Closed What If Its You?

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (26)
Lily had left the dance sooner than anyone. Ava had been busy, and seeing Jasper there, looking so handsome, it had made her heart pound in her chest. She just couldn't handle her own feelings yet. She wandered up to the north tower, hoping the night air would do her good. Elliot and Lars were busy with each other so she was sure they wouldnt have seen her leave. She opened the door and took a seat.away from the edge. She still hated heights.

Lily sighed, pulling the pink rose from her bag. She had gotten two of them. Was it possible one of them was from Jasper? She hoped so. She shivered as the wind blew through her hair. It felt nice up here. So why did she feel so sad? She was worried, what if she went to Jasper and told him how she felt, only to not only have him reject her but lose his friendship as well? She sighed, running her hand through her hair.
Jasper was a little disappointed when Lily left the dance early, as he would have liked to spend some time with her at the celebrations. He liked Emily and Daintree fine, but couldn't deny how his heart had lifted when Lily had joined their little group. She had looked so nice in her blue dress, he'd noticed that it had matched her eyes. As he headed up the stairs now, he wondered what was wrong with him. Before, he never would have noticed someone's eye color, or their dress color for that matter. He wondered what to do. A part of him wanted to write to his dad, but he had no idea how to put any of this down on paper. He also worried his dad would make a joke, which would be fine normally but... not right now. He decided to go up to the north tower where he could look at the night sky for a bit, counting on the teachers being too busy at the dance to notice. But as he moved up the steps, he froze when he noticed Lily sitting there. He had expected her to go to her dorm. He noticed the rose, and blushed. He'd sent her one, though he'd heard she had gotten two. But what if that one was his? He cleared his throat to make his presence known. "So... are you taking out your rose for some fresh air this late at night?" He asked Lily as he stepped closer to her, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he went.
Lily jumped, turning to look at Jasper. "O-oh, no," She murmured, looking away again, tucking her legs under her. "I'm just... thinking." She said, biting her lip. Should she just tell him? She didn't think she could just come right out and say it. "There were two of them, and neither of them had a note." She told Jasper, nervousness in her voice. "And the more I think about it... the more I've realized I really hope that... that one boy, in particular, sent me one. I just... I like him and I don't know what to do about it." She confided in Jasper, too scared to tell him she was talking about him.
Jasper moved over and took a seat next to Lily. "You need to be up here to think?" He asked her, continuing to joke. "No wonder those Ravenclaws are so smart." He said with a slight grin. It was so much easier to joke around, it made it easier to act natural. But then Lily went on to talk about the roses, and he looked down quickly. He had known there were two, but it still sucked to hear it from Lily herself. At least neither of them had had a note. Jasper had no idea who else would have sent Lily a pink rose, and wasn't sure he wanted to know. Lily went on to say that she hoped one boy in particular had sent her the rose because she liked him. Jasper's heart started to pound in his chest, and he continued to look at the ground instead of at her. "Oh." He said after a moment, feeling a bitter feeling in his stomach. "I... I hope so too, yeah. That would be cool." He said with a shrug. "I didn't know you liked anyone." He added quietly. "Did you send him a rose?" Maybe this was the person Lily had gotten the other pink rose from.
Lily giggled at his joke. "It must be why Ava is so smart. I... wanted to talk to her tonight, but she was busy with her friend." She bit her lip, tucking her hair behind her ear. She paused, not sure what his reaction meant. He probably didn't like talking about these sort of things. She sighed. "Honestly, I didn't know I liked anyone either until the roses came in." She sighed, looking away. "I... I did send him a rose. Only... it wasn't pink." She twirled her hair around her finger. "It's just... he was one of my first friends here." She tried to stay vague about it. "After what happened with Mihail... I can't see any way that he would feel the same way I do. And I'm worried if I tell him he won't be my friend anymore. I don't want to do that again, it was bad enough when Rose-" She stopped herself. As far as she knew Jasper was the only one that Rose had punched.
Jasper faltered as Lily said she hadn't known she liked anyone until the roses had come. So she had only known for a few hours? It made sense she was confused about it. Jasper wondered who the guy was, probably someone in Hufflepuff like her previous boyfriend had been. "Oh." He said when she mentioned sending him a rose. He'd gotten a rose from her but that didn't mean anything. He bet tons of guys had. He looked at her when she mentioned Mihail, suddenly angry at him for making her doubt herself so much. He wasn't really surprised when she mentioned Rose. He figured that any guy that close to Lily had probably run into her angry younger sister. "Ugh, did she do something stupid to protect you again? It's so misguided, you can take care of yourself..." He told her, meeting her gaze. "You have nothing to worry about, Lily, you're great." He added in a softer voice. He noticed how close they were sitting, and leaned even closer. Jasper had never been very good at not following his impulses, so without thinking he put his lips against hers.
Lily bit her lip. "I don't know if I'd say again," She hinted softly, looking up at him nervously. She noticed how close they were actually sitting there and her heart jumped in her chest. Oh lord. She swallowed nervously, but didn't take her eyes from his. She thought her heart was going to jump from her chest when he leaned in, but for once, she didn't shy away. Her eyes drifted shut and she leaned into the kiss, laying a hand lightly on his chest. Kissing Jasper... she didn't know how to describe it. Her entire chest felt painfully warm, but in a good way. She sighed softly, greatly enjoying herself.
Jasper thought that kissing Lily was entirely different to kissing SIerra. It was... nicer, more thrilling. But at the same time it was definitely more terrifying too. He hadn't really put any thought into it, which was something he rarely did. But now that it was very real, and he could feel her soft lips against his, a part of him started to panic. He could feel Lily's hand on his chest. What did that mean? Was she trying to push him off but too afraid to do so? Or was it a good sign? The sigh made him panic too, as he wasn't entirely sure what it would mean. Suddenly, he was convinced he was making a terrible mistake. It was just like the time he had ridden his bike down a steep hill near his home and realized that he was losing control of the bicycle and would fall any moment. This time he doubted he would break his arm, but maybe his heart? He pulled away, blinking at Lily and blushing brightly. "Sorry." He blurted. "I don't know why I- I mean.. It's that day, you know? But it's not... not uh. I mean." He stammered. "I know you like someone, I'm not trying to ruin that, I promise." He let out a laugh, but it was strangely high pitched in his anxiety. "I mean... I mean, it doesn't have to mean anything, a kiss. You can consider it practice, right? And friends kiss each other sometimes. Sierra did that and it was weird but... didn't mean anything." He was barely aware of what he was saying, and his gaze had moved away from Lily's face in his embarrassment. He was aware that he was rambling and barely making any sense, but it felt like he had to keep talking to keep the inevitable awkward silence at bay. "You know... like this. Just a kiss, didn't mean anything." He said in a hurry, finally glancing at her again.
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Lily gave Jasper a warm smile as he pulled away. She opened her mouth to tell him how she felt, but he started talking first. The more he spoke, the more the smile faded from her face, and the more she felt her heart twisting in her chest. It was at his last words that her heart broke in her chest. "What?" She managed, tears welling up in her eyes. "It... it doesn't... mean anything?" She whispered. "But... But I... you..." She turned away from him, standing quickly. "It's late. I-I h-have, ah, have t-to go," She stuttered, desperate to get away before she burst out crying.
Jasper was startled by the reaction Lily gave him. Was... was she crying? He stammered. "Uh, I just. I mean- wait-" But before he could really form a coherent sentence, Lily was turning away from him. He stared at her, then nodded dumbly when she said she had to go. "O-okay." He croaked out, shaken.

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