What the hell are you supposed to be?

Georgina sensed a little difficulty when the boy repeated her destination. He wasn't a fan of Slytherin house and from what Georgina had seen from what her house had to offer, she couldn't blame him. ""Yes the dungeons, I knew one of them kind of, I know she's in my house but I don't know their names they used fake ones," Georgina raised her hand and squeezed her nose gently.
There was not a dull moment with the group, and after hearing at least two of them were pure, Cyan seemed contented to watch them continue their conversations. She stood rather quietly, until a punch was thrown. The petite girl covered her mouth in surprise. Then others were involved, and Cyan's head spun. "Oh no!" She spoke, going to the blonde girl whom was a prefect. "They hit her because she's a mudblood, that's all. It was Francesca and Jeremy!" She answered. "They're pure-bloods. Mom says Purebloods are the best to hang around."
"Well if you see them again point them out and I'll give them a taste of my Beater's Bat" Link said to the girl as someone he hadn't noticed started to speak. She seemed odd and Link was content to ignore her until she mention something about Purebloods being the best to hang around. "Well that's the stupidiest thing I ever heard, everyone knows it's 3/4's Pureblood and 1/4 Goblin blood that make the best company!" Link exclaimed as he stared at the strange girl.
Cyan looked bewildered, and cocked her head to the side, curls falling over her shoulder. "Goblins? Like the ones that handle the money? Are you a goblin? Does that mean you're good at handling money? Or at arithmancy?" She inquired, her mind obviously past the point of purebloods being best. Though the idea still resided in her brain.
"I think she's a crazy person" Link slowly whispered to the other girls.
Georgina turned on the girl, "Don't be so stupid those weren't their real names, they were trying to mess with us, they weren't cousins either I can't believe you were stupid enough to believe them," She turned to the boy. "I know, I'm being mean, but she stood by as I was grabbed and punched so you know I think she deserves my wrath wouldn't you agree err, what was your name again?"
"Now I'm sure she's a crazy person" Link said with more confidents, "You shouldn't stand by when other people are being attacked" Link scolded as his attention turned back to the other girl. "My name's Link, Link Potter" he said casually while still trying to figure out what was wrong with the first girl.
Cyan looked at the woman and rolled her eyes. "Coming from a mudblood who dresses like a troll i don't think I can take your insults seriously. And besides that, maybe you deserved to be punched for being so very high and mighty." Cyan's thick southern accent added venom to her words, her kindness fading rather fast for someone like the girl.
"Yep, mum warned me the crazies like to come out when you least expect it" Link said outloud as he noticed the change in the way the girl spoke. "You really think that's the best thing to say in front of an older student?" he added noticing that Clara was still in the room. Even he wasn't that thick in the head.
Cyan grimaced at the boy before sticking our her tongue. "I don't care, I'm just being honest. That's a part of my house - honesty." She then turned to the older girl. "You must agree that she deserved it. It takes two to tango, after all."
Georgina wanted to punch her. She really wanted to punch her, her hands were bundled tightly into fists at her side. Instead she focused on the boy. "It's nice to meet you Link, I hope this doesn't taint your opinion of me but I really want to punch her, but I guess that's because I'm a mudblood," Georgina was taking risks with the boys view of her but if she wasn't honest with people then no one would know the real her.
Link listened as the girl admitted she want to punch the Hufflepuff girl. "Yeah mum always said not to punch the mentally handicap" Link said to the Slytherin girl before looking at the Hufflepuff girl "that's me being honest, why dont you go back to the kitchens before you get hurt?" Link suggested coldly.
Georgina smiled, she was starting to like Link. "You're right, I wouldn't want to risk making her worse," She gave her a sly look, the girl had failed to win any friends with the students who had come to Georgina's aid.
Clara frowned when the others began fighting with themselves again. Blood and Houses were mentioned, and she didn't like the way it was going. "All of you, stop. No punching." She looked at the Slytherin girl. "And no more name calling." Clara said, as sternly as she had ever done before. Clara had never broken up a fight before. "We should all just go. Now." She said, grumpily.
Georgina eyed the older girl, she had impressed her with the way she took charge of the situation. "You're right, lets all just go back to our common rooms,"
"Let's go" Link said to Georgina as he decided to ignore the Huffy Puff girl that was obviously crazier than a box of Looney Tunes.

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