Closed When I'm with you, I feel safe from the things that hurt me inside.

Danielle Gates

green eyes 💍 harpies keeper 💍momma to twin girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Damien )
Sexual Orientation
Damien ❤️
Straight 14 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
23 (05/2027)
It had been a busy day and Danielle was finally at home. She was already in bed without bothering with dinner. The team trained hard and Dexter drilled her into perfecting goal saves. Not that she minded it, it was for the team's good. Muscles aching, energy drained, the woman was just in bed. She snuggled into the warm quilt her boyfriend gave her before. She wanted to sleep already but her mind was wide awake. She thought of calling Damien but thought otherwise. The man was with his mother who had fallen ill. Sending him a sweet message, Danielle added a photo of her blowing a kiss to the camera. Tossing the phone beside her, she rolled over and tried to sleep.
Damien couldn't believe it. She... she was gone. He had known, but... still... he was just glad the triplets had been born first. Tyra and Jason had had a few months with the twins before... he sniffled. After days of crying, he knew he couldn't stand to be alone in that house anymore. His house. He was at least glad he'd finished his apparition classes before he had to leave. Knowing where she would be, Damien apparated to Dani's room and fell into her bed. He knew it would probably startle her, but he didn't mind so much. He just lay there. "I'm sorry," He whispered, "I know I stink. I don't remember when I changed these clothes." He let out a choked laugh. "I just... can't be alone anymore. I know I keep doing this to you, I'm sorry, I just... please?" He whimpered, digging the heels of his hands into his eyes to try and keep himself from crying again.
A loud pop made Danielle sat up and disregarding her appearance, all her heart and focus was on the trembling figure on her bed. She had just sent Damien a message and here he was, for the second time, crying. Not that it mattered, she would always be there for him. Anytime. "Damien..", she started but stopped when he spoke out. He was not making sense but there could only be one reason for his abrupt appearance in her bedroom. His mom's gone. Danielle's heart broke at the thought. She slid off her blanket and gently helped him off the bed into a sitting position before wrapping him in her arms. "Oh, darling.", she cooed, stroking his hair soothingly. There were no words needed to be said in times like this. Only time could heal him and what she could do was just to be there for him. She let him take his time composing himself, whispering words that could somehow help him feel better.
Damien let Dani pull him up, not able to meet her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her waist. He buried his head in her chest, savoring the warmth. It took him a bit before he could speak. "I... I'm sorry... She.... A few days ago. After you went back to practice. I... The service is tomorrow. Jason is furious with me. I don't blame him. Will... Will you come? With me?" He asked haltingly, trying to keep his voice steady.
Tears fell from her green eyes as Danielle listened to Damien broke out into sobs, telling the story. It turned out that his brother was mad at him and the service was tomorrow. When Damien asked if she could go with him, she pulled apart so they could meet in the eye. She cupped his cheek and with a quick peck on his lips, she replied, "Oh, darling. You don't need to ask. I'll always be there for you." Her love for the man had grown stronger in the time that they had been dating. He had been such a great boyfriend despite her busy schedule and this was one of the things she could at least do for him as a girlfriend. This and making sure Damien got showered and fed. But first, he needed sleep more than anything. "Let's sleep. Shower and food can wait until tomorrow.",she said, patting the place next to her on the bed.
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Damien smiled tiredly at Dani, exhaustion hitting him almost as soon as she mentioned sleep. Without thinking, he began to strip off his clothes until he was in nothing but his jeans. He wrapped his arms around her waist and flipped her into bed. He had expelled the last of his energy, so if they were covered it was her doing. He cuddled close to her, the comfort and warmth quickly putting him to sleep as thoughts of tomorrow were pushed from his mind.

-the next evening-

Damien fell into a kitchen chair and pulled off his dark shades. It had been a long day. The funeral had seemed to drag on and on, lasting forever. He was relieved that it was finally over. He dropped his head to the cool wood with a soft groan and sat there a bit, not wanting to move. He just... didn't have the strength. He grumbled softly to himself, ignoring the growing hunger in his stomach.
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Danielle settled her purse on the side table while closing the door. She sighed deeply as she looked at Damien slumped at the kitchen chair. The man was clearly exhausted and starving. He may not admit it but a girlfriend knew when he was trying to put on a brave face. With that thought, she went ahead and prepare a quick meal for both of them. She also set a cup of black coffee for him as well. Taking a seat beside her boyfriend, she carefully treaded her fingers through his. "Darling...", she whispered, "Eat please.", she encouraged softly, pulling his plate closer to him.
Damien must have dozed off for a moment, for he was startled awake when Dani laced her fingers through his and encouraged him to eat food. He blinked tiredly, running a hand through his hair as his attention turned to the plate. When had she made this? The scent of the meal was heavenly, and his stomach growled loudly in response. "Yeah, alright." He agreed, flashing her a tired smile before leaning in and kissing her softly.

"Thank you, Danielle." He murmured, pulling away and resting his forehead against hers. He brought his hands up and cupped her face, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs gently. "Thank you for everything," he told her, looking into her eyes. His dark blue eyes shimmered lightly with warmth and affection. "I love you, Danielle." He whispered before catching her lips with his in a gentle kiss.

He pulled away and laced his fingers with hers again, turning to his food and digging in. It was a little harder eating with his non-dominant hand, but he didn't mind so much. He smiled as he bit into his food. "Mmm. 's good." He mumbled around his food and took another bite.
Danielle smiled at the sensation of his soft kiss. She inhaled contentedly as she nodded at his thanks. Blue eyes gazing into her greens, she could not help but smile as she looked at Damien looking at her with everything from love to affection. "You will always be welcome, love.", she replied softly. Before she could say the three words back, her boyfriend already caught her lips in a gentle kiss. A kiss which she responded to with eagerness and tenderness. "I love you too, Damien.", she whispered back as soon as their lips parted.
She looked at him took the first bite and her heart swelled with pride as she saw her boyfriend dig into the food she prepared. Their fingers still laced, she knew that he was using his nondominant hand. Ever the caring one, she wiped the smear on his lips before lifting the coffee to his mouth. She was hungry but hunger could be forgotten as she already had her fill just taking care of this wonderful person beside her.
Damien smiled as Dani helped him through his dinner. She was so sweet. He kept glancing at her throughout the meal, smiling lovingly whenever their eyes met. Merlin, but she was perfect. An idea began to form in his head. It would take some consideration, but... he knew that it was something worth thinking about.

After several months of preparing, planning, and some deep soul searching, Damien stepped out of the store with a newly acquired item. He smiled nervously as he held it in his hands, the sun glinting off the silver. Damien had never done anything like this before, never been more serious in his life. He took a deep breath and placed his hands in his pockets. He had work to do.

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