What the... How did you get here?

Tracey didn't want to answer Kevin but, after he had said her mummy wouldn't yell, she knew she had to. "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I went all blurry then there were flying boxes and..." She hiccuped as her eyes began to well up with tears. Tracey turned to Kevins' wife and hugged her leg, sobbing on the poor woman. She wasn't that scared of Stacy now, not now all of this was happening.
Michelle had to steady herself and shift her weight to the other leg. She was confused by Kevins' questions, of course her daughter couldn't do it she wasn't a... Michelle's thought track stopped when Tracey admitted it. Her baby girl was magical. "You can... You're... You're a witch?" She wasn't upset or anything, just confused. What did all of this have to do with Tracey ebing here? And how did Kevin know already?
Stacy kneeled down to Tracey's height so the girl could hug her instead of clinging to her leg. She was glad that Tracey wasn't trying to get away from her. It meant she had earnt her trust. She looked over at the shocked face on the woman by the front door. This must have been the first time she had found out that her daughter was a witch. Stacy couldn't understand how someone could not know that their own daughter was a with but she wasn't going to say that. She turned to Kevin. "Shall I take her to bed?? I could sit with her if you two want to talk."
Kevin nodded. "I think that would be best." He knelt down so he was level with Tracey, he knew she liked that. She always liked to feel tall. "Honey, you don't have to go to sleep, you don't even have to be in bed okay? Just sit with Stace and let me and your mum talk for a little bit okay?" He hoped she wouldn't put up a fight. He smiled as it worked and she walked off with Stacy.

Kevin walked over to the sofa, this time just kicking the boxes out of the way, and sat gesturing to Michelle to do the same. "So, you want to hear the truth or what?" HE assumed that Darren had told her something different. The two men had never really gotten along much, mainly because Darren had all but stolen Michelle away from Kevin.
Michelle sat awkwardly next to Kevin and sighed. "How much has he lied?" She knew the man would get what she was saying. Even 'Chelle hadn't fully trusted his story and, now she was here, she could tell it definitely wasn't true. She was conflicted though, if he had lied to her she couldn't trust him but, on the other hand, she was pregnant again and, this time, she was sure it was his baby. Without noticing, Michelle placed her hand over her abdomen.
Stacy nodded at Kevin then led Tracey into the bedroom. She helped her up onto the bed and left her to choose whether she wanted to get under the covers or not. She sat on the end of the bed and smiled encouragingly. "Is there anything you want like a drink or something??" Stacy remembered how much she had needed someone beside her when she had first started using magic. It had been a weird time for her but it was ok. She had had her parents back then.
Kevin sighed, he hated telling people bad things and this definitely classed as bad news. "Tracey told me she had been thrown out of the house by Darren when he saw her doing magic." He guessed that the man in question would be waiting for her. She didn't have a bag or anything to hold train tickets and, as far as he knew, the woman couldn't drive. "Look, I've told Tracey she's staying here the night and we'll be talking the whole thing out in the morning. I'm not going to go back on my word, she's feeling very emotional at the moment. I'll pay for a hotel if you want."
Michelle sighed, the worst thing was she wasn't shocked. She knew Darren was over protective of her and that him and the children were not in the least friendly towards each other but she had tried to deny it to herself. This, this was too far though, even for him. He could yell at hre children or keep her to himself but the minute he put her kids in danger he was over stepping the bounderies. "You know, I don't think there'll be much to talk about. " Darren would be gone by the end of the next day. Even if she was pregnant. "I was wondering if you'd be up for a paternity test?" She wanted to see if her daughter had inherited the magic or if she was just one of the random muggleborn children.
Stacy careful got off the bed and tucked Tracey in when the girl drifted off to sleep. She then walked out the room and into the room where Kevin and Michelle were sat. She stopped where she was when she heard Michelle mention a paternity test. "Wait, I thought Teddy was your only child??" Kevin had never told her that Tracey was his. She had always thought he only had the one child-Teddy.
Kevin was shocked by Michelle's request. She had always wanted Darren to be the father. He was only pulled out of his frozen shockedness by his wife's voice. "Wha..? Oh." He paused, thinking of how to explain it. "Well, I didn't tell you because no-body really knows who her dad is and I wasn't expecting 'Chelle to want to find out." Kevin yawned, it was about six in the morning now, he had to be at the train station to pick up Teddy in about three hours. "Look, can we all just go to bed please? We can discuss everything in the morning and be awake for when Teddy comes home."
Stacy nodded. She wasn't happy that Kevin had been keeping things from her but it wasn't like he had done it for a reason. Nobody knew whether it was true or not so why would Stacy need to be worried with the fact. "Yeah, sure." She looked over at Michelle and smiled kindly. "It was nice meeting you." Then she turned around and walked into the bedroom where she led in bed and drifted off to sleep in no time.
Michelle stood up. "I'm going to go check into a hotel, I need to speak to Darren alone anyway." The woman stood up, pausing as she felt a wave of nauciousness and waited until it passed. "I'll come back in the morning after Teddy is back, that'll give us more time to discuss things and he can take Tracey out." She smiled and left the apartment, taking a few soothing breaths before walking down to the car and starting the conversation.

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