
Kobi Clivey

OOC First Name
Yin and Rhi
Kobi wandered around Europe after a very busy day helping her aunt and uncle cleaning the vacation house of the Cliveys..They had just acquired the house from a coworker of Mrs. Clivey and decided to settle their since it would be easier for her and her cousin to travel..

White skirt billowing around her slender legs,Kobi sighed as she still tried to convince them to just study in Beaubaxtons than in HNZ where Rhianne,her cousin,is a fifth year..She kicked a pebble,not noticing anybody who met her..Until....

Haku walked down a street in Europe, trying to find someone who he could talk to. He was bored out of his brain, trying to find something to do. Beauxbatons was quiet these days. And he had nothing to do. He sighed to himself, wondering what he could do. He chuckled as he watched a pebble roll past him. "Hey there." he said to a rather good looking girl who had kicked it.
Kobi looked up and find a handsome guy about her age smiling at her..She smiled back as she flipped her hair.."Hello..",she greeted..He seem friendly enough which Kobi noticed then..

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