Where has my heart gone?

Melody Thomas

Well-Known Member
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Dressed up in her own man made dress, Melody walked out of her fashion show debut. It had been a pretty big hit, seeing as everyone had liked it. Her assistants and directors wanted to go to a bar, why shouldn't she go? The brunette clonked her way to the bar, happily sitting with them. Of course she had a few drinks, what could a bit of alcohol do to you? Three firewhiskeys and a few other drinks later, Melody was pretty drunk. Her eye sight was out and she just wasn't herself. But she managed to get out of the bar, but to where?

Something bright was shining on her face. " Does the sun really have to come up that early?" She asked, opening her eyes. To her misconception, it was the sun setting.. the next day. " Oh dear." She sighed and stood up on her feet, her bag still on the ground. Atleast she had had a nice soft pillow. Where in the world was she? It was a forest indeed, but where was the exit? The brunette walked around the leaves looking around everywhere but all there was, was more trees. Doing that for a good fews hours really tired her out, sitting on the ground she softly cried to herself. " What have I done?" She wiped the tear that was in the corner of her eye.
Dervish put Rio down on the floor then looked up at the time. He was at his mother's house for a while but Melody hadn't arrived back home yet. He was getting worried. She was meant to have been there a few hours ago and yet it was nearly nine now and there was still no sign.

Derv turned around to his mum as she walked back into the room. "Mum, I'm gonna need you to look after Rio. I'm need to go looking for Mel." Sam walked over to her son and hugged him before looking at him and seeing his father in his eyes. "Good luck. I'll be here when you get back." Derv thanked his mum then walked out the house and disapparated to the area he's heard Melody say the fashion show was going to be in. He didn't know the area but he was going to keep looking for any clue he could possibly get of where she had gone. He had to.
The brunette looked at herself carefully, well atleast what she could see from her perspective. Her feet were a bit dirty with mud and parts of leaves, that could be taken care of easily with some water. The witch's arms were ok, as well as her neck. She shrugged, her face probably looked like a mess. Why did it have to be so dark that she couldn't even see her own white shoes? The tears had stopped coming from her eyes, because she knew that there was a out she was going to get out of the forest. Melody pushed her brown hair back and got up again, maybe seeing some car lights from a street that could be around.

Of course there was going to be nothing? Her luck was always crap. It was getting a bit chilly out, and she didn't know what to do at all. She did have her wand but that wouldn't help her.. or would it? She could do her patronus, but it would really be a weak one. The brunette sent her tiger patronus to Dervish, where ever he was. But it only lasted a few minutes, she was very weak.
Dervish walked along the side of the town with his eyes on full alert. He didn't want to miss anything. That's when he saw it. Something silvery was walking around. He turned his head and saw a Tiger patronus. It was very weak and faded almost as soon as he saw it. Dervish felt more worried than he had before. The patronus was very weak and was obviously a call for help.

Dervish ran in the direction that the patronus had come from. It was almost pitch black in here and he couldn't see where he was walking. "Lumos." His wand lit and he pointed it in front of him. "Melody!!" He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he listened out for a reply. "Melody!! Where are you?!" Mel had to be special for Dervish to care about her this much. Usually it was only family that got this amount of care and attention from Dervish. Friends cam second in his life and here he was going around an area he knew nothing about because he was worried about Mel.
How on earth did she end up coming to a forest last night? Even her drunk self wouldn't do that. The brunette shook her head and walked around some more. She needed to find a way out of here and it had to be super fast. But there was a voice in the distance. Praying to herself quietly that it was Dervish, she heard her name being called. " I'm here!" She could barely get out of her throat, she was also getting sick aswell. Mel leaned against a tree, slowy falling to the ground. Hopefully he would be here soon.
Dervish's heart skipped a beat when he heard something. It was quiet but it was definitely Melody. He worked out which direction the noise had come from and ran there. Dervish had to strain his eyes to see in the dark; even with his wand lit. Then he saw her. Mel was leant against a tree not too far away. He ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her back. "Mel!! What happened?!"
The brunette threw her arms around Dervish's neck and sighed out of relief. " I'm so happy that someone found me." She said, barely audible. Mel looked from side to side. " Last night I was out drinking, and the next thing I know is I'm stuck in the forest out here by myself." Mel rubbed her head. " My head hurts, I'm sick, everything really hurts, and I'm glad to see you." She nodded, closing her eyes.
Dervish could feel that Mel was freezing. While he was listening to her story, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. He then picked her up and apparated to the living room and placed her on the sofa. Rio was no longer in the room so he guessed Sam had put him to bed. "Mum." He was glad when Sam ran through the door almost immediately. Sam knew lots about how to look after the ill. It was something you picked up whilst being a mum.
Melody felt better with a jacket around her, indeed she was freezing from being out there for a whole day. Being inside the house felt better, it made her warmer and it was a better aura than the stupid forest. From not having too much sleep the other nights, Melody had seemed to have fallen asleep very quickly.
Dervish kept hold of Melody as he turned to his mum. "She needs something warm. She's freezing." His mum's reply was. "Put her in your old room. Wrap her in the duvet." He immediately did what he was told and took Mel up to his old bedroom. He hadn't been in it for months so it was weird going back in there but he paid no attention. His attention was completely on Mel as he wrapped her in the duvet and sat beside her.
Melody could feel her body being warm, such a nice feeling. She opened her eyes to see Dervish beside her, looking at her. Melody figured that she was in pretty rough shape, and must've looked pretty beaten up. " I look terrible don't I?" She turned her head. Mel thought that she must've sounded atrocious as well.
Dervish nodded and laughed. "You could say that." He smiled slightly. "Do you want a warm bath or a drink or some food??" He lifted a leaf out of her hair. "I'm pretty sure you'd love to get all of this out of your hair." He ruffled her hair and kissed her forhead.
Melody nodded, she would love a good shower. Thank goodness that her bag was filled with clothes that she could use. " I'm totally up for that shower option." The brunette laughed, lifting the duvet off of her. " Thank you for coming to save me, it means a lot to me." The brunette nodded. " You mean a lot to me." Melody said truthfully.
Dervish walked into the bathroom and ran the tap for the bath to fill as he put the plug in. Then he stood in the bathroom doorway as he looked over to Mel getting out of bed. "I couldn't exactly leave you out there to freeze to death could I??"
Melody nodded her head, that was true. She lifted herself up on the bed, feeling a bit of pain in her side. " I don't want to look like a forest lady anymore, time for that bath." She said, slowly walking to the bathroom. The brunette closed the door, and got into the bath. It felt wonderful not to be dirty and full of dirt and leaves anymore. Thankfully she had other clothes to change into. Mel changed into a simple t shirt and jeans. " I feel much better now." She said, walking out of the bathroom.
Dervish sat on his bed and read one of the books beside the bed. He closed the book and put it down when he heard the door open. "You feeling better??" Derv got up and walked over to her. Melody looked a lot better now that she was cleaned up and warm. She was still a bit pale but he was sure she'd be fine by tomorrow morning.
Melody nodded, feeling clean was making her a whole lot better. " I feel clean, I don't think that dirt was a real good look for me." The brunette made a joke. " How were you for the two weeks?" Melody asked. " I missed you a lot." It wasn't a lie, she really missed him.
Dervish shrugged. "Okay I suppose. Went to work, went to the park, talked with mum, went to work, went to the park, went to the pub." Dervish always found things kinda boring but he got on with them without complaining. "What about you?? How did the shows go??"
Mel nodded, listening to what he had to say. " The shows were great, my clothes are a hit!" Melody said very happily. " Everyone liked it, and some other designers want to work with me on collaborating our ideas together." The brunette smiled widely. " I can remember everything else, except the last night." She sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Dervish nodded as he listened to her story. "That sounds great. You'll be world-wide famous before the end of the year." He laughed slightly then sighed at what she said next. "Give it time. You'll probably start having flashbacks and gradually remember more and more of the night."
" Hopefully." She said laying herself back down on the bed. Melody was extremely exhausted, not just physically but mentally as well. " I guess your right." The brunette nodded. " One day it might just even pop up in my head." Mel sighed as she rubbed her forehead. " I'm just happy that I'm not there anymore at all, I don't feel like traveling for a long time." She said with a bit of a smile at the end of her sentence.
Dervish shook his head. "You have to travel. It's what you love doing and it's how you do your job the best." He smiled as he thought about things. "How about next time I go with you. We can work as a team to make sure you don't fall into any ditches." He grinned cheekily as he replied.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for the lame reply
Melody laughed, and rubber her face with her hands. " Yeah, and make sure I don't get lost in the forest for a few days." The brunette laughed and sat up from lying down on the bed. " I would love for you to come with me." She nodded happily.
Dervish grinned. "I've worked there for three years and barely had any days off so an application shouldn't be rejected." He shrugged. "When's the next one?? I'll get it put in as soon as I can." It was easier if you could get things done before they needed to be done because then things didn't pile up when you found yourself doing something you weren't expecting.
Melody scratched her head and placed her head on her palm, " The next one? Hmm." She thought before answering. " I have to go back in a few weeks, so if you can come with me that would be great." Mel gave a happy smile. " Why are you staying so far from me? Do I still smell bad?" The brunette asked curiously.

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