When a Man and a Woman.....

Nicolette Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Nicolette sighed and shut the book she was attempting to get a bit of information on. There was nothing really in there that could tell her anything about the existence of a two headed giraffe anyways, so she was tired of looking. 'That would have been so cool to see.' Recently she had been becoming interested in healing once more and took her time to study almost anything she could about it. Since she had been pretty much grounded on leaving the Manor, she had pretty much nothing to do but this anyways. Glancing at the clock once more she realized that Patricia was supposed to be arriving at the manor soon and immediately smiled widely. She hope that she had managed to bug Kalif enough to have him actually bring Pat here like she asked. She had managed to get a few hours of sleep this time too, which was rare because Damianos really disliked it when she slept for some reason.

Placing the book on her bed and bolting out of her room it wasn't long before she was already waiting by the door. She didn't pay any mind at all to the fact that she was still in her Pajamas, or that she probably look like she just rolled out of bed (even if she did). Nicolette was just happy to finally have some contact with other than Hades and Kailie. Those did a good job keep her entertained, but it wasn't the same as having one of her friends to bother.
As her father placed his hand on her shoulder Patricia felt a small shudder go down her back. Although it was nothing compared to the sensation she experienced within the next few seconds, until her feet touched hard ground again. As soon as her feet touched hard ground she felt herself stumble lightly but she quickly gained her composure again. Once she was able to stand on her own two feet again she looked around the house in which she was now standing. It did look nice, she could not deny that, but it sent a small shiver down her spine, for a house it wasn't really a home.

Avoiding her fathers gaze again she turned on her heels and saw Niccy standing in front of her. "Niccy!" The Hufflepuff exclaimed, practically jumping on her friend, giving her a tight embrace. "Urgh, I've missed you so much! What have you been up too? We have so much to catch up on!" she said in an excited tone. Despite having just embraced Nicolette, Patricia had yet to notice the bump which was in place of her friends slender figure. They did have a lot to catch up on.
Nicolette beamed and embraced Patricia back tightly, almost forgetting that she needed to be mindful of the baby. It was still hard to believe that she was already gaining tons of weight, to her it was pretty noticeable that either she was pregnant or getting really fat. Although the slightest mention of the second one always set her off, most people suggest the first one before the other. "I've missed you too kiddo!" She laughed and released Pat from her tight grip before she noticeably placed her hands on her small bump for a moment. She seemed to do this a lot whenever she was around people. she was always nervous that even the slightest bump would cause harm to her baby.

"We do have a lot to catch up on, come on!" Nicolette led her into the living room, or whatever area it was and plopped down on one of the couches. She reminded herself in her head that she should catch Kalif later and thank him, it was nice of him to do this when he so obviously didn't want to. Her smile never faded; "I think I've been up to waaay to much actually, you?" She asked as she scratched her cheek and glanced down at her stomach before she rose her golden eyes onto Pat's form.
Patricia couldn't help but grin as Niccy hugged her back. It was so good to see her again, Patricia couldn't believe how much she missed the woman. As Niccy agreed that the two had a lot to catch up Patricia happily followed her to a different room, it only registered with Paticia for a small moment where she was..her fathers house, it was weird and she was going to have to find out why they were here of all places. Sitting down opposite Niccy, Patricia let her eyes drop to Niccys hands, she hadn't taken them off of her belly since she got her, was she sore? she thought for a moment. Looking harder she noticed that Niccy's belly wasn't as slender as it was at their last meeting. Patricia let a confused look spread over her face but quickly stopped staring when ideas that Niccy was pregnant started to come into her head.

Looking back up at Niccy Patricia shrugged her shoulders, trying not to give away the strange thoughts that were just running through her mind. "I've been busy with school stuff really." she said with a light shrug of her shoulders, it wasn't really that exciting, "But that can wait." she said with a smile. Lifting the bag that was still wrapped around her wrist she handed it over to Niccy, "So it's a bit late, but better late than never." she said with a small laugh as she gave Niccy her christmas present. It wasn't much but hopefully she'd like it.
Nicolette picked up on Pat's confused face quickly and hastily removed her hand from her stomach when she noticed that the girls stare was directed towards her. Had Patricia already picked up that she was pregnant? Glancing down a her stomach once more she eyed it carefully, was it that obvious that she was gaining weight already? Some people seemed to already notice the behavioral changes in her, which she didn't think was that big of a deal to her since it could easily be mistaken for stress or something. "Something wrong?" She asked lightly, raising an eyebrow and making sure to remain calm, Patricia needed to know sometime anyways, but that still didn't stop Nicolette from feeling slight nervous about telling the young girl the news. In fact she was beginning to feel that morning sickness feeling that seemed to return every morning make itself known once more.

When Patricia spoke and handed Nicolette a bag she blinked curiously before she reached out hesitantly and took it from her. The moment the bag was in her grasp she gently placed it into her lap and opened it so she could gaze inside. When she did her eyes furrowed as her confusion began to scale off the chart, why had Patricia given her a gift? "Did I do something...to make you buy me a present?" Her confusion went softer as a small smile replaced the confusion, whatever the reason was that Pat had bought this for, Niccy liked it. "Teehee thanks Patricia, I love it." She had always been fond of stuffed animals, or really anything that didn't gross her out rather. This object was definitely going on her bed later when she headed back up there.
Patricia noticed Niccy remove her hands from her stomach, she must have caught the younger girl looking. But still, why remove them? Patricia tried to get the thoughts out of her head. Even if Niccy was pregnant it wouldn't matter to Patricia, she would be happy for her (that is if Niccy was even happy about it) but she would let Niccy tell her in her own time - Patricia wouldn't push her about it. "Nothing's wrong. I just lost in my own thoughts for a moment." She answered her truthfully, even if she didn't say what her thoughts were.

Patricia smiled as Niccy took her present, nerves started to become evident in her stomach again. She had only experienced the same kind of nerves when she gave Rukevra his Christmas present not too long ago, she wasn't sure if he would have liked her present to him and this exchange was no different. Like Rukevra, Niccy was one of Pat's newest friends and as such she didn't know what they liked. Patricia took in Niccy confused expression, her words allowed an amused look dawn on the Hufflepuffs face, "It's your Christmas present silly." she said with a small laugh. "I know it's a bit late but it wasn't really that long ago so you would forget about it." she said, traces of her laugh still clear in her voice. Smiling as Niccy expressed her thanks and liking of the present Patricia, "Aww I'm glad you like it. Sorry it's not much though." she said a bit lamely at the end.
Nicolette's confusion didn't diminish when Patricia told her that the item she just received was her Christmas present. Never before in her life had she ever heard of Christmas, it must have been something good though because you got a gift because of it. "I have no clue what Christmas is kiddo!" She said with a small grin and shrug of her shoulders, there was a lot of things she seemed to miss out from because of how sheltered she was as a child. It was almost sad, yet at the same time it made it more fun to learn about them now as well, she love surprises and so far everything seemed to be doing a good at catching her off guard. "I've never really gotten presents in my life, so I love it regardless whether it's much or not." Nicolette was honestly used to not getting anything at all from anyone, so she was pretty much happy with anything she got. At the same time she suddenly felt like she should have gotten Pat something, poor girl went out on her way to get her something and she had nothing to give her in return, how depressing. 'And I know there's no way Kalif is going to let me out of the manor.' So there really was no way for her to get out and get Patricia something last minute. She was about to admit to the girl that she had nothing when a thought suddenly hit her, now would probably be a good time to bring up the baby.

"Your gift is a bit different, instead of present. I have some news." She said glancing at Patricia then to her stomach quickly before averting her gaze back to the young girl. She was really starting to feel those nerves again.
Patricia mouth dropped as Niccy informed her that she didn't know what Christmas was. "How the...? What the...? How can you not know what Christmas is?" she asked in pure disbelief. Patricia couldn't imagine growing up without Christmas, the tree, the songs, the snow, the presents, the meal, just everything - the whole shabang. Although she had to admit that this year was definitely different without Joseph, she could really enjoy it, the only thing she had to look forward to was seeing Niccy. Her parents seemed to be able to keep themselves occupied with the number of guests coming and going and there was something off about Christopher since Christmas Eve that Patricia couldn't really put her finger on...but there was something. Despite having more people than usual around her thing Christmas she felt more alone than ever, but here with Niccy she much better, time spent with one good friend meant a lot more to the teenager than countless days with her whole family twice over.

Patricia listened to Niccy as she informed her of her present being different. The young girl was slightly confused as she was told only moments ago that Niccy didn't know what Christmas was yet she had gotten her a present. Not minding though a smile came across her face, "Go on then! What is it?" she asked, not noticing Niccy letting her eyes drop to her stomach once again.
Nicolette almost laughed when she saw Patricia's reaction about her not knowing about this Christmas thing. But then she remembered that the young girl didn't know about the horrors she went through as child and decided against laughing. "Actually, I was pretty abused as a child, so I never really got learn about Christmas or anything, in fact I don't even know when my own birthday is really." She shrugged her shoulders, sure she was still haunted by all the memories and still carrying the scars, but what use would being all moody about it do her? The best thing she could do for herself was keep looking to the sky and knowing that she would get through life regardless of her past, besides she was pretty much making up for all the lost time right now.

"Okay well the news is...your gonna be a big sister!" Nicolette let our a nervous smile as she revealed the fact that she was pregnant, and pretty much who the father was. Hands absently going to her tummy again she vaguely wondered how Damianos was going to turn out and such. 'What an odd time for that occur to me.' This had probably been the first time the thoughts came to her mind and she quickly pushed them away as she waited for Patricia's reaction, whether good or bad.
Patricia noticeably frowned as Niccy told her about her childhood. Patricia's heart sank as her friend told her that she abused, never learned about Christmas or knew when her birthday was? And Pat thought her life was upside down at the moment. Patricia let out an audible "Aww" not knowing what else to say, she hated situations like that, she now knew how people felt when she told them about Joseph, but this way more worse. "Niccy I'm so sorry..I didn't know." she said, starting to feel awkward now that she had brought up Christmas at all, but how was she to know. Maybe I should just stay quiet. she thought, avoiding her gaze from Niccy now, feeling extremely awkward.

When Niccy started to tell Patricia the news that was to be her Christmas present Patricia's eyes widened in anticipation, she didn't know what to expect from Niccy. Patricia watched Niccy's mouth move and heard the words but yet Patricia's expression remained blank. After a few seconds Patricia shook her head and brought herself back to focus. "What?!?!" she said a bit more loudly than she meant too. "Niccy are you pregnant?" excitement in her voice. Although when the rest of the words started to register with her the excitement in her face went away, slowly replaced with shock and disgust, "WAIT?!?! is he the dad?" she asked, her voice low at the last part, the place was big and she was sure her voice would carry, plus she didn't even want to think about that let alone say it. Her face started to glow red with anger, even if it wasn't true the thought of it was enough to piss her off.
Nicolette almost felt bad for telling Patricia about her past, but she supposed that it was about time that people understood why she did a lot of the things she did or how she knew what she knew. People often thought they knew misery and suffering, but Nicolette could honestly say that know people knew sh*t about about misery. If they had seen or heard the things she had in their childhood, she was sure many of them wouldn't be the same person she was today. "It's okay Pat, it's not your fault." Actually, she wasn't even sure it was anyones fault but her own. She was the one with a cursed life and the one who let James get away with it for so many years. If it was one thing she learned, you can't just sit around and let other people give you problems and expect to have them fix themselves, if you want to make your own life, you have to make your own road.

Just as Nicolette was about to confirm that she was pregnant her eyes widened and mouth closed when Patricia started to freak out. She didn't seem upset about the baby, but who the father was, which Nicolette pretty much expected. Slapping a hand over Pat's mouth she looked at the doorway that led out of this room quickly, "Pat shhh! I don't want Kalif coming down here." Once she saw that no one had come to see, she removed her hand from Pat's mouth and looked at her almost harshly with her golden eyes, at least Pat was taking this much better than she thought the young girl would. At first she thought she was going to get smacked, but was relieve to see that she hadn't. "Yes he's the father, and thats why I'm here at the Manor, because of Damianos." This had to be one of the first times she had mentioned the babies name really and it almost felt weird to say it. She placed a hand on her tummy as she began to feel sickish again, obviously he didn't like that she was beginning to feel stressed out and was warning her to chill. This kid was so bossy, just like someone else she knew.
Patricia felt Niccy put her hand over her mouth, she looked at her through wide eyes, mostly shock that she just did what she did but the news was still playing a major factor in her shock. Patricia cringed as Niccy said her fathers name, she had almost forgotten he was under the same roof. Patricia waited for Niccy to remove her hand from her mouth, she needed answers, no she wanted answers, and she wanted them now. Crossing her arms over her chest Patricia glared as Niccy removed her hand from over her mouth and returned an equally harsh look to the Hufflepuff. Patricia listened to Niccy confirm that Kalif was the father of Patricia's future brother? Patricia started to feel sick at the thought of it, she couldn't imagine Niccy and Kalif, Niccy was so bubbly and nice, Kalif was...well not bubbly or nice.

She Niccy place her hand over her stomach again Patricia stared at the bump, she couldn't believe that her future brother was growing inside that, it was a strange sensation. She had always been the youngest in her family but now she was going to have 3 half - brothers, it was crazy. Looking up at Niccy wanting to give her a piece of her mind she saw the older woman had an uneasy look on her face Patricia quickly sat forward and placed her hand on her shoulder, "Niccy are you alright?" she asked in a soft voice, she was still annoyed at her but she's rather not get angry at her friend while she was unwell. Patricia was sure the baby and the amount of hormones running through her friends body now must be running her up the wall, she felt a bit sorry for her.
Nicolette nodded her head when Patricia asked if she was alright, she didn't mean to worry her young friend at all. Plus she felt like this should be a time when Pat could express herself and such, the poor girl already had a lot of problems on her shoulder and this just added to the list of them. "I'm okay Pat, the baby just seems to be acting up." She shrugged her shoulders and willed herself to calm down, if she kept calm and didn't try to overreacted than Damianos would keep calm as well. Smiling at Pat she sat back and sighed, knowing fully well that she was going to have to explain this to Pat someway or another and it might as well be now when she had more room to run if Pat decided to bash her for her stupid and rash decision.

"Okay Pat, I know your probably like...really upset with me." Nicolette couldn't blame her for being upset either, she'd be upset if one of her best friends slept with her dad too. But at the same time, she didn't like getting yelled at for something that she could barely explain herself. "But, it's really hard to explain...what really happened." She shrugged her shoulders and gave Patricia an apologetic look as she tried to sum up how she could even begin to explain how sorry she really was about this whole thing.
Patricia smiled and sat back as Niccy said she was ok, it's going to be hard getting used to her being pregnant Patricia thought as she began to chew her gum, trying not to look at Niccy's bump, Damianos. Patricia really didn't know what to say to Niccy right now, she didn't feel like screaming at her, not if it was going to upset the baby again, plus the last thing she wanted was Kalif down here when he would hear the noise. Patricia shuddered, she still wasn't quite used to the thought of Kalif being her father, it was just too weird, and now she was going to have yet another sibling because of it. She hadn't even met any of her other siblings, but according to Hadan she had a few to meet, and not to mention cousins. Although Pat was happy to put that off for another bit yet.

Looking up at Niccy again she listened as her older friend talked. Upset is one way of putting it Patricia thought to herself, not wanting to say the words out loud. If Patricia knew one thing about pregnant woman, it was to not piss them off, and it was always the simplest of things that set them off. At Niccy's last words Patricia felt her lips curling up to a smile, trying to force her laugh to stay in. It didn't work! In a few seconds Patricia was in fits of giggles. "Oh wow Niccy. I hope you're not going to give me 'the talk,' about 'the birds and bees,' or 'when a man and woman..'? She asked, over using air quotes. "Because I'm fully aware of how it happened." she added with a wink, although she didn't even want to think about that.
Nicolette's eyes almost gaped out of their sockets at Pat's rather blunt statement about 'the talk'that she apparently thought that she was going to be given. If there was one thing she wasn't going to talk to Pat about, it was that. To be honest she really wasn't that filled with knowledge about it either, a lot of what happened had been all pretty new to her as well. "Um ew no. Geeeez." Nicolette snickered and gently rubbed her tummy as continued to laugh at Patricia. It was a good thing she had a strong sense of humor otherwise she knew her and Pat probably wouldn't get along as well as they did. "Well if you already know then I advise you not to get pregnant...for a long time." She winked at Pat, if the girl did anytime soon she knew that not only would her family probably be on her case, but she would just as well.

"You know, if you want to yell..go ahead." Nicolette figured that there was a lot Pat probably wanted to get out, and she was willing to take it right now, the poor girl couldn't hold that in forever. But she could tell that she was upset about it, and she wanted to know what Pat really felt about this.
Patricia's giggles continued even after Niccy told her that she wasn't going to be giving her 'the talk'. Thankfully Patricia had never recieved the talk before, she couldn't think of anyone she would feel comfortable having it with, even her mother. Growing up in the muggle world had it's advantages when it came to things like that, what with all the shows on TV and the movies, it was hard to not know about it as a child. Patricia's giggling eased of as Niccy warned her to not get pregnant for a long time, the young girl simply rolled her eyes, "Don't worry about that. I won't be having any children until after I'm married." she stated, even at her age she was sure of this, she wanted to be traditional about that sort of thing. It's not that she looked down upon people who got pregnant at a young age or before marriage, it was just something she wanted.

Patricia listened to Niccy tell her it was ok to yell if she wanted, Patricia stopped her giggling completely now. She looked at Niccy sympathically, with a sigh she said, "I'm not going to yell. True I'm not happy about this but no about yelling is going to change what's already happened." she said, her eyes dropping to Niccy's bump once again. "But him!" she cringed, "I mean eww." she said with an attempt to lighten the mood with a half laugh.
Still not understanding what Patricia found so funny, Nicolette cocked her head to the side and stared at her through curious golden eyes. It must be an inside joke for the younger generations or something because she surely wasn't catching onto the punchline...or whatever it was that the young girl was laughing at. 'Maybe it's a muggle thing...' Nicolette knew that Patricia had grown up around muggles and such, and to her muggles had by far the weirdest traditions she had ever seen, some were even to the point where they were quite creepy. Letting her confusion fade, she smiled at Patricia's answer about waiting for marriage. "I admire you for your goal, just make sure you keep it." She stated as lent back against the arm of the couch and continued to keep her eyes glued to Patricia. The girl had more guts that most people gave Hufflepuffs credit for, and Nicolette could almost say she was proud.

Almost appreciating the fact that Patricia didn't want to yell, she was still taken aback on how forwardly open she was about the situation, so she was upset about the fact that it was Kalif of all people, apparently Pat was still having a hard time excepting the fact that he was her father. "Oh come on Patricia, he's not that bad." Niccy said with a roll of her eyes, sure he was probably the biggest grouch she has ever met in her life. But she still didn't even think he was that bad of a person, you just couldn't take anything he said to heart or you'd probably dislike him too. "Relax though, it's not like I'm marrying the guy or anything." With another roll of her of her eyes she grinned at Patricia, as if telling her that everything was going to be alright.
Patricia grinned as Niccy seemed to approve of the girls goals, not that she really needed or wanted anyones approval, it was something she wanted to and she was going to stick to it regardless of what anyone else said. That was one thing Patricia didn't like about people her age, always giving into peer pressure about things like that, but at 14 she was still too young to even consider the idea, it was too gross. As Patricia watched Niccy settle back into seat Paticia fell back into her own seat, letting out a sigh, what had she done to have so much happen to her recently. If she ever regretted having a normal life she wished she could take it back and go back to being a normal teenager - although ever since she found out she was a witch that wasn't going to happen.

Patricia listened to Niccy, sticking up for Kalif? Hearing her words Patricia gave them time to sink in before responding, "Maybe...but I don't know him on such a personal basis and I dont wish too either. We both made it clear that we are to keep our relationship Professor and student and I am more than happy to oblige to that." she answered. Being a true Hufflepuff she wanted to see the best in everyone and even though she wasn't completely fond of her father, if Niccy said he wasn't that bad she would try and believe her. Niccy's next words threw Patricia off slightly, the idea of the two marrying had never even crossed her mind, "Umm, OK. Good to know." she said a bit awkwardly, the idea was a strange one. "I never asked!" Patricia exclaimed, "How are you about the whole thing? Excited or what?" she asked Niccy, she had almost forgotten that it was Niccy going through with the pregnancy, it shouldn't matter what Patricia thought.
At least Patricia had enough common sense in her to at least take in her words..or pretend to. Nicolette knew she couldn't force anyone to like anyone, or become more civil because they would be breaking the law of free will. As long as they didn't act up around her or anything she would be just fine with letting them secretly hate one another, even if she thought you should always cherish your family. "Consider yourself lucky, I never got the chance to know my dad." Nicolette gave thought often about her family that she never got the chance to know, they had all been killed when she was really young and cared more about toys then spending time with them. "The trick with your dad is, don't take anything he says to heart, that way he can't shake you up." That was actually the trick with anyone, but Niccy figured that Pat wouldn't have to deal with many people like Kalif in her lifetime. Then again, Pat probably had never met someone like herself either, so it was all in fair game to assume that she'd just use this on anyone who gave her lip.

Rubbing her bump she laughed as she thought about the whole thing; there were many things that she was feeling about it. "Sure I'm excited, I've always wanted kids." She didn't thing the whole process would be hell like it is, but she figured it would all be worth it in the end. "I'm also really nervous about it as well, luckily I've got many people looking out for me though. " It was nearly three and a half months along and there were so many things she still needed to do and watch out for, the last thing she wanted was to harm the baby or mess up it's future. Plus the whole going into labor seemed horrible, she had seen it many times when she worked at St. Mungos.
Patricia let an uneasy look show on her face as Niccy brought up the fact that she never knew her father, it was an unfair thing to say but Patricia couldn't hold it against her. In a way people would count Patricia lucky to have two fathers where some people never even had one father, but it wasn't like both fathers loved Patricia, that place would only ever be filled by Gerard. Patricia nodded at Niccy's piece of advice, but with any luck Patricia wouldn't have to talk to her father outside of the classroom any time soon, again. After she graduated it might be a different thing, but only time would tell. "I'll keep that in mind." she said, hoping it would get Niccy off of her back about getting along with Kalif.

A smile showed on the Hufflepuff's face as Niccy started talking about her pregnancy. Despite the fact of who the father was Patricia was happy for her friend, she really did seem excited about this and Patricia wasn't going to put a downer on that. "Aww don't worry about it. You're going to be a great mother." she added with positivity in her voice. Niccy really showed the qualities of being a great mother. "Is there anyone else at the Manor to help you or do they just drop in?" she asked, not really sure herself who they were.
Nicolette sighed, dropping the subject of trying to get Patricia to get along with her father. Even if she was able to convince Patricia, then she'd have to attempt and get Kalif to comply, which was next to humanly impossible. When Patricia said she thought Nicolette would be a good mother she half-smirked, many people have told her this already and it seemed to get more effective every time someone said it to her, "I hope I will, being a mom sounds kind of scary." Many people have done it and they made it look easy at times, but there was still so many challenges to it. Especially with the type of work that Nicolette was involved in, she was a pure blooded Death Eater, so her child could possibly be at high risk.

"Well when you father isn't around, Kailie usually keeps me company. And Hades pops in quite often to see how I'm doing." She shrugged, she hadn't seen him for a few days and
figured it was because Kalif was home. Or maybe he was just busy, she tired not to pry into his business as much as possible.

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