Closed When Three Becomes Four

Amodeus Jones

Clueless ~ Adorable ~ Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Whippy Fir Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
15 (9/23/2048)
Amodeus was settling into school easily. He had Marley, of course, and now he had Teddy, too! He was lucky to have two of the best friends to ever exist. Amodeus was hanging out with Teddy now in the courtyard, happily sitting on the front steps and blowing bubbles. Marley was supposed to join them soon, and that made him happy. He was already down to his last bottle, and that worried him a bit, but he'd asked Marley to ask her dad to send them more bubbles. But for now, he was humming happily, blowing bubbles and watching them drift over the stone of the courtyard. "Bet you can't catch all of them!" He called to Teddy, blowing another batch and smiling. He loved bubbles, and his heart warmed pleasently in his chest as he watched them floating in the air.
Teddy's excitement surged as he eagerly accepted the challenge of popping all the bubbles. Sporting an excitable grin, he leaned forward, his hands poised to burst as many bubbles as humanly possible. "I'm going to pop them all!" Teddy declared with unwavering determination.

Amidst the bubbles, one particularly large bubble captured Teddy's attention. Unable to resist it, he propelled himself forward, his fingers precisely targeting it and causing it to burst. "Did you see that one?" Numerous bubbles drifted out of reach. Undeterred, Teddy's playful spirit took over, turning his pursuit into an impromptu ballet as he leaped and twirled, attempting to pop all the bubbles.
So far, Marley was liking her time at Hogwarts. She made a whole bunch of friends and was also enjoying her classes, even though there were times were it did become boring. However, spending time with her newly found friends had been the highlight of her time at Hogwarts for far.

The Hufflepuff had been spending time with Dominic, and she was definitely having fun. While walking back to the castle, Dominic in tow, Marley saw her two friends ahead and smiled excitedly. "Come! I wanna introduce you to my friends!" Marley excitedly said, as she grabbed Dominic's arm excitedly and made her way towards Amodeus and Teddy. "Hey guys, whatcha up to?"
Dominic was happy to be attending Hogwarts with Marley by his side. He honestly didn't think he would've been able to survive the first few weeks without her. They were hanging out that day and Dominic was really hoping to do some exploring with her. She really wanted to introduce him to her new friends however, and so the Hufflepuff let his friend drag him along. The two boys were blowing bubbles and Dominic giggled before introducing himself. "Hey! My name is Dominic, but you can call me Dom." he smiled at them both, already knowing that they were going to be lots of fun. After all, they were friends with Marley, so of course they had to be. "Where did you get the bubbles from?"
Amodeus laughed as Teddy started prancing, leaping about and trying to pop them all. He clapped in approval. His eyes lit up all over again when he heard a familiar voice. He turned, smiling brightly at his friend and her guest. "Marley!" He greeted excitedly, before turning the same energy to the new boy, Dominic. "Hi Dom!" He greeted happily. "I'm Amodeus, but I like Deus," He waved, before patting the stairs to invite them to join. "I brought lots of bubbles from home! I love bubbles," He explained, as if it was the obvious answer.
Teddy's attention shifted from bubbles to the arrival of Marley and her friend, a warm smile lighting up his face. "Hi Marley!" He said, greeting his friend. "Hi Dom, I'm Teddy!" he greeted, giving him a friendly wave. While Teddy enjoyed the bubble-popping fun, he didn't want to keep all the excitement to himself. "It's pretty fun popping the bubbles if you want to try" he said, inviting them to join in the fun.

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