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Jamie Derouin

beauxbatons grad; french national team chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
onyx <3
Knotted 12" Flexible Pear Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/2031 (30)
Jamie had been very proud of Amelie for her graduation. He knew it was a big deal for anyone to graduate, and he wanted to have her celebrate and feel proud. He had a few days off from work and had sent her a note to come and hang out. It was late August and the beach was just wonderful. He was sure she'd appreciate being able to have a beer and take a dip in the water, so he was waiting for her, at the house. They hadn't spoken as often as he would like, but he felt rather protective of her. She was his little cousin, after all, and she was so passionate about quidditch and everything else. He hoped she'd come, he was really keen to catch up.
Amelie didn't know how to feel. Before she knew what had happened, she'd graduated, and every plan and hope she'd ever held felt dashed. She'd been doing her best to hide it, not wanting to offer a broken heart to those who were supporting her, but she knew it was only a matter of time. Instead of speaking to her parents, she'd had the thought of approaching Jamie. It seemed like he'd read her mind, and sent her an invitation to go and visit.

Though, it was for a celebration, and her heart ached at the thought of hiding it even from him. But, she would do her best all the same. She'd agreed immediately, of course, and quickly packed her bags. She arrived at his home early that evening, and walked up to the door, hoping she'd be able to keep it together long enough for him to enjoy whatever celebration he had planned. She knocked on the door before straightening her skirt, waiting for him to answer.
Jamie heard her knock at the door and knew that was his cousin. They weren't expecting anyone else. He rushed to the door and threw it open, smiling at his young cousin. ”Amelie!” he greeted her warmly, already reaching to pull her into a hug. ”Congratulations on graduating,” he praised her warmly. He was proud of her, of course. It wasn't a big deal to graduate, but it was also important for her to feel like she had succeeded, too. ”Come on in, I have some wine in the fridge for us,” She had graduated, he knew she was now old enough to drink if she wanted to.
Amelie's breath caught as Jamie hugged her. He was warm, and familiar, and comfortable, and without even meaning to tears slipped out of her eyes and just fell down her face. She didn't make a noise, hugging him back lightly and just staring wide-eyed at nothing. When he pulled back, she just raised her eyes up to him, tears streaking silently down her face. "Okay," She offered softly, her voice surprisingly steady. "That sounds good."
Jamie looked down at Amelie, seeing the tears in her eyes and being a little worried. "Amelie?" he asked tentatively. He closed the door behind her and went back to stand in front of her. "Let's get some wine and then you can explain to me your tears, okay?" Jamie told her, going to put his arm around her to guide her to the kitchen where they could have a little drink and he could figure out what the issue currently was.
Amelie just nodded, lowering her eyes. "I'm sorry," She apologized, feeling horrible. She moved into the house and took a seat in the living room, just wanting to get off her feet. She sighed, taking off her beret and wiping at her cheeks. She knew he wouldn't think she was silly, she just felt terrible for letting him down. She was supposed to do better, be better, she was supposed to at the very least let him celebrate like he wanted to.
Jamie shook his head, unsure as to why Amelie would be apologizing to him. ”Amelie, what's wrong?” he asked with some concern. He didn't know what was wrong with her, she had just graduated, she should be happy. He wanted her to be happy. Jamie sat down next to her and put his arm around his cousin, trying to provide him with a little comfort. ”Come on, Amelie, talk to me?” he replied with a soft tone.
Amelie shut her eyes, leaning in against his shoulder. "My future is ruined," She told him gently. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do." She sighed, sniffling. "No scout will take me, I never caught the snitch, not in a single game ever, I can't play professionally." She laced her arm over his chest. "I won't make it professionally. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Jamie," She repeated, actually breaking down then and crying fully, as she finally admitted out loud that all her dreams of playing Quidditch like Jamie had been dashed.
Whatever Jamie had been expecting Amelie to say, it wasn't what she did say. He frowned softly. Reaching up and rubbing her back gently. ”There is more to life than quidditch, Amelie,” he told her. Though he knew that playing quidditch had been her dream. But he didn't offer anything else, just holding her close and allowing to cry, knowing that to even begin to suggest things she had to be in that right frame of mind and not just mindlessly upset about it.
Amelie let out a broken laugh. "Says the guy who couldn't live without it," She retorted, just burying herself into his side and crying. She wasn't sure how long she sat there, but eventually she cried herself out and just sniffled, not bothering to move. "I'm sorry," She managed dully. "I ruined your party."
Jamie gave a little sigh, ”being a chaser is a whole lot easier than being a seeker, for one, there are simply more positions going,” the man told her softly. He shook his head as she cried herself out. ”It's okay, I'm glad you were able to cry it out. And I'm still very, very proud of you,” he told her. ”Quidditch career or not, you're still an excellent young witch, and my very favourite cousin,” he told her, it didn't matter that she was his only cousin. ”Is there anything else you think you could do? Maybe you could write about quidditch or be a commentator?”
Amelie shook her head. "I don't want to be involved if I can't play," She told him gently. She snuggled in against him. "I only ever wanted to play with you," She sighed softly. "I like flowers... maybe I'll do something with that, I don't know." She shook her head. "I kind of just want to take a nap, honestly." She told him. "Is Onyx home? He's always happy to snuggle."
Jamie nodded, knowing that that would've likely been the answer. "I know," he said. "You could always take a year out, work on it and then try-out again next year?" he suggested. With that, he could help her out, and give her an extra year to really focus and try to get it done. The man really wanted Amelie to be happy. "Onyx isn't home yet, but he should be soon," he assured her. He knew that Onyx was always happy to provide comfort in that way.
Amelie shook her head. "No," She sighed. "I- I don't know," She bit her lip, relaxing more against him. "I would like to play with you, at least..." She ran her hand over his side. "Are there any positions on your team that are open? Or that are opening up?" She questioned. "Maybe I'll travel a bit, go stay in another country for a while, spend weekends here or something." She offered, actually thinking now that she'd had the chance to calm down.
Jamie wasn't sure if there were any openings in the team, he didn't pay that much attention to it really. Perhaps it was almost time for him to retire. "we would love for you to spend weekends here," he assured her. "And if you need help travelling, money or whatever, you can always come to us," he said, knowing that between him and Onyx they could help her out in her travels if that was what she decided she would do.
Amelie sighed, shifting to curl up more against Jamie. She pulled up her legs, tucking them in under her as she snuggled in against his chest. "I don't want to just take your money, silly," She murmured. "What if we make an arrangement? I spend at least one or two weekends a month here, make you guys dinner, all that fun stuff." She thought it could work- she had always wanted to spend more time with Jamie and his beaux, and this way he could help her out without her feeling like she was just taking advantage of his good nature.
Jamie gave a little smile, ”Oh, but what if I want you to have it,” he said with a fondness. He'd happily support whatever dream his cousin had, whatever she wanted to do, he would be happy to be the one to help her out. He made too much money anyway. ”Well, we'd love that, it'll be nice to see you more often than only during school breaks,” he said to her. Since, with school, he didn't see her all that often.
Amelie smiled and rolled her eyes fondly. "Put it in a fund for your kids or something," She countered. "I know Onyx wants some, just get ready for that," She offered instead. She snuggled in against him, yawning. "You might not be as good of a pillow as your husband, but I suppose that a few more movie nights wouldn't hurt," She teased him. "We could make loads of snacks for it," She mused, thinking that would be fun, spending a day just making snacks for it.
Jamie rolled his eyes, like they didn't have enough money for both, but he wouldn't fight her much more on it, she was an adult she could decide what she wanted and how she wanted to do thing. If she took money or not. "Yeah, we can have just the chillest, most snack filled movie nights," he agreed, knowing it would be good and fun for them to do that.
Amelie giggled. "Why don't we have one tonight then?" She asked, standing and turning to offer out her hand. "Why don't we surprise your husband and make some snacks? No magic allowed," She offered, an impish smile on her face. They would have to go downstairs for movies, probably, but that was alright. She was already going over snack ideas in her mind, thinking of different things they could make.
Jamie nodded in agreement, it wasn't perhaps the day and night he had planned, but it would be good and a good way to help his cousin feel better. He was sure too, that Onyx would be game for it. "No magic?" he said with a playful roll of his eyes. But he took her hand. "What's the point in magic if we can't use it for everything." he teased.
Amelie rolled her eyes and giggled. "The point is that your silly, romantically inclined soft boy might just melt if you didn't use magic and made him some treats," She teased him. "You know how he likes working with his hands. Remember that chocolate he made you when you took care of each other when you got sick?" She asked. "What do you want to bet if you gave him some handmade treats he'd just die?" She teased, giving her cousin a playful wink.
Jamie rolled his eyes a little at it, "Sure, of course I remember," he said. He didn't think handmade and made with the aid of magic was all that different, perhaps just ensure they looked a little nicer. it wasn't he could conjure the food. "Okay, fine, you win, but the washing up is being done with magic," he returned. He wouldn't do that by hand, he loved Onyx with all his heart, but cleaning up without magic was just a little bit insane.
Amelie snorted, unable to help but smile. "Oh come on, you and I both know dishes aren't part of cooking," She teased him, putting her hair up more neatly and turning towards the kitchen. "Come on, let's go get started. Though I reserve the right to barf if he comes home early and things you're all cute or something," She winked playfully.

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