Whatever you Want

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Ramses Teodov

Well-Known Member
Hullo everyone ^^ This is Ramses =


And he's very pleased to meet you.
This is a fairly new character of mine (a Durmstrang boy, as you can see) so I'll tell you a bit about him and you see if you have anyone you might want him to meet.

Ramses is an only child and has grown up in a fairly wealthy household. However, he was never spoilt and has been raised fairly to be a fine, upstanding, gentleman sort. You could say that he's gone to the other end of the spectrum; he's a lot more shy than he appears to be and quite easily manipulated.

I am looking for:
Good friends
Best friend/s
Manipulators (Mua ha ha, fun times)
Enemies (I daresay there are certain people he wouldn't take kindly too; i.e. rude people, cruel people)
Relatives (He needs family, of course)

Ramses is an incredibly flexible character that I'm just testing out right now, so if you have a plot idea ... any plot at all, absolutely flipping crazy or not, then let me know. I can (and will) throw anything at poor Ramses xD

Fire away!
Willow sort of needs a friend who is the total opposite of her. Given she hates giving up too much of herself. She could try and protect Ramses from being too manipulated by either girl or guy. That's if the Gentlemen can handle the girl from the streets.
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