When will this boredom end?

Amber Wilson

Well-Known Member
Sitting at her desk, staring out her window at the vast blue ocean, Amber was bored once again. Resting her head on her hand she sighed, her mother and father wanted hr to be poised and mature, like an adult. They sent her to France every summer to learn proper etiquette from her grandmother, they tried to restrict her into only communicating with people that are of "Proper" families. They only really cared about what people thought of her and the family. Looks were everything to them. They cared more about what people thought of her than how she felt about being forced into learning how to be a stuck up snob. She was merely a child and they burdened her with adult responsibilities. She was supposed to look perfect, act perfect and be perfect. How am i supposed to be the perfect child when in not allowed to be a child? She thought to herself. She wanted to go outside for a walk to breathe the fresh air and clear her head but she wasn't usually allowed out without a servant or family member with her. Unless nobody knew she was going out. She had snuck out before, and hadn't been caught. She dismissed the thought of sneaking out when she realised the housekeeper would catch her before she got the chance to shut the front door.

Looking down at the books on her desk she was supposed to be reading, Amber ran a hand through her hair and sat up straight. She picked up one of the books and skimmed the first couple of pages. It was set in France. Uninterested, she put the book down. She had read a lot of books in her life, ones that were short, ones that were long and ones that were complicated. Her grandmother assigned her to read certain books on her annual trips to Paris, her mother's hometown. Paris was beautiful, it had an amazing history and it's the fashion capital of the world. But unlike most girls, she never liked going. Due to the fact that she was under almost constant supervision by her grandmother. Who indiscreetly pointed out her flaws. She commented on her hairstyle, her clothing, even her skin tone. She seemed to think Amber was too pale. Amber enjoyed being pale, she liked how it made her eyes pop out more then any make up could and she liked how it made her hair seem darker. Hearing an unusual noise, Amber snapped back into reality. She stood up to listen to the noise, it sounded like it was coming from outside. She ventured her way to her window to listen more carefully, she heard the noise again. Curious as to where the noise was coming from and what was making the noise, Amber left her room.

She walked down the Hall quietly; making sure the housekeeper couldn't hear her. When she got to the main staircase she glanced around her shoulder, nobody was in sight; she would be able to go outside without anybody seeing her. Walking down the staircase, she noticed the noise getting louder and louder as she got closer to the front door. Once she was at the front door, Amber paused. She was getting slightly nervous. The noise was obviously coming from somewhere on the property, Amber opened the door and peeked outside. She couldn't see anybody; she noticed the noise was coming from the rose garden. Amber pushed the door open and walked outside. It was a sunny day and the air smelled fresh, she paused for a moment. Then started to walk slowly to the rose garden. She wanted to take her time, it was a beautiful day and she wanted to make the most of it before she had to go inside again. The summer air made her feel calm, being outside made her feel calm. Once she had arrived at the rose garden, she saw what was making the noise, a pair of hedge trimmers. Nobody was using them; they were lying on the path. Hedge trimmers don't cut hedges by themselves. She thought to herself as she casually strolled to them. She lent forward to pick them up and felt her hand brush against someone else's. She looked up to see a boy, a boy who looked about her age. Amber paused and stood up. "I don't believe i have seen you around here before." She said as she looked at the boy expecting an explanation.
It was mesmerizing, the way the Wilson state servants went about even the most simple of tasks; even the way they walked was mellifluous, like nothing could have startled them from their job. Dusting, dancing. Cooking, composing. Gardening, glimmering. It was as if they weren't humans at all, but that was silly, impossible.

Nervously, Finnian's amond-shaped eyes watched every slight movement. Musing. He had never seen anyone worked like that before, even at the previous places that they had been. It was really amazing, how large and great the Wilson Manor is, even the servants were great.

It's been weeks since he was hired to be gardener at the said manor, quite an easy task if compared to his other works before. All he had to do is to tend the garden, make sure that the flowers were in full bloom and that there would be no weeds. With a wide, joyful grin, Finnian dashed around the garden. Even the said place was wonderful, flowers, trees...everything was just so beautiful for him. Looking around him, started to do the work that was just assigned to him by one of the head gardeners, trim the hedges. He trimmed the sides of the hedge first using the hedge trimmers that were given to him. He cut from the bottom to the top in an upward motion keeping the blade straight against the side, after that the top of the hedge next. Keeping the blade just above the cord line that has been pulled tight for a guide, Finnian started to cut in sweeping motions all in the same direction working along the top of the hedge until he get to the end.

After he's done, Finnian set down the trimmers on the ground and approached one of the tall trees planted around him. Swinging an arm around a low-hanging tree branch to one of the several maple trees, the boy let out a laugh, tugging himself up amongst the red, gold, orange leaves and seating himself on a sturdy limb, no one was around, and thus he decided to stay there just for a few minutes. Deciding that he had had enough, Finnian slowly descended the tree, quickly remembering that he had not returned the hedge trimmers at its proper place.

Quickly walking towards the place where he had left the hedge trimmers, Finnian let out a sigh of relief when he saw it lying peacefully there. at least the head gardener didn't saw it He thought, it would really be bad if the head gardener discovered that he's not putting the tools in the tool shed, he might get kicked out of the manor. Approaching the hedge trimmers with his eyes closed in deep thinking, Finnian was startled when he felt someone brush pass him. Opening his eyes, he saw the least person that he had expected to see. It was a girl, a girl which is roughly around his age, looking so elegant that she appears to be the daughter of the manor's owner. Being extremely surprised, Finnian had not quickly responded to the girl's question. What if the girl had seen him messing around, what if the girl would tell her father that he, the new garderner, was not doing his work properly? Finnian knew that he'll de doomed. Taking deep breaths to calm himself, Finnian finally had the courage to reply."I'm...I'm basically new here.. I'm just recently hired... ma'am..." He said softly, not really looking at the girl in the eyes.

Since Amber was old enough to talk she had been taught to be stern with the servants, she had been told to give them orders that were sensible, she had been told to respect the servants. Most importantly, she had been told to keep formality between her and the servants, she had never called a servant by their first name, she had only called them by their last name to respect them. Amber had always followed those guidelines. Listening to the boy say that he was newly hired shocked her a little. He was just a child. Although, this newly hired Gardener had been off his task of trimming the hedges. Usually, if a servant had been caught slacking off they would receive punishment; her parents would usually demote them. Amber had never been in a situation like this before. Her parents would usually take care of something like this but they were away again, both of them. She couldn't call and tell them what had happened even if she wanted to. They would be too busy with their work to pay any attention to her, as usual. None the less the boy had been hired to serve her and her family, not slack off. All the servants had been hired to help around the house and mansion grounds, they served her family well, paying attention to even the tiniest detail. They made everything around the house perfect, almost too perfect. Amber knew what her parents would do, they would instantly demote the boy. Amber however, wasn't so harsh.

She had never seen the boy on the mansion grounds before, she believed he wasn't lying about being a new addition to the many servants at the Wilson estate. It had many servants; they were well looked after while they worked, they were made to feel welcome. "Welcome to the Wilson Estate. Im Amber Wilson, My parents own this mansion." She said with a warm tone, every new employee was personally welcomed to working at the estate. Amber felt she needed to introduce herself personally. The servant's jobs at the mansion varied daily. The head housekeeper assigned different jobs to the servants every morning. One day a servant could be assigned to simply making the beds in the morning, the next day a servant could be assigned to cleaning the dishes after dinner. That was just the servants that worked inside the house. The servants that worked on the grounds had it different. They had the same job every day. Their job was simple; make the mansion grounds look absolutely perfect. They tended to the garden, making the roses beautiful. They mowed the grass, making it all the same length and they also trimmed the hedges, the task the boy was supposed to be doing. Amber wasn't bothered the boy left the hedge trimmers on the ground, she didn't care at all. The only reason she was thinking of a punishment for the boy was because it was her duty to, she lived in the mansion, and her family hired him to work in the garden. She knew her parents would want nothing except perfection, and since they were gone once again, she was responsible for any mistakes that may occur.

Amber had always been burdened with responsibility, more than any other girl her age. She had always been expected to act like an adult, she was expected to be wise, she was expected to be mature. She wasn't expected to be a child. Amber sighed; the burden of punishing somebody like him would make her feel really guilty. He was only a child. A child her age, she knew there must be a good reason for somebody her age to be working as a gardener for a mansion like the one she lived in. She didn't know exactly what the reason was, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. She concluded the boy mustn't have a very good home life. She needed to find out his name. "Since you are new here, i need to know your name" She said confidently to the boy, keeping her language formal. He was a servant and she wasn't going to teat him any differently than she would any other servant. Although, she wanted to talk casually to the boy. He was the only servant that was close to her age, she wanted to know why he was working on the grounds at her home instead of hanging out with his friends. It seemed odd to her, almost surreal. They boy seemed distant, it seemed he felt anxious that Amber was going to immediately tell her father. She needed to reassure him that she wasn't going to tell anybody. "I will let you off with a warning because you are new here, but i hope you know the servants here are expected to work hard." She stated. She looked at the boy, he wasn't looking directly at her. She knew that wasn't respectful, but she shrugged it off. He was new at the mansion after all.
Finnian held his breath to wait for the punishment that would be given to him. Sooner or later, hem knew that it would come, punishments always come to those who had neglected their duty after all. He had learned that a long time ago. Though he was very young, he had already learned the harshness of reality, when you have no parents and you have no capability to sustain your needs, you need to work hard, harder than anyone that you know. That is the only way that one can survive. His parents had did when he was still barely a year old, he had been left in the care of his grandparents who are very old that they cannot support him anymore. He understands that, that is actually the reason that even though he was just a kid, he have to work in the large Wilson State.

Finnian, being new in the manor, had not really met the daughter of the owner. He was always working in the garden, and so it seems to him that the girl is one who barely goes out of their house. But he can already guess that the girl standing in front of him is the heiress, she got that elegant and proper air about her after all. Bracing himself for the words to come, Finnian was surprised that instead of reprimanding him, the girl had actually welcomed him warmly. That's new for him, never did he encounter an heiress, much less his master, who would do something like that. So like the good servant that he is, he bowed his head, keeping in mind that he must be courteous every time that he is around with anybody else in the estate. "It's my greatest pleasure to finally meet you ma'am" He said softly as he straightened and showed a tiny smile.

Finnian was even more surprised when the girl had asked for his name. On his previous works, his masters would not even bother to know the names of their servants, they would just go around throwing orders without even thanking them, not that they should do it, the servant's job is to serve his master at all cost without expecting any gratitude in return. It was really hard for Finnian to accept that fact at first, but as time goes by, he had learned to accept that not life is never fair to everyone. He had learned to do things without expecting anything in return. He had learned that his existence is not that important to anyone else. That's why when the girl had asked for his name, a strange happiness had consumed him, he was really glad that even though he was just a servant in the place, his master would go out of her way to ask for his name. "My name is Finnian Rosenkranz ma'am" He said slowly but softly, maintaining his polite demeanor. He had never seen anyone around his age in the manor, he can pretty much see that every servant there is older than him, so it was quite a relief that the heiress was actually his age. But despite that, he knows all too well that he cannot really be friends with the girl, that would be inappropriate.

Finnian was relieved when the girl had reassured him that she was not going to report him to her parents. He was really glad. He knows for sure that he'll be kicked out of the manor once the owners knew that he was slacking off.He doesn't want to lose his job, he would have no place to live in if he does, and besides, he knew that his grandparents would surely be worried once they discovered what had happened to him. He knows all too well that he must keep his job no matter what. "I promise, I won't neglect my duty ever again, I'll work very hard ma'am, I'm sorry for slacking off.." He said apologetically, bowing down once again to show that he was really sincere in his apology.
Because of every little formality between servant and master, Amber wasn't allowed to be a child around somebody her own age. She had to treat them like she treated every servant, with a great deal of respect and professionalism. The only way to do that in this case was to be completely formal. Being forced to do that with servants older then her was weird enough as it was, but now that she had to treat somebody that was a child as much as she was felt so wrong to her. It made her feel like she was powerful. It made her feel like the last thing she wanted to be, "Rich". Amber had always been wealthy and it was almost impossible for her to feel that way, considering her house, her clothing, everything. Up until now she had always felt wealthy. Now she felt like a stereotype, she felt like the stereotype of a wealthy person. It was the only stereotype she didn't want. A stereotype that made people think you were a snob, a stereotype that made people think you were selfish. Amber knew she wasn't a snob, she has always accepted everybody she meets, no matter what background they might have. She knew she wasn't selfish either, she hardly ever did anything for herself, she spent too much of her time trying to please other people. But she still felt like something she wasn't.

Starting to feel insecure, Amber folded her arms and looked down at her feet. She rarely felt insecure, she usually felt confident, she knew her strengths and her weaknesses. But she still recognised the feeling all too well, she knew exactly how it felt to be insecure, she just hadn't experienced it as much as other people might have. Mostly because everyday it was her duty to make sure everything in her house was running smoothly, she had to make sure every servant was working properly, in order to do that she needed to be confident. It was part of being formal. Amber had gotten used to being formal, it plagued her at the worst of times. She would say extremely formal things in a casual conversation, because of this, she had grown used to acting confident too. Amber had realised she was being informal and unprofessional to the boy named Finnian, who had just told her his name. She didn't really care that she was showing insecurities around him. She was tired of being perfect and he was her age and she didn't want to boss him around anyway. If she had wanted to treat him like a servant in the first place, she would have cared that she was showing insecurity.

Realising that she was zining out again, Amber looked up at Finnian and smiled softly, he was a child just like her and they should act like children. Noticing Finnian's almost excessive bowing, she started to feel a little guilty. Finnian was being a little distant towards her, she didn't know wether it was something she had done or something completely different. Either way, She wanted to make him feel comfortable around her. She reached out and stroked his shoulder gently "You don't have to bow, Finnian." She said softly, she wanted to reassure him that he didn't need to apologize. Even though she was being a little harsh before doesn't mean she needs to be apologized to. She wanted him to know that. Amber knew she was breaking all the rules she had followed for as long as she can remember, she was treating a servant like a friend. She was beyond caring, they were both children they should act like it. They shouldn't be wasting their childhood burdened by adult responsibilities; they should be playing with their friends instead.
Finnian, since he was young, had already accepted the fact that he should work hard in order to survive. He had already accepted the fact that he cannot really act just like any other kids his age. He was different and he was forced to realize that everyday. Since he was a child, despite of having his grandparents to support him, Finnian had learned to work in order to afford his cost of living. He had never experienced the things that a normal child like him had experienced. He had never played with his peers, he had never talked to someone about trivial things, and most of all, he had never felt how it is to be a child. It was as if the early parts of his life had been rob off him. That is precisely the reason why he had never really felt comfortable with talking to someone who is around his age, he had always been distant. He wouldn't even want to associate himself with others if can avoid it, he wouldn't really open up and let his guards down. People would often say that he has a weak personality, that he was extremely shy, but he is not, it's just that he doesn't like being the center of attention, he's perfectly comfortable with just staying in the sidelines.

Finnian slightly felt uncomfortable with just standing there, looking at the heiress in front of him and waiting for her to say something. He knew that it would be rude for someone who is a servant just like him to look at their master's face or even more, to their eyes, but he cannot really help it. IF the girl was taller than him, then it would have been much easier, but since they were just about the same height and age, he cannot help but to look at her. He felt really awkward with nothing but silence in between of them, normally, he would enjoy the said silence since by that time, he can contemplate about his life, this time however, he cannot help but be insecure, he cannot understand the reason why the girl was not speaking after all.

He wondered whether the girl was thinking about the punishment that she would give him or if she had already taken back the words that she had said when she told him that she wouldn't inform her parents about his misbehavior. Finnian cannot help but to worry once again, even though he wouldn't show it, he was already hating the silence of the girl, it makes him feel uncomfortable and nervous.

Finnian, however, was suddenly brought out of his reverie when he felt someone touching him in the shoulder. He was quite startled by the action that he had instinctively slapped the hand away from him. He had never been used with unnecessary physical contact after all.He, however, had realized the mistakes of his action when it finally dawned to him that the one who did it was actually the daughter of his masters. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that.. I just.." He said hurriedly, his voice trailing off as fear began to accumulate in him. He knows all too well that he had already gotten overboard by neglecting his duty, and now, he had hurt the heiress who was just trying to be nice to him. "I didn't mean to slap your hand, I'm really sorry.." He added, worry apparent on his usually calm face.

Amber was pleased with her ever so kind gesture. She wanted Finnian to feel comfortable around her and she wanted him to a little less distant. She had always been kind to everybody she had met, she would comfort them when they were sad, she would make them laugh with jokes that had been told many times before, and sometimes, she even felt it necessary to be rude to people for their own good. She has always wanted what was best for everyone else. Maybe that was why she had so many friends instead of acquaintances. It was because she just seemed too nice; she wasn't one to be a pushover either. It was one of her main goals to make other people happy. She wanted to make the world seem brighter to everyone. She wanted everyone to be as happy and as positive as she was. She wanted to make everyone see the world in a positive state of mind. Because of this Amber wanted to make Finnian happy as she would any other person. Finnian seemed troubled; he seemed burdened by so many other things. Amber couldn’t even imagine what they might be.

Feeling Finnian slap her hand away from him almost instantly, Amber felt insulted. She had been kind to Finnian and tried to make him feel better, usually when she attempts to make people feel more comfortable they let her. She had concluded that it was a mix of her looks, personality and kind aura. For some reason, Finnian wasn't like that at all. Amber could start to feel her blood boil a little. She thought it was extremely rude for him to slap her hand. She meant it in the nicest way possible, yet he couldn't help but automatically reject her. It made her feel sick that somebody could be so inconsiderate like that. She bit her bottom lip, she was trying to hide how insulted she was that somebody could hurt her after she had been so kind to them and tried to make them feel better. She wanted to yell at Finnian, she wanted to scream at him so he could have more sense. Boys weren't supposed to hit girls, yet he still did. Amber didn't have enough guts to yell at him though. It wasn't in her kind nature. However, it was in her nature to forgive people for their mistakes. Finnian had started to apologize, he seemed scared, he knew she could just tell her mother and father and he would be gone. Still, she felt some sort of pity for him.

Running a delicate hand through her luscious chocolate brown hair, Amber let out an exasperated sigh. She didn't want Finnian to feel scared but she didn't want him to feel okay with what he had done either. Looking down at her hand, Amber saw that it was turning red, the slap had hurt a little and she still felt angry that Finnian was stupid enough to actually hit a girl. Even somebody as fragile as her. She knew it would bruise badly if she didn't get some ice on it quick. Amber had always been weak, she originally thought it was due to her slim figure; she had changed her mind once she realised she could bruise so easily. She had become angry and pitiful towards Finnian at the same time. She was reluctant to speak to him at all, but she knew she had to. "You need to come with me to get some ice now." She said with another sigh, making sure she didn't look at Finnian. Amber knew that she needed to take care of herself, she knew that Finnian should go with her to get some ice too. He's the one that had hurt her and it was his responsibility.
Finnian cannot help but to avert his gaze from the girl, he couldn't bring himself to look at her at all, he knows that he's the one at fault yet he cannot really say anything else beside apologizing. Drooping his head down, Finnian noticed the damage that he had done to the girl's hand, it was turning red and he knew that it would surely leave a mark. Realizing that makes him to even more regret his past action, yet he cannot undo that at all. What's done is done, he knows that fact all to well. All he can do now is to wait for the consequence, he can already imagine the things that will happen to him after what he had done. Surely, Amber's parents' would know what had happened and they will fire him, he doesn't want that to happen yet he cannot do anything at all, it is his own mistake.

Finnian cannot help but be angry at himself, he had felt that Amber was just trying to be nice to him yet he had pushed her away, he had hurt her and he had rejected her. He did not really meant to do that, it was just a second nature to him, he instinctively rejects those who offers their help to him, he was just so distant at that, after all, he had never really experienced how it is to be a child. It was hard for him as well to interact with other people, he doesn't like being engaged in such situations. He's a person who finds it hard to trust someone after all, he finds it hard to actually have some real friends.

Finnian looked up to face Amber when he had finally heard her speak. It was actually a relief for him, the girl had not spoken since he had slapped her hand after all. Looking at Amber, Finnian noticed that she refuses to look at him at all. By that, Finnian felt a heavy feeling, he felt guilty and sad. Amber was the first person who had actually talked to him and who had actually tried to be kind to him in the mansion, yet, because of what he had done, she wouldn't even look at him at all. Not knowing what to do, Finnian just followed Amber's order to go with her and to get some ice, it was his responsibility as a servant and as the one who had caused her to be in pain after all. Biting his lips, Finnian apologized once again, looking at Amber even though she wasn't looking at him at all. "Yes ma'am, I'll do that, I'm really sorry once again.."
Knowing the right thing to do was to take care of herself, Amber was pleased when Finnian agreed to go to the kitchen to get some ice with her. She respected the fact that he felt some kind of faint remorse and wanted her to feel better. Although she did stand in place for a moment and continued to stare at her hand, wondering wether or not Finnian was being completely genuine. In the back of her mind, Amber did suspect that he had agrees only out of fear due to how he was biting his lip and apologizing repeatedly in a state of panic. Either way, Amber needed to get some ice on her reddening hand as soon as possible. She did have a slight urge to forget absolutely everything about getting ice and leaving her pale, delicate hand to bruise. Which would leave Finnian a reason to feel guilty for an extended period of time until her hand healed. She knew that it would take longer for her bruise to heal, mostly because of her weakness and her sheer determination to show Finnian more of the complete consequences of what he had done. She obviously wasn't going to turn him into her parents, she would be ridden with guilt. She would've most likely ruined what Finnian could've had. Still, she didn't know anything about him, apart from how distant he was and his tendency to physically hurt girls as fragile as her. She did want to know more about him, she hoped it would explain why he was jumpy enough to hurt her and why he was being so distant. However, Amber had a feeling she would have to wait a little longer to understand where he was coming from. He seemed like the kind of person that wouldn't be able to open up anybody easily, let alone her. She shook her head and realised she should be getting to the kitchen soon, leaving her hand too long without ice would being more pain for her and her hand was starting to sting anyway.

Because of what Finnian had done, Amber still resented the thought of looking at him. She wanted to be as antisocial as possible. This was completely different for her, she was usually very social and wanted to be as nice as possible to everybody. That day was different. That day Amber wanted to avoid any kind of socializing, she knew it was because what Finnian had done. She now thought that he was being the way he was around her because of something she must've done. She had realised that there must be some people that don't respond to anything kind. It was hard for her to believe anything like that but she needed to because now she had experienced it. The right thing for her to do was to try and forgive and forget what Finnian had done. It was hard for her to do that sometimes but she knew that she needed to because Finnian worked at her mansion. She would see him around a lot and it would be easier on the both of them if they could just forget about it. Amber knew that it would take her a while to completely get over and forgive Finnian. She didn't know how long it would take for him though. She still questioned herself wether Finnian was being genuine or not, she didn't know if he meant what he was saying. She had a feeling it was only out fear instead of actual remorse. She could understand why Finnian was scared, if she was in his shoes she would be scared out of her mind, she would also feel a great deal of remorse too. Finnian wasn't showing any remorse or regret. Finnian didn't really show any emotion besides fear as far as Amber could notice. It enticed her and repelled her at the same time, she wanted to know more, yet she didn't want to get hurt again. Inhaling deeply, Amber gathered up the courage to look straight at Finnian, right into his eyes "I guess we better go now then." Amber stated, she wanted to keep a distance from Finnian, she felt slightly anxious about f he would hurt her again. She kept her face emotionless as she continued to stare at him.

Deciding to start walking to the kitchen. Amber turned around and started walking, assuming Finnian would follow her. The weather was still sunny and beautiful, this made her feel more relaxed and comfortable, her mood always seemed to change depending on the weather. She liked it, it made her feel unique. The sunny weather made her feel almost comfortable enough to actually forget about Finnian. She smiled brilliantly to herself as she exited the rose garden and moved into the front lawn. As she passed the hedge maze she felt her smile brighten, she had lots of fun there when she was younger but she hadn't been there for a few years. She liked nature and exploring things and the hedge maze was the perfect place to do that. She wanted to go there later on. Maybe after she had some ice on her hand. As she approached the front door she noticed that it was slightly open. She wasn't sure if it was her that had left it open or somebody else. She shrugged, ignoring it. The weather was beautiful and the classiness of the mansion fit the amazing weather perfectly. She entered the door, leaving it open for Finnian to walk through and she walked straight through the perfectly polished entrance hall floor and made her way to the back of the mansion, where the kitchen was. Amber had always liked the kitchen, it looked so old fashioned and the modern top of the line appliances didn't change how classic it looked one bit. The kitchen was void of people at the time, Amber concluded they were either out to lunch or doing other jobs around the house. She sat on the wooden table across from the freezer and smiled to herself once more, she left getting the ice up to Finnian. It was still his responsibility to help her feel better.
<COLOR color="#000">Finnian just stood there, waiting for anything that the girl would say. He waited, and waited, and waited. As each minute crept by, he could feel his heart squeezing tighter and tighter. Why was it taking so long? He had half-expected that she would slap him or she would shout at him, but rather, she had given him the cold-shoulder. She wasn't talking at all. Not after she had ordered him to go to the kitchen with her. Finnian remembered all the things that happened, the way that he had hurt the girl, the look on her face, and the way that she speaks after that, every moment is pain, each passing second only passes in agony, he can't help but think it would be easier to run, it would be easier for him to just leave, but he knows he can't run, he has to stay. He's a servant and she's his master. He cannot run away from his duties. He cannot run away from his responsibilities. If he did run away, he was sure that his grandparents would feel really bad. He was sure that they were going to be hurt. Finnian cannot risk doing that. He cannot allow his grandparents to feel sad because of him.

His grandparents had pulled him out of the hellhole that had been the only thing he'd known. Growing up, Finny had experienced only scoldings instead of a mother's loving embrace. Instead of a kind father, there were only rich persons that spoke about him as if he were an object, that constantly orders him to work. For them, he didn't have a name, he's only one of their servants. His grandparents had given him everything - a name, a family, an education, a life. If his grandparents didn't took care of, he would probably have died by now. Instead, he was free to go outside even though he cannot act as the kid that he supposed to be and to talk to whoever he wanted. His grandparents would listen to him, no matter how stupid his ramblings must have sounded. They were everything to him and he was sure that once they heard the news about what he'd done, they'll be in deep pain. Finnian doesn't want to be the reason for that. Even the Wilsons that he was serving right now were important to him as well. They took him in, they allowed him to work there even if he was under-aged. There was no way he would ever be able to repay the debt he owed them, so he would obey every order he was given. If he was told to work on the garden, he would work on the garden. If he was told to rebuild a wing of the manor, he would rebuild the wing. He would follow every order even the most ridiculous one.

Yet, because of him being so distant and unused to kind gestures, Finnian had risked to threw away everything that he had. He had hurt the daughter of the ones that he was serving. He was usually a calm person, he wouldn't interfere with things that doesn't concern him, and usually, he wouldn't hurt someone, much more a girl. It was just not his nature to do that. And yet, because of his instinct to push away those who are trying to help him, he had hurt a girl. It was actually a shock for him as well, he was too startled of what he's done that his mind goes haywire. He doesn't know what he'll do.

A cold breeze swept by them, blowing those charcoal locks from his fair face, revealing an almost somber expression. He felt guilty for for everything that he had done. A composed voice cut through Finny's thoughts. He looked up to see Amber looking at him with slight disdain. He blinked, realizing that he had no idea how long they had been there, or even how long he himself had been standing in that one spot. Finnian nodded in embarrassment as he realized that the girl was talking one again, however, unlike before, it was void of emotion. "Yes ma'am, we should go.." he replied inaudibly.

A visible frown furrowed his brow as he drew his gaze to the path before him. He actually like the garden, it was the one place in the manor that calms him. It was the reason why he had actually neglected his duties for the first time. Looking at Amber who had seemed to go ahead of him, Finnian noticed that she was once again smiling. For Finnian, it was the smile that suited her. Yes, a smile suits her face more that the emotionless one that she had shown him earlier. Finnian felt more guilty for being the cause of that.

They continued to walk in silence until they reached the Manor's door, he followed Amber inside as he closed the door behind him. Amber's footsteps echoed slightly out of cadence with his own as he followed behind her silently. The silence was unnerving but he dares not to break it. He doesn't know what to say after all. As they arrived in the kitchen, Finnian waited for the order to come. Yet, what Amber just did was to sat on the wooden table. Finnian figured that it means that getting the ice was the job that he should do. Thus, he walked wordlessly towards the freezer to get what he was supposed to get. The ice was too cold for him that it stings his bare hand, yet, he decided not to show it. After getting the said ice, Finnian put the ice on the table and proceeded to get an ice bag. After that, he approached the girl and handed it to her. "Here ma'am.." He said, deciding that he saying sorry once again would be of no use. He needs to use his actions as a way of showing that he had regretted what he had done instead of just continuously saying he's sorry.​
The kitchen was a place Amber had always loved. She would sneak there when she was younger and have a midnight snack every night. At least one of the chefs was up at that time of night and would never object to letting Amber eat whatever she wanted. The chefs were kind and humble, they would be able to comfort you with a healthy meal that you wouldn't regret. Amber ate normally but she had always been able to keep a slim figure because of how amazing the chefs were. The head chef was able to cook something healthy with no fat and she would be able to eat as much as she wanted and not feel guilty in anyway about what she had eaten. She has always felt at home in the mansion, it was a place where she would always be able to have privacy. The house was so big that she could hide in the library all day and nobody would be able to find her. It was something she had loved about the house, it was so spacious. She could do anything she wanted and would be able to get away with it because nobody would be able to find out unless they followed her around all the time which none of the servants did. She wouldn't be able to feel comfortable enough if she had a servant waiting on everything she did. She would be able to feel comfortable if Finnian was around her a lot, it was mostly because they were the same age. Amber was feeling better around Finnian now, she knew it was because of the weather. She had always felt exactly what the weather was projecting and it was as bright and sunny as ever. It was unusual weather for New Zealand but she didn't care at all.

After Finnian had handed her the ice, she noticed that it must've burned his hand slightly. She thought it was slightly amusing that it had hurt his hand, she smirked to herself, she thought it was Karma's way of getting him back for hurting her hand. "Are you okay?" she asked, concerned about Finnian. The ice was obviously cold and Amber let out a quiet chuckle when Finnian handed it to her. She thought it was funny and adorable that he didn't see the ice packs in the freezer, they were obviously placed in the front just in case somebody had hurt themselves. "You know, there's ice packs there." she said directing a flawless smile in Finnian's direction. She stood up and strolled casually to the freezer, she opened it and pulled out one of the ice packs that was next to the frozen peas. She gave Finnian a playful glance over her shoulder before turning around and sitting back at the wooden table. She ignored the ice that Finnian had gave her previously, it was a funny moment that she knew she would remember for a while. She assumed Finnian must not know much about the mansion, when a new employee was recruited they are required to be given a tour of where everything the might need is, as well as the parts of the house that are out of bounds. In that tour they are shown where the ice packs are. Amber wasn't sure if Finnian had just forgot or if he hadn't been given the tour at all.

Putting the ice pack on her hand, Amber felt a lot better. The cold of the ice pack soothed the pain of her bruising hand. She was relieved that her hand wouldn't have an obvious bruise. She had a feeling Finnian might be relieved too. Smiling again, Amber looked Directly at Finnian, this time she wasn't void of emotion. She felt like Finnian was actually being genuine in his apologies and it made her feel good knowing that Finnian had remorse and wasn't going to hurt another girl anytime soon. She still wanted to find out what had made Finnian so jumpy though. She knew that it wasn't the right time to ask yet because they had only just met. She decided to ask another question, one that was more appropriate. "Finnian, were you given a tour on your first day here or not?" she asked with a serious tone to her voice. Directing the subject on to something professional like work would make for an easy distraction. A distraction that would be able to take the heat off of the moment. She pulled back her hair from her face and looked at Finnian, she wanted him to reply. It was important that she find out, if the staff weren't working to the proper standards, Amber would need to report it to her parents. She wanted Finnian to be comfortable around her, she realised it was a stupid idea to ask about something as stupid and unimportant as work. "I think you need a friend." She said quietly, she was hoping she was right. Finnian seemed like too much of an adult to have friends. Children her age that were burdened with responsibilities much like Finnian and herself usually don't have many friends. They are usually too busy to be around other children.
Finnian scanned the kitchen where they were in. It was marvelous and was extremely large. Finnian had even thought that his house would actually fit in there, he then noted to himself that the Wilson mansion was indeed very large, he could easily lost himself if he won't be careful. Another thing that Finnian had noticed is that there seemed to be no one there aside from him and Amber, he checked the huge elegant clock situated in the kitchen's wall to check the time, it was just past noon, everyone must have been eating or are probably doing their job, and here he is, just standing and waiting for Amber's orders. Finnian cannot help but wonder how any servants there are in the house or how wide the Wilson state is. In his past works, Finnian would easily remember every nook and crook of the house that he serves, he would even remember every name and faces of the other servants there, but in the Wilson Manor, Finnian cannot seem to do that. Every moment, he would find himself in an unfamiliar place, or sometimes, he would bump into someone that he barely remembers, the head gardener, and the head servant is the only one that he really knows inside the mansion. He had been there for a few weeks already but he is still trying to adjust to the place.

Making a mental note to himself to check the Manor's layout once again, Finnian quickly turned around to face Amber when she had asked if he was alright. He felt quite relieved that the disdain that he had noticed in her tone earlier was already gone, it seems to him that Amber had already reverted back to her old self. It was really comforting for him, yet, his guilt never leaves him. He would never forget the look that she had gave him when he had slapped her hand away. "Yes, I am alright...this is nothing ma'am" Finnian replied, rubbing his hands to get rid of the pain, he's used to it and he won't burden anyone because of such trivial things.

Finnian titled his head in confusion when he noticed Amber chuckling. In reality, the chuckle was very soft, but it was audible enough for him to hear it. He wondered why she had laughed, he cannot seemed to remember that he had done something funny. He just stood there as he watched Amber make her way to the freezer. The smile that had once again appeared on her face was somewhat refreshing for him, a smile really suits her face.

Finnian's confusion was answered when he realized the reason for Amber's funny episode earlier, apparently, there was an ice pack in the freezer and he had failed to noticed that. Finnian cannot help but wonder why is it so funny for her, but soon, he figured that everyone in the household must have known already that there really was an ice pack in the freezer, and he, being a servant, is too oblivious enough t know that. He turned slightly red in embarrassment, how could he not know the places of the things that his masters might need, he always prides himself for being a very dutiful servant, yet, he now realize that he have lots of work to do to improve himself. Finnian sighed in that realization, added to that is that he noticed that Amber didn't used the ice that he had given her at all, with an inaudible sigh, Finnian approached the table and picked up the ice, placing it on the sink to dispose of it.

Going back to his previous position, Finnian stood silently beside Amber. He watched her placed the ice pack on her hand, it seems to him that she was already feeling alright that he cannot help but to show a tiny smile. His smile was actually so small that someone who isn't observant wouldn't notice it at all. "A tour? I don't remember having one, But the head gardener had showed me around the garden.." Finnian replied politely. He was actually stating the truth, he had never really gotten around that much around the mansion, the only place that he had actually been toured to is the garden and the place where the stay-in servants stay. He is a gardener after all, and all that he needs to do is to tend the garden, or so he is told. He was actually told not to touch anything inside the manor, every furniture there is extremely expensive and he cannot afford to pay for it if he somehow managed to break one.

Finnian was a bit startled at Amber's statement, she didn't really expect her to say that. No one had ever told him that he needed friends, of course, there are his grandparents who would constantly remind him to have a social life but they had eventually given up on that after realizing that he was really stubborn enough to deny any social interactions. "Why would I need them? What do you mean that I need friends? ." Finnian replied uncertainly, there were those people that says that they were his friends, yet all they did was to get him in trouble. For Finnian, he doesn't really get what the essence of friendship is, all he knows is that when you are willing to give your life to somehow save or protect a person then that person is very important to him, he had not met someone like that yet, and he somehow doubts that he ever will
Having concern for other people was something Amber had always done. She has always made sure everybody was alright, even at the moment when Finnian had Lies and said that he was alright. Amber knew that he was lying, she could tell when people weren't telling the truth. She had been able to tell since she was able to talk properly. She didn't want Finnian to feel like he wasn't allowed to let her know if he was in pain. At her house, all the servants were meant to be open with Amber and her family. They were meant to tell them if something was wrong and in this case, Finnian didn't. It was unusual for her to experience that, usually the staff would tell her everything that wasn't right, like if another staff member wasn't working properly. She wanted Finnian to feel like he was able to tell her this kind of stuff, it was something an employer should know. "It doesn't seem like nothing." Amber stated as she brushed her hand against his, she needed an idea to stop the pain. An ice pack wouldn't work; she bit her lip, wondering if there was anything in the kitchen she could use. Taking a quick look around, Amber couldn't see a thing that might help. She had an idea that Finnian could wash his hands with warm water, which might cure the pain. "You could wash your hands with warm water?" She suggested with a hint of concern in her voice while casually shrugging, an unusual mix one might say.

Not wanting to feel stupid, Amber moved her hand away from Finnian's. Her suggestion could've sounded really dumb but it was the only thing she could think of. She felt her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink, sounding stupid was the last thing she wanted to sound. She had always made a great deal of effort in school so she could write a better future for herself, even thought she didn't need to. She was rich enough to never work a day in her life and still have the many luxuries she already had at hand. She still thought it was best, getting a good education was something she knew was the right thing to do. Exactly like she knew the right thing to do was treat each servant like an equal but with a professional undertone, much like a co-worker. Amber was treating Finnian like an equal as she should but she wasn't treating him professionally in any way. She did not care at all however, she had gotten over that when they were in the garden together. If they were the same age, treating each other like an equal came easily for Amber.

Hearing Finnian tell her that he had only been shown around the garden and not shown around the house at all made her worry that the other staff hadn't been told properly too. Amber knew that the staff the worked within the house were toured all around the grounds on their first day as she usually went with them to supervise, unfortunately she hadn't done that with the staff that worked on the grounds and as a consequence the staff had no idea where to go and what to do in an emergency. The head gardener had shown Finnian around the garden which was required because Finnian was obviously a gardener but he hadn't shown him where all the emergency supplies were. Health and safety was always an important thing in a workplace and neglecting it had serious consequences. Amber frowned "That's a big problem , i will have to tell my mum and dad about that quick." She wanted to call her father but she didn't want to leave Finnian alone. Luckily there was a phone in the kitchen. Amber walked up to it and dialled her fathers cell phone number, it went straight to the answering machine. "Um, Dad. Hi." Amber said softly "The head gardener has been neglecting his duties, you need to take action right away." she said formally.

Hanging up the phone, Amber walked back to the table where she had been before. Finnian seemed a little uncertain by Amber's previous statement about how she thought that Finnian needed friends. He seemed so distant from everything, minus how he was smiling a little before and how he seemed a little warmer towards Amber. "You just seem like you don't have any real friends, you need a good friend." Amber said looking into his eyes and smiling, she wanted Finnian to be a little less distant. She wanted to be his friend, it was due to how mysterious he was being and her need to make him feel comfortable. He still seemed a bit uncomfortable and she wanted him to open up. Amber still had a feeling she would have to wait but she sat there in hope that they might be able to become friends, secret friends.
Being taken care off is not something that Finnian expects from those that he serves. Usually, from his past works, when a servant is feeling ill, that servant should just keep it to himself, or else, he would be fired. If there's something wrong with him, Finnian would just keep quite, he wouldn't tell anyone, even his grandparents. Finnian doesn't like being pitied. If there's one thing that he hated the most, that is the feeling of helplessness. Finnian had learned already that showing his weakness to others would do him no good. Yet, when it was Amber who seemed to be concerned of his well bing, Finnian cannot help but to feel some sort of relief. He doesn't really understand why, normally, he would feel sad when somone seemed to be concerned for him, but this time, he was not. It was probably because it was the first time that the one whom he serves is the on who has concern of him. "It really is nothing, I'm used to it.." He said softly, having the urge to just free his hand away from Amber's, yet, he stopped himself from doing so, fearing that he might do something that would hurt her once again.

"Warm water?...." Finnian said with a rather doubtful tone, nevertheless, he followed her suggestion, approaching the sink and washing his hands in the faucet. The water coming out from it seems warm enough, he wondered why it was like that but he quickly dismissed the thought. True enough, the pain was already gone. With a soft smile on his face, Finnian went back to his previous spot. "That worked, thank you Am-... I mean.. ma'am.." Finnain said, quickly catching himself before he was able to say Amber's name properly. He knows that he was not allowed to do such thing. She is his master, thus, it would be inappropriate for him to state her name so boldly.

Finnian realized the consequences of what he had told Amber when he saw the frown on her face. He had then realized that he had done something that would put his co-workers in a rather difficult position. From what he had observed over the weeks that he had been in the manor, all the servants should work as perfectly as they can, they should always do their duty without any mistakes, and it seems to him that touring him around was supposed to be a duty of the servants, especially the head gardener as well. Finnian knows that Amber would report it to her father, the thing that he had said that he was only toured around the garden. Finnian didn't want that to happen. Sure, the head gardener was not that kind to him, bu still, Finnian doesn't want to be the reason why he would be fired. He knows all too well that the head gardener has a family of his own that he needs to support that's why he's working in the manor. Thus, Finnian knows that he would feel really guilty if the head gardener would be relinquished of his job because of his carelessness. "Ma'am, you don't have to tell your parents, maybe the head gardener did tour me around and I had just forgotten about it.." Finnian lied. He knows that he is a bad liar, he's very unconvincing when he lies, that's probably the reason why Amber had quickly deciphered that he was lying when he said the he's alright earlier. Nevertheless, he decided to take the chance. Maybe he would be able to lie for once and convince Amber that he was stating the truth. Maybe, by some sort of miracle, Amber would believe that he was indeed toured around and that he had just forgotten about it.

Unfortunately for him, before he could convince and stop Amber, she was already on the phone, calling her father to report about what it is that she had discovered. Finnian had the urge to run to the phone and to quickly hang it up, to save the head gardener from the unnecessary punishment that he would sure receive, however, it seems to him that his feet was frozen into place. He cannot move himself even if he willed to. Thus, not being able to stop Amber at all, Finnian dropped into a tuck sitting position, hugging his knees closer to him "You shouldn't have told them, that's wrong, it's not his fault... it really is not..." He said softly but firmly. Usually, he's not the type of guy who would speak what he wants to say, usually, he would just stay quiet and take everything in stride, but if he knows that there was something wrong and he had the need to interfere, Finnian would be someone whom he is not, he'll be able to say what he wanted to say.

Finnian stood up from his position when Amber returned, he refused to look at her at all though he knows that it would be an impolite thing for him to do. He just doesn't want her to see the dejected look on his eyes. "Friends only bring you trouble..." Finnian said inaudibly, willing himself to look at Amber once again. Finnian felt that it would be really great to have a friend just like what Amber had said, yet, with the situation that he is right now, he knows all too well that having a friend is something far from being a reality.
It was almost shocking for Amber when Finnian had told her that he was used to it. Amber would've shown a feeling of slight surprise in her face. But did she? No. because her feeling of concern was taking over it instead. Amber was too busy trying to figure out exactly what Finnian had meant when he said he was used to it. It lead her back to the other questions in the back of her mind. She had so many questions to ask, all of which seemed too inappropriate ask at that moment. It felt too soon to ask most of them, that's how it felt for her at least. Although she was relieved when Finnian went to the sink to wash his hands. She had a faint feeling that Finnian wasn't going to even consider the idea. It was a bit of an stupid request, to ask somebody to wash their hands under those particular circumstances and Amber had to admit that she was surprised it worked when she saw Finnian smile a little. It felt like a stupid idea, heck, she felt stupid while saying it. Knowing it actually worked was even more of a shock to her. Amber thought it was a little amusing when Finnian almost said her name, she also thought it was a little sad too. Finnian was allowed to say her name. "You can call me Amber, I don't mind one bit. Actually I would prefer for you to call be that." She said casually, she meant it, Finnian could call her by her first name, she didn't mind one bit. Amber looked back at her hand after she had finished talking to Finnian, the ice pack was still on it and it felt a lot better. Amber was curious as to what would happen if she took the ice pack off her hand. She didn't though, she wanted the bruise to go away. It would be easier on the both of them if they could just forget about it and it would be quicker if there wasn't a bruise.

Amber felt a little guilty after she hung up the phone she used to call her father, she knew that Finnian had lied about the head gardener. She didn't care if Finnian was trying to save the guy's job, he hadn't been training his staff properly on the health and safety regulations. This was grounds for termination. Health and safety was very important and if somebody neglected it and another person got hurt it would be bad for everybody. Amber knew it was the best thing to tell her father right away so she had done it. The owners' of the Wilson estate take pride in their staff and will do whatever they think is necessary when a staff member has done something wrong. Still, Amber felt guilty and when Finnian was starting to panic a little her feeling of guilt grew. Amber wasn't going to change her mind at all on the subject, the head gardener had been overlooking his duties for a while and they weren't as important as health and safety so Amber had given him a few chances. This was the last straw, it was the right thing to do and Amber would not regret doing it. "How is it not his fault? He was careless towards his staff." Amber said in a firm manor, it was soft too, it was one of the qualities about her that made her relate to people so easily, she could be firm but soft at the same time. Finnian could speak like that too and Amber admired his courage, she still wasn't going to change her mind at all.

After she had returned to the table, Amber noticed that Finnian wasn't looking at her. She instantly knew that it was because Finnian didn't want her to tell her father but it was an important issue and it still will be until it is resolved. Amber's father would be able to find an efficient replacement within a few days, possible employees were applying to work at the mansion almost everyday. It was because unlike the other estates, the Wilson manor actually cared about the wellbeing of its staff and does its best to accommodate them. Amber was hoping that the new head Gardener would be a girl, the housekeeper was the leader of the people who worked inside the mansion and she was efficient, Amber had a feeling that a female head gardener would be the same. She was excited to let on a new staff member. She also hoped that the head gardeners replacement would be nice. Still, Amber knew that Finnian wasn't pleased with her decision, even though it was the right one. "That depends on the friends you make, Finnian." Amber had changed her tone from a firm one to a softer more caring one, she uses it when she is talking to somebody that she thinks is a friend. She wasn't sure wether or not Finnian wanted her as a friend but she did know that if he did want a friend like her then she would treat him with respect and do her best to make him feel comfortable, that's what good friends do and Amber was a good friend. She wondered wether Finnian knew that or not.
When Amber had stated that he can call her by her name, Finnian was surprised. He doesn't know whether he should believe her or not. After all, with their positions in the manor, it is very inappropriate to do such thing. He could never consider himself as an equal to Amber, it just that. It's the reality that he must accept. Nevertheless, being told about that by her is extremely comforting to Finnian. No one from his past works had ever done that to him, he was always required to call everyone with honorifics. That is probably one of the reasons why he finds it hard to communicate casually with other people. Whenever he would try to talk to someone outside his work, they would look at him weirdly because of his manner of speaking. "Are you sure about that? It's inappropriate isn't it? " He inquired, bracing himself for the girl's answer. He would understand if she would tell him that she was just kidding. He could accept that, but if she did say that she really did mean what she had just said, then he would feel really happy.

Finnian knew that what Amber had said was true, he cannot erase the fact that the head gardener had indeed neglected his duties. But even so, Finnian still feels very guilty about that. Amber would have not known about the head gardener's mistake if he was careful enough with his words. If only he had think first about the consequences of his actions before he speak, then the head gardener would be free from utter humiliation and maybe the possibility of getting fired. "If you had reported him to your father because of his carelessness, then, won't you report me as well? I had neglected my duties two times already, I had hurt you, I left the hedge trimmers on the grounds, I didn't of my duties well..." Finnian said with no tinge of nervousness in his voice. He wanted to say what's on his mind even though he knows all too well what the consequences would be, he's usually a person with a weak personality, he hates being on the spotlight, he preferred to be on the sidelines, just watching everything, not speaking any word if he deemed it unnecessary, yet, at that time, Finnian feels like he should tell Amber what he thinks. "It would be fair if you would report me as well right? It would be unjust if the head gardener is the only one to be punished for his neglecting of his duties, I did that as well, I should be punished too then.." he added, even though earlier, he was trying with all his might to avoid being reported to his masters, he wouldn't regret it if was reported now, after all, it would only be fair if that did happen.

But still, even though he had said all of that, he knows that Amber was just doing what she thinks is right. She was only doing her duties. He cannot blame her for that. "I understand what you did ma'am... Amber, but might I say it, wouldn't it be better to give him a chance, I think he has his own family to support, if he loose his job...." Finnian said, his voice trailing off as he once again think about the head gardener's family. He knew that they would be sad once he lost his job.

Finnian tilt his head in confused at Amber's statement, he didn't really understand what she meant. "It depends on the friends that I make? What do you mean?" He asked doubtfully, if what Amber had said was right, then should he chose the persons whom he will befriend? "Are you a friend then? Because you don't bring me trouble...is that what you mean?" Finnian added inquiringly. He knows that he sounds stupid, but he wanted to ask it, he was very much confused.

It was a little Amusing to Amber that Finnian was surprised that she thought it was okay that he call her by her first name. Amber was fine with it, she couldn't care less about it, Finnian was allowed to call her anything that he wanted as long as it wasn't insulting or rude. Amber had kept a formality with the other servants, calling them by their last name, they would do the same back and call her by her last name. But this was different. Finnian was her age and seemed like a kind boy that had gotten lost in the adult world. Amber was lost in the adult world too but she had a slight feeling that it was worst for Finnian, a lot worse. She wanted to know exactly what was wrong with him but still, she felt like it was too soon. The questions sill plagues her mind to the extent of almost asking them all at once. Amber wasn't going to do that, she could restrain herself. She still felt as if Finnian was being distant even thought he had warmed up a lot more to her since they had been in the Kitchen. Maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her again. Actually, it most probably was, Amber did have a little of an overactive imagination at times so it must've been that. Finnian didn't seem close to being as distant as he was being before and she was glad that it felt like Finnian was more comfortable around her. She was relieved actually, he had wanted Finnian to feel completely at ease with talking to her and being around her and she felt accomplished that she had gotten a little closer to that. "It's not inappropriate at all, I really don't mind. I want you to call he Amber." She stated truthfully, she was being honest; she did want Finnian to call her by her fist name and she wanted him to be casual around her.

It was still the right decision to tell her father about the head gardener. Amber knew that he didn't have a wife or children. The head gardener was causing his own termination by neglecting everything he needed to do to make sure everybody working on the grounds was safe. He needed to make sure that everybody knew exactly what to do in an emergency and he didn't. It was his own fault that he was going to be fired. Amber knew how serious the consequences were when you carelessly ignored all the health and safety regulations and fortunately, so did her father. He would do the right thing by firing him. He needed to be taught a lesson and ending his career at the Wilson estate would be the perfect way for him to realise what he had done. "Finnian, you are new here and those weren't as bad as what he has done... kind of." Amber said as she looked back at her hand, remembering what Finnian had done earlier. Finnian did break the rules and he did deserve to be punished but Amber wasn't going to even consider the idea. "It would be a stupid idea to do that Finnian, you did neglect your duties but it doesn't matter compared to what he has done." Finnian was a child and children are meant to make mistakes, it was apart of growing up and Amber felt that Finnian needed to be a child. The head gardener had done a lot worse than Finnian had done altogether and Amber would never put a child out of work. She knew that Finnian must need to work at the mansion if he was working this young.

The head gardener didn't have any family, he pretended that he did to keep his job. He had used it as an excuse to get out of punishment by Amber before. Once her father had told her that he didn't have a wife or kids, Amber promised herself that the next time he did something bad he would be out on his backside as soon as possible. "He doesn't have a family Finnian, he lies about everything." Amber said while rubbing her forehead with the palm of her hand. She knew more about the head gardener than Finnian did and she would gladly tell Finnian all he wanted to know about him. Finnian's voice had trailed off when he spoke to her before and she did feel a little guilty. She knew that Finnian was going to blame himself if the head gardener got fired. "He is getting fired because he has done too many things wrong, it has nothing to do with you." Amber said trying to reassure Finnian it wasn't his fault. Amber smiled a little when Finnian tilted his head, she thought it looked adorable. "If you make friends with people that aren't good then you end up getting hurt or into trouble." Amber stated, she had been through it before and she knew exactly what she was saying. Feeling like she ad accomplished more, Amber's smile widened. "Um, yeah I guess, I think I might be considered a friend, if you think of me as one." Amber said, insinuating that she thought of Finnian as a friend and that she wanted him to think of her as a friend too.
It was a curious thing. The feeling of happiness that Finnian felt cannot be really explained by him at all. He wasn't even sure if it was really happiness or not. Nevertheless, the thing that he was sure of is that the cause for that feeling is the permission that was just given to him. Calling the girl by her given name is something that is really new for him,"Amber..." He whispered, the word seems foreign to his tongue. He wasn't really used to calling people without honorifics at all, therefore, he knew that it would still take sometime for him to be able to get used to it. "Miss Amber then, but as you had ordered, then I'll try to get used to calling you Amber then.." Finnian added softly bowing a little that he wasn't sure if Amber had noticed it.A tiny smile had also graced his features. He was warming up a little, feeling slightly comfortable with their set up. It is really a foreign feeling, he after all, had always felt awkward when talking to someone.

Though Finnian still believes that it would only be fair if he was punished as well, he does see that point of what Amber was saying. He cannot deny the truth. He was new and the head gardener was not. He was perfectly capable of knowing all the rules and regulations inside the manor yet he had chosen to ignore it, unlike him who was really new with working inside the said manor. Yet, no matter what was said to him, Finnian still feels really guilty, but he knows that there would be nothing else that he can do to help the poor head gardener, he would just apologize to him and tell him the truth once he sees him. "What will happen to him then? Is he going to be kicked out of his job?" Finnian asked, his voice barely audible to hear, he was once again looking in the ground, he cannot make himself look at Amber at all, after all, Finnian doesn't want her to see the tears that are starting to form on his eyes. Though he acts very mature for his age, Finnian still has that child in him, but he refuses to show it. He refuses to cry in front of Amber.

Finnian was surprised with what he had learned. All along, Finnian had thought that the head gardener had a family of his own. He always tells him that he works because of his children, that thing is what make Finnian respect him. Yet, because of what he had heard, Finnian's image of the head gardener was now changed. "So he lied..." Finnian said, no emotion at all in his voice. He's used to people lying to him, but still, he had not expected that the good old head gardener who had taught him about his job had actually lied to him, that everything that he knew about him was all sham.

"how will you know if a person is good then? Everyone lies, how will you distinguish which is which?" Finnian inquired, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He had lots of questions in his mind and he doesn't know which one to ask first. Amber seems to know lots of things and Finnian expects that he'll be able to learn lots from her. "Are you a good friend then?" he added albeit in a child-like manner.

This feeling of accomplishment in Amber grew as Finnian whispered her name, it sounded so perfect coming from his mouth, Amber didn't know why, she just felt like she had achieved something that wasn't being the "perfect" child. Amber felt that she had achieved so much more, it made her feel that she was worth more than she was, she felt like she was wealthy with achievement instead of money, that was one of the best feeling of all, at least in her mind. She felt as if Finnian was more comfortable around her and her family in general, even though he hadn't met Amber's mother and father. Although she did have a slight feeling that Finnian would be comfortable around them, in time. If he was able to be around her comfortably, then what should stop him from doing that in front of her parents? Amber looked at Finnian again and smiled, she was glad to have made an impression on him. "Take your time, why will you have to get used to it though? It's just a name." Amber said, shrugging. She didn't understand why he would have to get used to calling her by her name. It was something so simple and easy, Amber didn't understand at all why Finnian would have to get used to something like that, that's why she asked to question obviously, she hoped that it would answer a few more of the other ones that kept popping up in the back of her head. Still, she didn't get her hopes up, Finnian seemed like the kind of person to keep to themselves and Amber wasn't going to take him out of his comfort zone, that is unless he wanted her to.

It wasn't fair to punish Finnian, he had apologized for his mistakes and the head gardener had never done that, he just conjured up lie after lie and made everything worse for himself. It was the right thing to do and even though Finnian didn't want her to, the head gardener was getting fired no matter what. He had just gone to far this time and Amber and her family were sick of it all. She wanted Finnian to know that but she guessed that he still felt guilty, minus the fact that it wasn't his fault at all. "He will be fired, it's just a mater of time before my father checks his messages." Amber said, she was being totally honest and she wouldn't lie to Finnian, she thought of him as a friend and Amber just wouldn't lie to a friend. Finnian was talking strangely quietly compared to how he was before, Amber hoped that it wasn't anything she had done but she knew that it was, Finnian obviously didn't want the head gardener to be fired but he was going to, it was inevitable now. Amber put her hand on Finnian's back, she wanted him to feel better and that was all she could think of. "Yes, he did lie." Amber said as she continued to hold her hand on Finnian's back. She was a little hesitant to touch him but she had gotten over what Finnian had dome earlier enough to touch him, it was a brave move but Amber didn't regret it, just like she didn't regret telling on the head gardener, it was the right thing to do and Amber did it just like an adult would, except she was a child.

The way that Finnian reacted when Amber said that he needed to make more friends, made her laugh a little, she thought it was absolutely adorable that Finnian was confused, she smiled at him with a caring eyes, she did want to look after him and be the good friend that she felt he needed. Amber felt that Finnian had a few friends, ones that were a bad influence on him and most likely got him into trouble. Amber wasn't that kind of friend, she was a caring and loyal friend that made it a point to keep all her other friends happy and safe. Amber was trying to make Finnian feel safe and happy but she had a feeling that she wasn't succeeding very well, she felt that she had made Finnian feel more comfortable around her but she didn't feel like she had made Finnian think of her as a friend. She probably doubted herself, she did that at times, she had done it for a while. Like in the Rose Garden for example, she was showing Finnian self-doubt in the form of a seemingly long silence and insecurity. It leaded her once again back to the questions in her mind. It annoyed her, she wanted to say them all so she could be relieved of the burden they were on her mind. "Not everybody lies, I don't" Amber said in a caring tone, it was almost motherly. She thought it might make Finnian more comfortable. "I try to be a good friend so I hope I am." Amber said with another smile, she wanted Finnian to be contempt and she was doing her best to make him so.
"It is not just a name, it IS your name... and besides, I grew up in Japan where we use honorifics when we address someone, I grew up serving other people too... I don't use to call them by just their name.." Finnian replied softly, uncertain to how he will explain his thoughts. Amber was right, it was just a name, yet for him, a simple name holds all significance to what type of relationship he has with a person. In his hometown, one wouldn't call others with their name unless they were really close. Added to that fact, since Finnian spent all of his childhood days working, he must always address his superiors with honorifics or else he'll be scolded. That is one of the simplest rules of being a servant, one must always respect and honor his superiors.

Amber's words echoed in Finnian's ears on his heart as it finally dawned to him that he had been fooled by the head gardener. Unlike before, which he had felt extreme pity for the head gardener, Finnian doesn't feel that way anymore. Knowing that he had lied had somewhat decreased the feeling of compassion that he felt for the head gardener. He now understands that Amber was indeed right, the head gardener was a liar, he commits mistake and he makes no effort to correct it at all. He is not worth of the way that the Wilsons had treated and accepted him, he is not worth it of his pity at all. "If he lied, he must be punished then, liars are unacceptable, they are.... disgusting.." Finnian said, his last words barely audible to hear. If there was one thing that he hated the most, it was being lied to, being fooled, being played with.

Finnian turned his head to look at Amber as he felt her hand on his back, it was such a comforting gesture, something that had divert his thoughts away from the head gardener. It was the first that he had felt like that, the way that Amber had comforted him is very much difficult from the way of her grandmother's. Her grandmother would let him sleep on her lap when he feels bad or when he feels troubled. Amber didn't do anything like that at all, yet the simple gesture that she had done is enough to make him relaxed. "Thank you... miss Amber.." He said softly, a small smile escaping his lips.

Finnian thought what it was like to have friends. Long before he had been hired in the Wilson Estate, Finnian had helped in his grandparent's work back in their homeland, there were some kids who had claimed that they were his friends. He felt happy at that of course, but soon enough, he realized that they were just lying to him. They left him when they were in trouble, they didn't even bother saying goodbye when he finally had to move. For them, he was just a nobody, just like what he is to his previous masters. Yet, from what he had heard from Amber, maybe the way that he visualizes what friends are is wrong, maybe having a friend will really do him good, he just have to be smart enough to choose which ones will be the good ones just like what Amber had told him. But still, Finnian cannot help but to feel some hesitation, he didn't want to be betrayed by anyone, it's such a sad feeling after all. "You don't lie? Is that so?I on the other hand, . . . I lie, I rarely do that, but I must admit that I do, but my grandmother always says that when I lie, it's always so noticeable, I'm a bad liar she says..." Finnian said wistfully as he remembered his grandmother, his grandparents had great influence to who he is, he especially admires his grandmother, she's like a real mother to him after all. "You have loads of friends don't you Miss Amber? You just gives off that aura that attracts everyone near you.... you're nice.." Finnian remarked, placing a finger on his chin as if he was in deep thought, he's a boy of few words after all, he never really knows how to express what he wanted to say, so he wasn't sure if he had communicated his thoughts properly without any misunderstanding.


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