, I play the guitar, and the ukulele, I have ridden horses before but my passion lies with dogs." She paused and frowned. Thinking about how her Mastiff had recently passed away. It made her very sad. "I love flowers, and I used to read and study a lot. I really need to get back on track, ya know?" She asked. She looked at him. Her eyes weren't serious, but the aqua orbs weren't sad or happy either. They were more disappointed; because she was disappointed in herself. "Who knows, if we become friends, maybe you can help me." She smiled a little bit.
Damian wanted that butterfly, but he did not mind in the least bit. Damian glanced in front of him to Angela once more and he started to rock back and forth as he hummed a tiny tune that only his ears could hear. He laughed as he stared at her hair, and he commented, "Well, you can always have it thinned out! Then it won't be so think, granny pants!" Damian did not mean much harm from that. One could say that he was being influenced by Abigail and Alyssa. Damian flipped his hair over his shoulders, and his bangs fell into his face once more. He used his mouth to point up and blow his hair from his face. It was not a crime to be beautiful, but he did not realize just how pretty he was, and that his beauty could make people envious. Then again, one could not blame him for being half-Veela. It was a curse and a gift.

The Veela boy wondered what a ukulele was. "What is a ukulele? It sounds like a disease," Damian asked with a frown on his face. He did not want someone around him if they were diseased! Damian did not like those people with snot dripping from their noses and wiping it on their hand and then shaking hands with someone. Oh that was so gross! And then they would get inside of the system and then give that disease to him! Damian wrinkled his nose at the thought of dogs, "Oh dogs are nasty. They sniff their butts and lick people in the face. Ew!" Damian hated dogs, and he preferred fish and turtles over dogs. "Yes, you do. Ravenclaws need to be smart! And skipping classes is not smart at all." Damian shrugged a bit. He tried to read her eyes, and he could not get anything. One could look into his own and see that he was as happy as once can get. "I can totally help you get on track! But pretty soon, I have to get to the Quidditch team. If I am late, oh boy would I get in trouble!"
Angela watched the boy look at the butterflies. He seemed to like them. That was an odd thought for Angela. Most boys wanted or liked macho Animals, this one seemed to enjoy the lighter ones. She giggled at his comment. If it was anyone else, someone who hadn't influenced her with their happiness, she would have glared. She would have given them ice from her pools of aqua. But, Angela sensed that he meant no harm by what he said. So she let it go still. "I might, but I want to either re-dye it first, or let it go back to the black it was at one point." She commented. Angela had dyed her hair to make her Guardian mad, she hated him. He wasn't allowed near Kairi, she had made that clear.

"No, it's an instrument. Like a mini-guitar. I think they're cute." She smiled a bit. It was funny how he thought it was a disease. Him not liking dogs was okay, it was an opinion, she shrugged. "They also will protect you, and are loyal no matter what. Carrion was a great dog." She said, and looked at the grass. then back up with a bit of a smile. "You could? That would be great. Well, if you need to go, I wouldn't want to hold you back." She said, her voice with smiles and honesty.
Damian wondered why she would want to dye it again. It was a pretty color, but he did like his own multicolored hair. He did not have to dye his dark, as it was naturally like that. Even though his mom and dad weren't dark headed, he inherited the gene somehow. He did not mind. He had a few blonde chunks in his hair, and it was noticeable, but he liked it like that. Damian did not have to dye his hair much though. "Black hair is pretty on people if it is natural." He nodded and smiled, but then he remembered those scary girls with black hair, that would be labeled under gothic, and they scared him. So, it would have to be natural and not dress and act like that. They gave Damian nightmares!

Laughing at his own over-dramatic thoughts, Damian pictured a miniature guitar in his mind and thought it was the cutest thing ever! He wanted one! "I see it in my head, and I think it would be adorable to have one!" Damian exclaimed with happiness and a giggle. Damian shrugged and he pointed out, "I have a big brother for that. I am just not a dog person at all." He shrugged once more and he did not ever want a dog. He could never be seen having one. He would prefer to have a bat over a dog. And that was saying something! "Yeah, I could always help you! I am a smart kid, at least I like to think I am. I love Potions so much!" Damian stood up and he brushed the dust off of his pants and he smiled down at Angela. He liked her. She would be a great friend! "I probably should go to make sure I am not late. I'll catch you around though! And don't fall asleep!" He winked one of his teal eyes at her before he skipped off toward the direction of the Quidditch Pitch. One would think that he was not straight at all.
Angela sat in the silence for a few more seconds, as Damian seemed to think about a reply. He said that he liked black hair, and she smiled. She had liked hers. It had fit her when she went through her goth faze, which had put her in the faze that had been dubbed, 'The Scene Faze'. She liked being scene. She had thrown out most of her dark colors, and now had rainbow-like skinny jeans and such. She had even fallen in love with the color orange, and made that her favorite color. "I liked mine when I had it." She commented to him.

She heard him laugh slightly, which made her want to know what he was thinking. She didn't respond to his older brother comment. Angela had once had an older brother. One that she had... killed. She had trouble thinking those thoughts, because somewhere deep inside her, she didn't care, and she felt like a monster. She sighed slightly and nodded at him with a bit of a forced smile. He had to leave, she understood that. She nodded and waved a bit, standing herself up with her book. Angela was sleepy, she let out a yawn and decided to leave. Damian, and his strange thoughts and attitude, still in her head.

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