Open What Words To Use

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (24)
Minnie had been keeping it together since the quidditch loss. She had organised a little session with the team after and had been keeping it mostly together during that too. Minnie had been putting off telling her parents about it for a while, but she’d received a letter chasing what had happened and she knew she couldn’t not send a letter at this point. Minnie had been feeling pretty stressed enough as it was, between everything else and just trying to keep it together. She had been holed up in front of books and notes studying and ignoring everything else, but she couldn’t do that forever. She headed to the the owlery with a book to lean on, parchment and a quill, the ravenclaw walked into the owlery with all the purpose she could muster and then opened her letter from her parents. She dipped her quill in the ink and and then went to write something, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t find the words, did she lie or did she tell the truth.
Aisling had quietly stepped into the owlery, holding an envelope in her hand. It was addressed to her mother, and inside was a letter detailing her time so far at Hogwarts. All that was left to do was to borrow one of the school owls and send it off. She had never sent an owl before, so she hoped she would manage.

Looking around, she saw a school owl perched on a high up surface. Aisling looked up at it, softly calling it down. She smiled as it flew down and she carefully attached the letter to its leg. She turned, startling slightly as she saw an older girl concentrating on a letter she was writing, or attempt to write. She hadn’t heard her come in, but perhaps she has already been here. Aisling wondered if she was writing to her mother too.

She turned to the large window, about to send the owl off when she realised she hadn’t told it where to go. Did she have to tell it? Aisling found herself doubting herself. She turned back to the girl. “Excuse me,” she called softly, “um, could you help me post this? If it’s not a bother, that is. I’ve never used owl post before.”
Minnie had been staring at the page in front of her blankly for some moments, she had a blotch of spreading ink at the corner of the parchment, even if she did write anything she wouldn’t bbe able to send it until she got rid of the mark. She looked up in surprise as someone spoke, she’d been completely unaware that she’d not been alone, oh dear. She wiped her eyes quickly and then nodded, ”Sure,” She said quickly, she got to her feet and put down what she’d been working on, heading over to the young first year and the school owl. ”So, you’ve attached the letter, that’s good, and the last thing to do, is to tell it who it needs to find, I always say where I think they are, but I’ve never been able to find out for sure if they need that information,” she said speaking more quickly than she would normally but keeping a friendly tone.
Aisling nodded slowly as the girl explained how to send the owl off. She glanced up and studied the girls face more closely, noticing that her eyes maybe seemed a bit wet. Aisling wondered what the matter was, and if she should ask her whether she was alright. However, she knew it probably wasn’t really her place to point anything out, so she went back to concentrating on the task at hand.

“Ok,” Aisling said, looking to the owl. “Um... 53 Windy Lane, Wellington.” The address was quite new to her and it took a moment to recall it. Smiling, she watched as the owl took off and started its flight to her mother. Her mother would be delighted with the letter. “Thank you,” she said, looking back to the older girl. “I really appreciate it. I haven’t sent many letters and even then, only through Muggle post.” Aisling paused. “Oh, and I’m sorry if I’ve distracted you from your letter.”
Minnie nodded and let the girl just tell the owl where it needed to go. She wiped her eyes when she was sure the younger girl was paying more attention to the owl than she was to her. She was quick to drop her hands as the girl looked back round and forced a smile on to her features. ”Oh, it’s okay, happy to help,” she said, both in understanding of not having used owl post until she’d come to hogwarts too and also to the girl thinking she’d distracted her from the letter, ”I wasn’t managing to write much anyway,” she wouldn’t go so far as to say she welcomed the distraction but she certainly was thinking it. ”I’m Minnie, you’re one of the first year ravenclaws right?” she was sure she’d seen this girl about the dorm room.

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