What is this feeling?

Thomas Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Core - Tail of Charmed Newt
As one more term started no sooner did it come to an end. Thomas was beginning to hate things that came to an end that involved him having to move on to things that he wasn't ready for. Once this term finished he had a few months of freedom and once he came back he would be put head first into study for his OWLs; something this Ravenclaw was not looking forward too. The past year or more he had been rather slack in his work and was barely passing his courses. He knew he would have to get his act together next year if he wanted to become an Auror, something he hadn't thought about in sometime until his friend Wendy brought it up again. It had seemed so long ago that the two had met outside in the Castle gardens, the place where they became friends and both learned of their hopes to become an Auror. He almost laughed at how different he had been in first year up until now. He had been so enthusiastic back then, making all sorts of promises to himself and to his friends. Now, well now those memories seemed like a decent memory.

Making his way down from the Ravenclaw Tower with no destination in mind the young Ravenclaw seemed lost in thought. He had been doing this for a while now and he felt he needed a change of scenery, hoping it was help further his thoughts. Arriving on the fifth floor he sat on one of the empty benches; taking advantage of the silence. Leaning against the wall Thomas placed his head on the stone wall and let his eyes focus on a spiders web forming on one of the alcoves opposite him. Today his thoughts were Isabella, as they usually were. This time they were of fondness or the love he felt for her; or rather the lack thereof. As of late he had been questioning their relationship. It wasn't because he was unhappy, he was far from it. He did care for Isabella dearly but lately he had been questioning himself on the extent of his feelings. Letting out a sigh he let his mind become over run with his thoughts.
As Isabella made many preparations to get the Hogwarts Monthly up and ready for its next issue, the Slytherin Prefect had been spending most of her time in the newsroom whenever she wasn't in her dorm studying for her OWL's. Her fifth year had been quite a busy one for Isabella, though she still made every effort to spend her free time with her boyfriend Thomas, and her friends. Though being left alone to work on her homework or the paper often left her trapped within her thoughts, and lately her relationship with Thomas was always on her mind.

When you love someone you miss them every second you're not with them, and although it seemed like that with Thomas for Bella at first, she found that after time she missed him a little less each time. There would be times when the two of them didn't see each other at all and it no longer made her day feel empty. She felt she was able to live life without Thomas, as bad as that sounded to her, and she'd be okay in the end. When you say you love someone, those thoughts of being able to live without them aren't supposed to cross your mind.

Isabella sighed to herself, wondering what her thoughts were trying to say to her as she gathered up all her materials and the stacks of parchment she had to edit for the paper as she left the newsroom. As she was leaving and walking down the fifth floor corridor, she spotted Thomas himself sitting on a bench in the deserted corridor. "Hey you," she said in surprise, smiling as she walked over to him. "What brings you here?"
Even though his eyes were closed Thomas could tell someone was in the same corridor as him and even better he knew who that person was. Their familiar scent filled his nostrils and their voice allowed his stomach to twist in knots, a familiar feeling he had when said person was around. Although as of now he wasn't sure if that had to do with the love he felt for her or to do with the nervousness that she would discover the lack of love he felt for her now. He knew he would have to let Isabella know about what was going on in his head, she knew him well enough now and therefore would probably pick up that something was off about him - something she hadn't picked up yet due to the lack of time they spent together. Also, he knew he couldn't keep pretending like everything was okay with them, he couldn't keep Isabella on like that, it wouldn't be fair to her. He didn't care how he came out of this situation, it was his own decision, he only hoped Isabella wouldn't be angry at him or upset with him because even if he didn't love her anymore, he still cared for her, after all they were friends before any of this and he would like to keep it that way if Isabella allowed it.

Lifting his head off of the wall he smiled at his girlfriend. "Hi." he said, almost tired-like. Sitting up straight he moved a bit so Isabella could sit beside him. If anything at least the two would have some quiet time together, something which they lacked in as of late. Shrugging he let out a sigh. "Just wanted to get out of the Ravenclaw House." he said, not really lying. "How's the paper coming on?" he asked, figuring that that's where his girlfriend had just come from.
Isabella's lips curled up into a familiar, complacent smile at Thomas' greeting and sat down after he'd made space for her, resting her many books and folders of parchment in her lap as she crossed her hands neatly over them. She chuckled when he said he wanted to get out of the Ravenclaw common room, a common thing for her, too. "At least your common room is in a tower with windows," she joked lightly, trying to make him feel better about his own common room. As he asked about the paper the sixteen year old shrugged her shoulders heavily and said, "It's coming along, I suppose." Isabella looked down at her light green painted nails and chipped at them, even though she hated doing that, it was a sign of uneasiness. "I just wish I could put it on hold for OWLs," she admitted with a sigh. "I feel like I'm completely falling behind in classes," she admitted with a scowl. She hated not being on top of things and being the best she could be at them.
Thomas laughed along with Isabella, glad of the light note in the conversation, hoping to keep it up for as long as possible. He knew he would eventually have to do the inevitable but he wanted to put it off as long as possible, for all he knew this could be the last time he and Isabella ever speak and he’d prefer the memory to not be completely terrible. He frowned his eyebrows when she looked down and seemed down about something. Watching her carefully he could tell she was really worried, he knew her well enough by now to know when something was on her mind…perhaps maybe more than just the OWLs and the paper? When she voiced her worries he shook his head lightly, “You are one of the smartest and brightest witches I know in this whole school. You’ll do just fine.” he said as he squeezed her hand lightly.

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