What to do with "her"

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Esme Lively

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
I need a little inspiration on what to do with Sarita. I was thinking of getting her into writing but that would just being boring because that's exactly what Marlana aka Maddiie was into. I even thought of writing a few wizaring books, so they can be submitted into the hogwarts Library.

But that's not enough.....

First and Foremost. I don't know of making her slight evil but with a good heart or just a evil but that lies a little. Though that song may not be true( one under her banner), and if writing her profession. That wouldn't be good if she was lying all the time...so..

I need help! Probably list of professions of what wizard and witches can be? Its kind of hard to think any when your going by Hogwarts Book. Maybe new professions should be made up? I don't know. I just need help and...
Friends- If I decide in how Sarita acts, than maybe a few close friends like her wouldn't be so bad.
Frienimes-Since Sarita doesn't deal with enemies at all, a few frienemies will be good. Again it all depends how I go with this character. (Which once belonged to my RL friend) If in the end enemies needed than its cool!
-Boyfriend/Finale- Again it all depends how I go with this character. She may end up dying at one point in the future. With the sickness her and Marlana have, I may end up ending only one. Or just keeping them both alive, I don't know. Maybe. Though Sarita is a lot stronger than Maddiie when it comes to this sickness.

So far the only thing going for Sarita is that Willow her half sister (by father). So maybe someone ganging up on Sarita at one point in Hogwarts. After she ran her mouth about a rumour? That be good than Willow, her sister can save her arse out of a jam =))

-I know I said no bullies but for that rp would be kind of cool-
I think Frienemies is fine for the both of us, let me see ... Lexi has a bit of a change since last school year and now has a good personality BUT that changes are coming back slowly into her bad personality because of her blaming her mother ... I think that's all ... want to rp???
Ha that's sounds great Lexi. I don't mind rping with her ^^; Would you set it up or should I?
I'll do it when I can my berry acting up. Maybe tomorrow but I"ll do iit right away!
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