What the... How did you get here?

Kevin Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kevin sat on the sofa, surrounded by boxes. They were moving house in about a week or less so the entire apartment was chaos, especially with Stacy's morning sickness. It killed Kevin to hear her every morning, afternoon, evening and after she ate anything. They both had asked many, many, times why it was called morning sickness when it blatantly wasn't just for the morning.

The older man was dragged out of his thoughts by a knock at the door.Kevin pulled himself up off of the couch and journeyed through the maze of boxes to the door to open it. He was confused when it seemed there was no-one there. He frowned and went to close the door when he heard a small, female, voice come from the floor. He looked down and gasped at the sight of his ex-wife's daughter standing there, suitcase in hand and tears streaked down her face.

"Oh my.. Tracey! What..? How...? Come in." He was confused to say the least, for starters her house was a five hour drive away and it didn't look like there was anyone around to give her a lift. Kevin lead the young girl back through the maze to the sofa, carrying her large suitcase for her. "Come on, sit here." He stopped to think before joining the small girl sitting. "Let's start at the beginning shall we? What happened?"
Tracey had had a long day, being stopped often because of her age and obvious upsetness. After many hours though, she had finally made it here, Teddy's house. The small girl wiped her eyes, puffed out her chest in confidence and knocked on the door. She sighed in relief when Kevin opened the door, it meant she had the right house, but she frowned as he didn't see her. "I'm down here." She meant to say it firmly but it came out as a pathetic whisper.

Tracey followed Kevin through the house, thankful he had taken the suitcase that was half her size. She sat on the sofa and paused, trying to think where to begin. Unfortunately, just thinking about the events from the day before made her burst into a new set of tears. She tried to explain through the hccups, not wanting Kevin to be confused. He was more of a father figure than her own father anyway. "I hic got kicked hic out by hic Darren." She wasn't sure if he could hear her or even understand her but it was her best shot. She had had a very long day after all and, as was inevitable, ended up leaning on the older man feeling safe in his arms.
Kevin hugged the small girl close, trying not to be to angry that he would squash her. He couldn't imagine this happening, Tracey was a lovely girl and his ex-wife, though not on the best terms with him, would never chuck out one of her children. "And your mother just allowed this to happen?" He tried to keep his voice as calm as possible. He would definitely be having words with those two adults as soon as the younger girl was calm and safe.

"Wait, why did he kick you out dear?" Kevin held Tracey out at arms length, wiping away her tears with his thumb. He had always thought of the blonde child as his own daughter. She was so much like Teddy and, as there was a small chance she was his, he had accepted her and, occasionally, even let her stay round sometimes. Though she hadn't been round for a while, not since long before he had met Stacy. In the back of his mind he wondered if the girl would like his new wife but he tried to focus more at the current problem.
Tracey sniffed and tried to calm herself down, not quite managing to stop the bouts of hiccups. "She.. She wasn't.. wasn't there. She does.. Doesn't know." While Tracey hoped her mummy would be on her side, she didn't want to go back to the house. She much preffered living with Kevin than she did at the place that was meant to be home.

The blonde girl burst into another set of tears at having to tell Kevin what she had done. Tracey had been so proud, so chuffed with herself for doing it she just had to show someone. She didn't know the consequences of showing Darren, he seemed fione with Teddy doing it after all. "I hic I did magic." All she had managed to do was to float one of her teddy bears but that was all she needed to do to set him off apparently
Kevin let out a small gasp. The chances that Tracey was his child had just gone up considerably. "He threw you out of the house because you have a gift?!" Kevin was outrageous now, Darren had no right to chuck a minor out of the house. Kevin was even considering a battle for custody if it turned out that Tracey was his child, he even considered removing Teddy from that house as well., he didn't want his children to be around a man like that.

Kevin took a deep breath, calming himself as much as possible. "Right darling, I don't need to hear any more. Teddy comes home from school tomorrow, until then you are going to be staying in his room for the night and we will sort out this mess with your mother in the morning. Okay?" He was going to make the small girl as comfortable as possible, she had obviously had a traumatic day, and possibly night. " Just one question though. How did you get here?"
Tracey shrugged, she didn't want to get in to any more trouble, this was bad enough already. "I got on a few trains." She had a feeling he would ask about money next so she explained first already. "I told the people that my mummy was already on the train and they let me on then I sat in the lugage area so I couldn't get asked for a ticket. I found a route at home while I was packing." She winced, ready to be yelled at or told to leave or be punished in some way.
Kevin smiled a small smile as the question he was about to say was answered before he could ask. "I knew there was a reason I liked you. You're a genius." He smiled and stood, lifting her suitcase with one hand. "I want you to sit here okay? I'm going to unpack your things in Teddy's room and I'm going to run you a nice bath. While I do that think what you want for dinner okay?" He walked through the boxes and into his sons' room, beginning to unpack her things.

There was no escaping Tracy and Stacy meeting, not now the girl was staying the night anyway. Now he let his thoughts come to the surface. He wondered if they would get along, if Tracey, like Teddy, didn't like the idea of someone else having his attention or if Stacy would object to her staying. He didn't mind what happened as long as there was one definite out come, Tracey was safe.
Stacy walked back into the house after visiting her aunt. Things weren't great at the house. Ana had run away and Jasper wouldn't say a word as to where she had gone. Nobody else had a clue-not from what people know anyway. "Kevin. I'm home. The house is the same depressing hell as always. Glad to be..." Stacy stopped speaking when she saw the little girl. "Who're you, then??" The girl was absolutely adoreable. Stacy couldn't wait for her baby to be born. It was murderous at the moment. She smiled at the girl, wondering whether this was the Tracey person that Teddy had mentioned.
Tracey looked up as the door opened and a woman walked in talking as though Kevin was there. She was slighly scared, the small girl had never met this woman and she was a bit stressed so, following natural instinsts, she ran away. Tracey scrammbled off of the sofa and towards the room she knew as Teddys' only to find her stuff already packed and Kevin gone. She sighed and ran across the hall, aware of how silly she must look, to the bathroom where she ran staight into the large man. "Kevin, there's a lady, I think she wants you." The blonde girl grabbed his trouser leg and hid behind him as they both walked back to the living room.
Kevin looked down as the small girl attached herself to his leg and hid behind him as they went back to the living room. There he found his wife looking confused. "Tracey, honey, this is Stacy. She's my new wife okay?" He bent down to her level and whispered in her ear. "Don't worry, she's a nice lady." He smiled as that seemed to calm the child, she had always trusted him, a whole lot more than she trusted Darren or her mother at least but not as much as she trusted Teddy. That was his one worry, that teddy would turn Tracey against Stacy.
Stacy was confused when the girl ran away. She knew she could be scary sometimes but she didn't realise she was that bad. Stacy laughed when Kevin introduced the girl to Stacy. "So this is the girl that Teddy talked so much about??" She wondered whether bribery would work on Tracey the way it had Teddy. "How come you're here then??" Stacy didn't care about her being there, in fact she liked it. She was just curious as to why the girl had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
Tracey's lip began to tremble as she remembered the scary look on her daddy's face when he watched her float the teddy. She shook her head, signalling she didn't want to talk about it and, pulling on Kevins' trouser leg, she indicated she wanted to speak to him. "I'd like to have my bath now please?" She asked him in a way that showed she didn't want Stacy to see or be a part of their conversation.
Kevin nodded, slightly worried by her shyness. She was never this shy, he decided to put it down to the hard day she had had and hoped she would be fine by the end of the week. "Well it should be ready by now, you're alright on your own yeah?" He smiled as she nodded and slowly walked to the bathroom, only looking away after he heard the door click shut. "Sorry, she's normally nicer but, well, she's had a bit of a tough day." He sat down on the sofa again, patting the seat next to him for Stacy to sit in, and re-told Tracey's story his own way.
Stacy sat down next to Kevin on the sofa. "It's OK. She's still adoreable." She listened to Kevin tell the story and her eye brows raised. "That's horrible. What does that man think he's doing??" Stacy had never been a huge fan of muggles. She didn't hate them but she preferred wizards. "She can stay here as long as she wants. I'm not about to chuck her out. No way." She smiled at Kevin as she put her arm around his back.
Kevin smiled, his wife was awesome. They sat there for a while, talking about nothing in particular, until a small yell came from the bathroom calling his name. "I'd better get her set up in bed." He smiled and went to put the small blonde girl into Teddy's room.

After five minutes she was changed, dry and fast asleep. Kevin walked back out to the living room, where Stacy was still sat. "I am so tired I could probably sleep till next week." He smiled and gestured to the room, hoping to got o bed now. He did seem to have a big day tomorrow after all. He had to pick up Teddy and talk to his ex-wife and her husband.
Stacy followed Kevin to the bedroom after having a drink. She then got changed and led under the covers. She wasn't too tired but at least then she would have enough energy the next day. "Night handsome." She kissed him then led down and fell asleep.
Kevin smiled and wrapped his arm around her. "Night gorgeous." He whispered before slowly drifting off into a suprisingly nice dream.

Yelling outside the door awoke Kevin suddenly. He looked over to the clock to see that it was almost five in the morning. "Stay here honey." He told Stacy before getting out of bed and going to the front door. He was more than suprised to open it to the face of his exwife. Also very aware that he was only in his boxers. "What the..? Michelle what are you doing here at this time in the morning?"
Michelle screamed Kevins' name as she hammered on his apartment door. She was soaking wet from the rain outside but it didn't phase her anger. She was slightly distracted when her ex-husband came to the door in just his boxers but she soon recovered. "Where the hell is my daughter?!"

What Michelle didn't know was that her current husband, who was in the car out on the road, had lied to her. She had been told that Tracey had run away to live with Kevin after they had written to each other for quite a while. He had convinced her that KEvin here had persuaded Tracey to go and live with him, a thought she just wouldn't accept. Tracey was her baby and would come home immediately if it was possible.
Tracey was awoken, not by the banging but by the familiar yell of her mother. She climbed out of her big brothers' bed and grabbed his dressing gown, it made her feel safe to wear something that smelt of him, before walking out to the living room where she saw her mummy and Kevin. She was happy her mummy had come for her until she saw the anger on her mummy's face.

Tracey immediatley ran to the pair, grabbing Kevins' leg and hiding behind him slightly. "What's going on?" She didn't like her mummy like this and Kevin was being nicer to her at the moment. He didn't mind her magical abilities. She hoped he would even help her control them better, she was getting better but she still couldn't stop things happening when she was very emotional. She could even feel the power now as she got scared.
Stacy sat up in bed when she heard banging and yelling. She stayed sat in the bed when Kevin told her to but then she heard that it was a woman yelling and she got curious. She stood up out of bed and put on Kevin's dressing gown to cover up her underwear from whoever it was that was out there.
Stacy walked out the room to the front door where she saw Kevin with Tracey and some other woman. "Kevin?? What's happening??" She looked at the woman at the door. She didn't recognise her or know who the hell she was. It was a stranger to Stacy.
Michelle watched as her baby girl ran to Kevin instead of her. She guessed what Darren had told her was true. "Baby we're going home." She all but shouted. At her daughters hesitation she did shout. "Now!" Just as the woman was about to go and grab her another person walked in, a younger woman than herself asking about Kevin. "Oh, and I guess this is the new wife I've heard all about." She scoffed, the woman looked about eighteen. Barely an adult. "Darren was right about you." she couldn't help but mutter.
Kevin stroked Tracey's hair soothingly and took a breath to calm himself at the Darren comment. "You know what 'Chelle? I think you shouldn't be listening to a guy that discriminates against people because they can do magic. I also think Trace should be getting back to bed." He turned to his current wife, feeling guilty that he hadn't explained all of this yet but he was sure she would catch on. "Honey, can you take Tracey back to bed?" He hoped she wouldn't mind, he could remember what Teddy was like with his accidental magic.
Tracey was confused and scared. She didn't want to go to bed but she didn't want to go home. She hated to see these two fighting, it was fine if it was mummy and Darren but not Kevin. Kevin was a good person, her mummy acting like this made her angry. So very angry. Traceys' sight went blurry for a second as a burst of the power she could feel escaped her control. The blurriness let up just in time to see one of the boxes fly into her mummy's legs quite hard.
Stacy was about to take Tracey from Kevin and put her back to bed when the box flew at the Chelle person. She gasped slightly then went over to Tracey and put her arm around her. "Come on Tracey. It's ok. I'll take you back to bed." Stacy knew that Tracey was scared of her so she hoped the young girl would start to trust her enough to let her take her to bed without throwing a box at her.
KEvin watched in shock as a box flew towards Michelle. He knew that Stacy would never to that and he most certainly hadn't. "Wait." He turned to his wife and the small girl. "Tracey, did you just do that?" He knew she wouldn't answer, her mother was mad already. "Honey, don't worry, Mummy wont get mad at you, she knows it's accidental." He looked at her pointedly to make sure she knew not to blow her top.

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