Old School Week When She Smiles, All Her Teeth Are Made of Razors

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Celia Vu

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Celia was glad to see the winter decorations were back, and this year, they were better than ever. There was even an ice rink, and Celia almost wished she could go skating. It had been years since she'd done that. But her dress was much too long, and it seemed a little childish to go ice skating during a dance. As Celia watched the rink, someone faceplanted, causing her to smirk. She couldn't go ice skating, but she could definitely laugh as others attempted to do so.
Caleb was impressed the ball this year and it surprisingly made him homesick for England. He had moved when he was still pretty young but he still had strong memories of snowy winters. When he saw the ice ink he regretted trying to look nice and wanted to get out there. But when someone fell right on their face he decided to maybe wait for a bit but when he heard a familiar and grating laugh he frowned. He turned to Celia and had to admit her dress was pretty but he wasn't about to let her know that. "Are you trying to go for an evil queen look or did you just miss Halloween?" he asked sarcastically.
Celia's smile disappeared when she realized Caleb was standing next to her. "I'd rather look like an evil queen than a leprechaun," she retorted, giving his outfit a pointed look. His facial features and short stature definitely didn't help matters.
Caleb rolled his eyes. "Well I guess we both got our holidays mixed up." he said, refusing to give Celia the satisfaction of a reaction.
Celia scoffed. "Speak for yourself." She knew her dress was gorgeous. Though it was a full-length gown, which could sometimes appear costume-y, she wasn't worried — not after seeing some of the other dresses people were wearing. "Too bad they aren't giving out trophies tonight. You could've won your first one," she said mockingly.
Caleb laughed. "I've already won one." he said with a smile. "Or have you already forgotten?" he asked but doubted she could have forgotten their last conversation. He wasn't sure why he had decided to brake their silent agreement to avoid each other, especially after that.
Celia gave him a skeptical look. "For what?" From what she recalled of their last conversation about trophies, he had spent most of it jealous of her before attacking her and then having the gall to play the victim.
"My halloween costume." Caleb said unbothered. "You hadn't been very impressed by it." he said. "Can't imagine why." he shrugged.
"Since when have you had a Halloween trophy?" Celia wondered if he was lying, though to be fair, she didn't really pay attention to those awards. It was possible he'd won one, and she hadn't noticed. "What was your costume?"
Caleb rolled his eyes. Merlin, she was exhausting. "Since forever." he said dryly. "And you can go check it yourself if you want to know so badly." he said before taking a deep breath. He wasn't about to let her get him worked up over this of all things. "Is your memory going so soon? So young. Tragic."
Between the deep breath Caleb took and his refusal to answer the question, Celia assumed he was lying. How pathetic. "Mmm, sure, I'll go look for your 'trophy,'" she said, doing air quotes.
Caleb shrugged. "If you want to waste your time, I won't stop you." he said and held up his hands in mock surrender. "I would never lie to you." he said with false sincerity, hand to his chest and everything,
"Oh, don't worry. I totally believe you," Celia said, rolling her eyes a little. "Let me guess. You're also dating someone, but they live in Canada." She wondered belatedly if people said that here. Did they substitute in Australia instead?
Caleb's jaw clenched just slightly at the mention of dating. But he scoffed. "Please." he said, annoyed. "I would never date someone from Canada."
Celia glanced at him curiously, trying to discern whether his annoyance was genuine or another affectation. "Australia then," she said with a shrug. "What's wrong with Canada?"
Caleb considered Celia's change in the narrative they were apparently weaving together. "I could have a fake boyfriend in Australia." he said finally with a grin. "And there's noting wrong with Canada. I just wouldn't have a fake boyfriend there. Too predictable." he grinned.

[brb i have to go to the grocery store. is this how they did it? back in the day?]
Caleb laughed. "Well you'll just have to go check and see for yourself." he said exasperated. She really did take all the fun out of any conversation. It was almost impressive. "Are you going to go right now?" he asked mockingly. "Just to prove me wrong?"
"I don't need to," Celia said dismissively. "You're a terrible liar." And what a sad thing to lie about. "I know it might shock you, but I really don't care." She did enjoy calling people's bluff and being right, but Caleb wasn't worth the effort.
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