What Have I Become?

Keira Kendall-White

Well-Known Member
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2 Tail of Charmed Newt
It was on days like these that Keira came to realise just how ungrateful she was for what she had. After all, growing up with no family had not been the most pleasant of experiences and she was well aware of the less fortunate. But since moving in with her sister, Francesca, she had started to take things for granted a little. It was not uncommon for Keira to come home more than a little drunk, and for her sister to have to take care of her whilst she was under the influence. Tonight was a similar night to this. She had not had an awful lot to drink, and was still able to function without the help of others, however it was clear she was not sober. Wobbling slightly in her new black heels, she descended the steps outside her local pub. She wore a tightly fitting black dress, and her hair was loose in a messy style. Keira glanced at her watch, sighing. It was later than usual, and Francesca would probably be worried by now. Everything that Keira was wearing belonged to her sister, though not because they shared the same fashion sense; because Keira had used her sister's money to buy it. The streets were dimly lit by the warm glow of the orange street lamps, ridden with moths and other insects that were drawn to them in the night. Several girls hobbled past, their arms linked with those of their boyfriends. Gripping the black iron rail outside the building, Keira stared at her painted blue nails. She despised them. She despised everything that she had become. How could an intelligent Witch such as herself be in this awful position? She closed her eyes, breathing deeply and appearing slightly more intoxicated than she truly was. In truth, she had not had a lot to drink at all tonight. Francesca had stopped funding Keira's habits.

Minutes passed as Keira leant against the rails for support, gazing at the water in front of her. It was a strange pub, situated right next to the sea. The sound of the waves lapping against the concrete wall soothed her, a slight wind ruffling her already messy hair. She felt vulnerable, and it was a vaguely familiar feeling. When she had joined Hogwarts, she had felt exactly the same. As though someone had sapped every ounce of bravery she had from her and hidden it back home. Home was just where Keira wanted to be now, but she did not mean her flat with Francesca. She meant with her parents. She knew they didn't care about her, but surely if they had wanted Keira to know they were alive, they cared a tiny bit? Perhaps it had just been common decency. She was about to turn around and go home, but her eyes were brimming with tears and anyone walking past would have seen her. So instead she watched the waves gently rippling on the sea below, almost wishing it could swallow her up and take every trace of her with it.
Dante had never quite understood the intense habit people had of drinking alcohol. He didn't understand the principle of going out and getting wasted at pubs and clubs, and making an absolute fool of yourself. Dante had never been a big drinker, mainly contenting himself with a quiet glass of red wine at home on special occasions. And yet, tonight saw him breaking his usual routine once again, getting slightly dressed up and making his way to a muggle bar in New Zealand. He had been spending quite some time here as of late, hiring a nice hotel room and spending his nights here. Since slightly reconnecting with the wizarding world through Connor, he often found himself thinking of New Zealand. So here he was. Tonight found him sitting in a booth by himself, a seven ounce glass of scotch and coke in front of him, and his eyes flickering across the room, studying people as they went about their night. He found it generally amusing, watching people go about their nights, seeing how they acted socially and studying their actions. However, seeing people commune with each other, and have fun, made him long for friends of his own. He though back to Connor. She didnt seem like the type to go out socially and have drinks. Plus, she was always busy with her school stuff. He then thought of Amberlyn. She would most definitely be working, and also didn't seem like the type of person who went out and 'partied'. So, once again, he was stuck alone. He really needed to make new friends.

Sighing to himself, he decided a bit of fresh air was needed. Picking his still full glass off of the table, he headed for the door. His head felt funny, and his motions seemed slowed and strange. 'I must be drunk' he mused to himself, a smile on his face. He definitely wasn't a heavy drinker. Pushing the door open to the pub, he went and stood against the balcony, overlooking the ocean. It was a beautiful sight in the moonlight, and he smiled to himself again. Life was finally looking up. It was only at that moment that he noticed that he wasn't alone. There was a girl, a very attractive girl he might have said, standing right next to him. He thanked himself for the fact that he was drunk, otherwise his social awkwardness would have gotten the best of him. Studying the girl a bit more, he realized that she was upset. Frowning, he reached into his jacket and pulled a small packet of tissues out, and offered them to her. "Are you okay dear?" he said in a slightly slurred english accent, and then frowned slightly to himself. 'Dear? What the...' he thought to himself, his cheeks turning the slightest shade of red.
Keira had often been approached on nights like these by strange men offering her lifts home, or even following her the several blocks it was back to her flat. It was always relatively easy to get them off her trail, especially since others passing by would stand up for her. She was fully aware of the dangers of being a young woman alone at night, especially when she could have been taken advantage of. Which was why her natural reaction to a stranger approaching her was to pretend they didn't exist. He'd probably just come out for a breath of fresh air anyway, she mused, closing her eyes once more and listening to the gentle ripples of the sea. However, when the man spoke, she looked up. Her vision was slightly distorted, and Keira wondered if she had had more to drink than she remembered. Often other guys in the bar would buy her drinks. It was one of the benefits of being a young woman, she supposed. Unfortunately, all those men were creeps. In fact, most of them were twice her age. She wouldn't have turned down a free drink from anyone, but there was no way she could settle down into a relationship with any of the men in there. This stranger, however, appeared to be a little shy himself. At least she assumed so by the way he turned pink in the moonlight. She could only just tell that he was blushing, since the orange glow of the street lamps were casting their amber shade over his skin. If she had not been so drunk, she may have found his greeting a little odd, but she thought nothing of it in her disorientated state. She studied his face briefly, taking in just how good looking he was. And young, too, not like the middle aged men in the bar. She wondered what a guy like him was doing getting drunk. Surely he had a girlfriend? A good life? Someone as good looking as him couldn't possibly be lonely. It did not occur to Keira that he was probably thinking the same thing about her.

Being as streetwise as she was, Keira declined his offer of a tissue with a vague wave of her hand. She was rather lightheaded, though was trying extremely hard not to show it. Her heels were not helping the situation at all, so she slipped them off and shoved them in her handbag. The concrete was cool on her manicured feet. Despite everything, Keira found herself smiling like a little girl. He had a strange posh accent, though she could not quite put her finger on it. "As good as I'll ever be.." She muttered, a little slurred but nonetheless audible. Keira was born and raised in New Zealand, so her accent was what she defined as 'normal'. She stumbled, gripping onto the railings for support. How much had she had to drink? She guessed that this man might know, since he had been in the bar with her. She was quite surprised that she hadn't even noticed him. It seemed a little peculiar to ask, though, so she simply continued to stare out to sea. Suddenly, it occurred to her that she was being impolite. "You?" She asked in a mumbled voice, returning his question. It was a little strange, but Keira appreciated the company of this man. Even though they were acquaintances, it felt good to be around someone that wasn't her sister.
In his drunken state, Dante was a little but offended over the fact that she had refused his offer of the tissues. Had he been sober, he would have realised that a strange man coming out of nowhere and offering things to drunken girls would have seemed strange and sleazy, but as he was intoxicated, none of this occurred to him. Placing the tissues back inside his jacket, and studied the girl through his slightly blurred vision. She was gorgeous. More so than he had first noticed. However, she was drunk. Just as drunk as he was, if not more, from what he could see. Her makeup was smudge and running across her face due to the tears, and her hair was falling out of place due to the slight breeze coming from the harbour. However, she was still stunning. Dante smirked to himself when the girl took off her heels. She definitely was drunk. Taking another swig of his scotch, he studied the girl further. He was glad for his intoxication. He definitely wouldn't have been able to approach this girl had he not been smashed. He frowned at her sarcastic reply. "Excuse my saying so, but you don't seem at all okay." he stated softly, wondering what was wrong with the girl. He didn't like to see someone like her in this situation. She seemed like a nice person.

He was a little bit taken off guard by her question back. He hadn't really expected it, though had he been sober he might have, and wasn't sure how to answer. How was he exactly? Drunk, obviously. But was he okay? He couldn't tell. "Oh, uh, i'm fine. Drunk, but fine." he said, slightly awkwardly. He watched the girl go to walk, and stumble and grab the railing for support. Running a hair through his neat, blonde hair, he offered the stumbling girl a hand of support. "Miss, I think you have had a bit too much to drink," he commented softly, in a charming voice. "Might I offer you a hand to your seat? Or home?" he asked, genuinely worried about the girl. He was trying not to come off as a creep. "I'm Dante, by the way."
Usually, Keira would have been aggravated by now at her acquaintance's attempts to help her, however tonight felt different. As though the man, who revealed his name was Dante, genuinely cared about Keira and wanted to help. It was rare to find someone like this out so late, and if Keira had been a little more aware of her senses, she might have found him suspicious. Instead, she smiled sadly at his statement. It was clear that Keira had been crying, but she tended to get emotional when she'd been to the pub. It made her realise just how much time she was wasting not getting back on her feet. She desperately needed a job, and was sure she'd find one eventually. Now just wasn't the time. Keira couldn't help but notice that Dante was starting to stare a little. It was her turn to blush, since she assumed he was staring due to the fact she looked such a mess. For someone who didn't often get embarrassed, she felt quite shy at that moment, as though his first impression of her would be that she was incapable of looking after herself. It was true, but it embarrassed her. "I'll be fine," She slurred a little doubtfully, shooting another weak smile in his direction. She was grateful for his hand though, and took it for support. Her vision was distorted and it was taking every last ounce of will power she had not to vomit all over him. That would not have been a good first impression.

Though Keira hated accepting help from others, she nodded at his offer to take her home, deciding that she would stop and thank him at the end of her street. She still had a little common sense. "Home.. Would be great, thank you," She mumbled, nodding her head in the direction down the street that they needed to head. "I think so, too," Her lips formed a brief smile as she agreed with him. "Keira. Sorry you had to meet me like this," She gestured with her hands to her body, referring to the mess she was in. She had no idea how she would make it home, seeing as she couldn't remember how much she'd had to drink tonight, let alone her street name. Luckily, she'd made the trip from the pub to her flat so many times before that she didn't have to think about it too much. She let go of Dante's hand, deciding that she could probably walk without his support, but then quickly grabbed it again as the world began to spin. "Or we could just have one more drink," She suggested, laughing through her nose and resting her head against Dante's shoulder.
Dante couldn't help but smile at the girls stubbornness. He could tell she was one of those 'go it alone' kind of girls. He liked that about people. He hated being dependant on others, and admired the quality in her. He liked having someone there to help from time to time, but if you couldn't stand on your own two feet, then there simply wasn't a point in trying. "If you say so," he sighed softly, but gripped her arm gently when she took it. He was glad that she wasn't going to be as stubborn as he assumed. He liked helping people, and the fact that this person was cute was all the more better. He was glad, once again, that he was intoxicated. He wasn't a sleaze like most of the other guys in this bar, and he would genuinely help her. He smiled when she accepted his help to take her home, and nodded his head. He thought it was definitely time the girl headed home. Taking his glass, he gulped down the remainder of his drink, and placed the glass on the balcony. He was starting to sober up a tad, in the cool fresh air, and wasn't sure how he would cope with sobering up whilst being around the girl. He didn't want his awkward shell to come crashing down again.

Chuckling softly when she admitted that she had had too much to drink, he shrugged softly. "Oh well, people make mistakes. I'm sure you will regret it with the hangover in the morning." he mused, more to himself then to the girl. His eyes left the girl for a moment, and looked up at the night sky. It was a beautiful sight, watching the stars. Though, he noticed that from the positioning of the moon, it was getting late. He chuckled again at her comment about her appearance. "You look stunning. Don't even worry about it." he reassured her. He did notice, however, a stay piece of hair dangling from her head. Without thinking, he reached up and brushed it behind her ear. That was when he realized that his action may have been seen as sleazy or awkward. "Sorry." he murmured softly. 'Keira. What a lovely name,' he thought to himself as he watched the girl. He was a little bit shocked when she stumbled and grabbed him,r resting her head on his shoulder. It had been some time since he had had this kind of contact with a girl. He liked it, oddly enough. He found it amusing, though he didnt know why, that he was the most awkward person when sober, and yet the most open person when drunk. "I think another drink wouldn't sit well with your stomach, or decision making skills." he commented, grinning. "How about a coffee and some food? There is a nice cafe down the steet." he asked, gesturing to the road. "I dont mind carrying you." he said with a smirk.
As Dante finished his drink, Keira wondered if he, too, did not yet want to sober up. She was enjoying the night now, despite the fact she was with a strange man she had never met before. It did cross her mind that he was simply very good at taking advantage of young women out alone in the dark, but he had a genuine feel about him. As though his intentions were not harmful at all. She was inwardly pleased he did not pursue the cause of her tears, since talking about it would only have upset her more. Right now, she just wanted to enjoy her evening with this seemingly lovely guy. Keira groaned aloud when he mentioned hangovers. She was very familiar with the pounding headaches that came with having a good night, and she was certain that tomorrow would bring much misery. "Ugh, don't remind me," She giggled, pushing it to the back of her mind as she held onto Dante's hand. His comment about the way she looked caused her to pull her hand away from his abruptly. She didn't like compliments, she wasn't a painting that could be admired by tourists. He seemed to realize his mistake though and apologised. Gingerly, she took his hand again, since without it she was having a hard time walking in a straight line. "It's fine," She brushed it off with a vague flick of her hand, accidentally slapping his arm in the process. She was too intoxicated to notice this, though.

The thought of food was a little too much for Keira, but coffee sounded good. Though she didn't want the night to end just yet, she was fully aware of the state she was in and feared that if she didn't sober up soon, she would only embarrass herself further. She smiled again, her dimples showing in the soft glow of the street lamps. "Coffee sounds great," Keira replied, wondering how on earth she would pay for it. She blushed, genuinely feeling guilty that she had sponged off Francesca for so long. She couldn't bear to do it to Dante, too. Fortunately, she was so light headed that she quickly forgot about not having any money as her main focus was staying upright. Appearing a little rude, she laughed at his comment about carrying her. "I don't think that's a good idea. Your jacket looksh nice and I can't handle my drink very well," Keira was grinning at this point. "See? I can still make good decisions," She poked a finger into his chest, as though accusing him mockingly. However, shortly after saying this, she stepped on a sharp stone and cursed loudly. She stopped to rub her foot before taking Dante's hand and starting off down the road towards the café.

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