What Happens in Paris.... (Zazuka) (PM to join)

Brian Getathorn XIX

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Brian was thrilled to be in Paris with Zazuka but more importantly was glad that his parents had once again decided to stay back as they had been surprised with a case and wanted to do some work, allowing Zazuka and him to go exploring on there own. Brian's parents had been pleasant with Zazuka and had given her a room that had it's own bathroom, it was even bigger than Brian's. They had told him that young girl's needed more space and privacy and that no boy should ever refuse giving up the bigger room to a lady. Brian didn't quite understand it but was find as his parents had given him quite a bit of spending money and asked them not to return untill later since they wanted to work. Brian wondered if this might be part of some other plan but of course didn't give it too much thought as they began strolling down some riverbed on the way to the Eifel Tower.

Brian had tried not to show any affectionate behavior when in front of his parents but as soon as he was able too he placed his arms around Zazuka and kissed her "I missed doing that!" Brian said with a smile as he placed his arm around her waste and began walking down the cobbled street. "It's nice here" Brian said looking around, it was a bit hot but Brian didn't mind the house had it's own pool so perhaps they would go swimming later. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Brian asked, he'd taken to asking Zazuka that at every opportunity. This was because he knew how his parents could be and hoped to god that they weren't embarassing him. More importantly, he hoped that Zazuka would have the time he promised for her. Brian didn't want Zazuka to have any regrets about whether she should've come or not.
Zazuka was still in a little bit of a shock. Her room was huge, bigger than it was at the Paramore's and it had it's own bathroom. That was something that she wasn't used to because she had spent a good part of summer sharing one with four other girls. She had witnessed (And partisipated in) afew shouting matches between the girls when it came to use of the bathroom. It was nice though having her own space. She didn't like it too much though. She spent most of her time with Brian. Those where the times she liked best. Exploring the sights and using a bit of the money that Brian's parents had given him. Zazuka had none of her own. She barely had money in her Gringots account. She was sure that Brian's parents like everyone else were being polight when she showed up in ranbow colored staklings and a beight yellow jacket, habits she had picked up from having to make things look wareable when they really came from the rubbish bins of second hand stors.

Brian's parents where distant though something she had noticed with a new case having popped up and filling most of thier time. Brian and Zazuka had alot of time alone. Zazuka was taking in everything she could, her arm hooked around Brian's waist as his was on her's. She kissed him back and grined wide. "Well your the one that insisted on pretending we are just friends. Probobly better but I do miss this as well." She said then put her hand on his cheek and brushed her lips against his. Zazuka laughed when, for about the millionth time, Brian asked is she was having a good time. "Of course I am. We are in Paris, we've seen so many wonderful things and we've been together." She said with looking into Brian's eyes. She could have been anywhere as long as she was with him. Zazuka finally felt like she was right where she needed to be.
Brian was glad to be with Zazuka, it really didn't matter where they were as long as the two of them were together. Brian began walking onto a bridge where the river went right underneath. In the Distant Brian could see all that Paris had to offer and had to admit the view was wonderfull, Brian stopped at one of the balconies that allowed people to take good pictures and kissed Zazuka. As their lips parted once more he smiled and pulled out his camera from his backpack. Brian had made sure to bring his wand but had placed it underneath a jacket. One thing he'd learned about living in Europe was that the wheather was quick to change. Brian also had an extra jacket for Zazuka and wondered if she would need it as grey clouds appeared in the distant. It didn't change Brian's mood however since even if there was rain it would go away as soon as it arrived, as it had a few days they'd spent touristing France.

"Maybe tomorrow we should go to Versaille, the palace there is suppose to be a sight and they just finished cleaning the hall of mirrors" Brian suggested with a smile as he took Zazuka's picture. It was a sight Brian enjoyed much as he showed the digital image to her. Day's like today made Brian miss living in the muggle world since his camera would never work at Hogwarts. The picture was perfect in Brian's mind as he took another one from a slightly different angle. People walked by ignoring the two a few giving them the look as if they knew they were from somewhere else but Brian didn't mind. This wasn't about fitting in or being magical or not, it was about enjoying the vacation away from school and the drama that always seemed to be wrapped around it. Brian was just happy to be here with Zazuka. He leaned forward and began kissing her again.
Zazuka gasped softly as they looked at borders of Paris. She put a strand of pitch black hair behind her ear as it had fallen out while they where walking and took in the sight. Her star speckled eyes shimmered from behind her pointed glasses. She was making a momory of this place. They where not allowed magic outside of school but she had come to find that small spells didn't trigger any alarms. Zazuka had proven her oddness by dancing in a few of the sudden storm that came across. She had to let out all that happy energy or she thought that she was going to explode. Brian kissed her inturpting her thought and she was thankfull for it. She kissed him back lovingly and nodded. "Versaille sounds like the most wonderful place. I hope there are a few magical spots to see too. I want to take back a bit of knowlage when I get back to Ollivander's" She said with a bright smile.

Zazuka had found out before the trip that old Mr. Ollivander had retired and his niece was replacing him in the shop. She didn't mind. She was a kind witch with a lovly sence of hummer. It was just too bad that young Annamarie had to be let go. It was just as well. She had not skill for juggling school and a job with outings with her friends. Her eye caught afew of the people that where coming by as she posed for Brian to take her picture. It wasn't an over extravigant pose. She just put her hands behind her back, looking innocent. Brian took another and Zazuka laughed making the second picture come out with the smile a little to wide. She liked it though. It was rare for a girl to say that she liked her picture but Zazuka was not like that. She hadn't notced that she had changed over the summer though. Zazuka's mind was about to take her over to writing a letter to Andy when Brian's lips met her's again. She warped her arms around his neck and forgot the world.
"London Bridge is falling down,
falling down,
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair Lady"

Luxen mumbled under his breath as he saw the two on the bridge. It was more than safe to say that he was a wreck since his encounter with Morganna in the Poison Ater. She had poisoned him and ever since he'd been on the run. His cloak was torn his hair dirty along with his face. He'd spent the last three weeks living under bridges and in the sewers like a rat. Luxen had seen the children as they walked merrily angry with them for their happyness but more angry at the boy. A voice rang in his head to look away but he could not, something wasn't right. 'Luxen you should kill them if they bother you' her voice snickered. It was not Morganna or Maeve's voice that he heard, it wasn't even his mother's. It was someone else, someone without mercy or sympathy towards anyone other than herself.

"should I kill them?"
"Why should I kill them?"
"I don't want to kill them though"
"They must die, they must bleed, they must suffer"

Luxen mumbled as he placed his hands to his head. Too many thoughts, too many colors none of them made any type of sence to him as he stared at the bridge.

"They should die"

Luxen said as he raised his wand to kill the pair. 'quit being a child Luxen! If your going to kill them then do it properly' her voice snickered once more as the world around Luxen turned into shadows and colors each trying to gain his attention but none suceeding. Luxen had to concentrate, he had to think as he placed his hands to his head once more. "London Bridge is Falling Down" Luxen said as he tried to focuse. "Falling Down" he said as he looked at the pair, taking pictures being happy. "Falling Down" he said as the kissed, his wand was raised. "London Bridge is falling down" the thought that he might not be in London crossed his mind but he didn't care that much "My Fair Lady" he whispered as her voice called out in his head. 'do it now!' Luxen waved his wand and thought the proper spell as he felt the trembling of the bridge, it was still standing and yet half of it was nothing more than rubble as Luxen appeared in front of the two children, "Have a good day" he said with a smile as he quickly frowned "no, have a bad day..." he corrected as he raised his wand to the pair ready for the kill.
Brian didn't know what had just happened but fel the ground tremble as he grabbed onto Zazuka. Smoke and debree seemed to be everywhere as a chunck of the Bridge seemed to be missing, having fallen into the river below. Brian's first thought was that it must've been a terrorist attack against the french governement but as he saw the man any ideas of a normal attack left his mind. Brian quickly reached for his wand trying to figure out what was going on. It was obvious that the man was magical but didn't seem to be in his right mind as he corrected himself. Brian kept Zazuka close behind him as he thought up a plan, wondering what on Earth was going on. All he wanted was a non-magical summer with his girlfriend and parents and now they were smack dab in the middle of something very magical indeed. "I don't know who you are, but if it's a fight you want then come on!" Brian said as he raised his wand a few people ran off the bridge to get local police, he had to think quickly.

Brian was a Ravenclaw and not a stupid one at that as he thought about how much time they would have to deal with this problem, once the police arrived the body count would likely rise, it was lucky nobody had been hurt yet as Brian tried to figure out what was the guy's problem. "Zazuka, I can't take on an adult wizard by myself but if we work together we might be able to take him" Brian whispered hoping that Zazuka had brought her wand with her. "He doesn't seem right in the head so, I'll focus on offensive magic to take him down while you use Defensive magic to block anything he tries on us, understand?" Brian said as he thought about what spell would be best for taking on an adult wizard who seemed to be mad as a hatter. None in particular came to mind but it didn't mean Brian would give up, he had to finish this quick and it wouldn't be him or Zazuka that would be in trouble. "Everte Statum!" Brian yelled as the tip of his wand exploaded.
Luxen smiled brightly as he waved his wand sending the pathetic child's spell away into the river causing a large burst of water and fish to flop onto the bride. "die die die today, this is how we sing and play" Luxen mumbled as he took a few tentative steps forwards. His right eye seemed to twitch slightly as he saw the two children. 'Are you going to kill them or sing them to sleep' She said angrilly as Luxen raised a hand to his head. 'OH move aside, I'll do it!' She yelled as Luxen's vision began to blur slightly, "No, the're mine!" Luxen said as he began to think again. "Or are they his?" Luxen said trying to remeber what his train of thought was. "No, there definately mine and her's" Luxen said as he looked at the pair once more smiling brightly.

"Where were you?" he asked as he raised his hand "oh yes, you were saying something about a fight?" he said as he chuckled rubbing his right eye which seemed to twitch more. "Avada Kedavra!" he shouted as he sent forth a bright green light that remided him of something that he couldn't quite remeber. Perhaps it was spring that it remided him of, life everywhere so bountifull and jubilant with nothing left but death in the future. Luxen tried to think but the colors and the buildings would not quit moving as he saw the muggles run for there lives. "run run!" Luxen cried out excitedly as he began chasing towards the little bunnies, they needed to be cut and gutted so that they could be stuffed and placed on his mantle, that would make him happy or would that make her happy.
Zazuka's eyes widened as she looked at the man. She could feel that madness poring off of him. Thoughts raced over what she should do. Brian with a mind ever quicker than hers knew what to do. She was starting to think of all the blocking and deflection spells she had been working on as she took her wand out of the pocket of her coat. She knew that Brian had said that this summer would be magic free but she couldn't bring herself to be away from her wand. Brian tried to put at banishing spell on the mad man but it didn't work. The killing curse was next and she knew there was nothing that could stop it all she could do was take it for Brian. She was about to step in it's path when she realized that in his madness the man missed taking out a muggle instead.

This did not make Zazuka feel any better. In fact it made her feel worse. Partly because she felt of the person that had lost their life without any warning that it was going to happen partly because she could feel the life seep of out body in an instant. A sharp pain ripped though her heart that made her utter a scream. She looked at the man with pitch black eyes, they had lost their stars. She held on to Brian tightly because she knew what came next. She would lose it. She faint and that was not what was needed right now. She fought it. She fought the fog. Zazuka had to stand. In this state between the Waking and the Other she could hear it she could hear her. She wondered what it was. Surely it could not be human. Or maybe it was. A fragrant of the man's mind. Female but part of himself. She shot her head up to look right into the mad mans eyes with voids like black holes that used to hold a universe.
Luxen looked omniously at the girl in front of him, something wasn't right about her and it seemed to effect him in a way he didn't like. "your doomed" he muttered "all of us are doomed" he muttered again looking upwards. 'forget the boy Luxen, kill her' Her voice said a tone murderous as if she knew something Luxen did not 'you cannot allow her to live, she puts you in danger Luxen' Her voice ordered as Luxen lowered his head to stare at the girl. "She doesn't like you, I don't like you, We don't like you" Luxen mumbled as he tried to get a hold of himself, the world around him wouldn't stay still and she was getting mad at him. Luxen didn't like it when she got mad at him because then she punished Luxen most severely. Luxen was a good boy, Luxen did as he was told and now he was told to kill this little girl. Luxen raised his wand to perform the curse once more, nobody would stop him but something wasn't right.

His eyes flared for a moment bright purple as his body seemed to act without telling it too. He threw his wand aside and ran towards the girl. He wouldn't need magic to kill this little thing, he would simply choke the life out of her untill her little neck snapped like a twig. "You will die insolent whelp!" Luxen said angrilly but it was his voice, at least not entirely. It seemed as if he were speaking as someone else but simply using Luxen's vocals as Luxen's only thought was to kill the girl, the boy was nothing but the girl was a threat that had to die. Otherwise they would find out about her and would want to use her for their dark devices. Luxen couldn't have that, they were not going to get her not if they could stop it. Luxen would ensure that she could never be used by them, she would die first.
CRACK! Tin appeared watching what was going on with confused eyes... "oh dear this isn't good, what should Tin do?" Tin thought to himself as he wondered whether to get Lady Le'Creigh or just let the old master kill the kids, it could be therapeutic and besides Tin could get two wands out of it if he was quick enough. Tin always tried to look on the bright side otherwise things just seemed so depressing. Tin watched on deciding that he would need to visit Mr.Twitchy in his hospital bed sometime soon and tell him all the things he'd been up too lately. Mr.Twitchy would enjoy that, just as long as that mean Wizard stayed away so that Tin and Mr.Twitchy could enjoy their peace and quiet.

Tin looked up, Lady Le'Creigh was calling him so he had to go. Tin shifted his feet nervously, if the master killed someone he could go to Azkaban and then Lady Le'Creigh could never get her revenge. Tin figured it would be his best option to tell her about this since she wouldn't want him to slip out of her grasp. Tin knew that it would make her feel bad and Tin would never want her to feel bad. So ignoring everything that was going around Tin snapped his fingers and CRACK! was gone.
For a moment all Zazuka could do was stare. It seemed like her being aware of the state she was in was just as bad as her passing out from it. She could hear her yet Zazuka had no idea what was going on. She never did when it came to things like this. Then the Waking took over again and her eyes got there stars back. The man was coming at her with a look in his eyes like that her father wore every time he accused her of doing something wrong. You will die insolent whelp echoed though her. She remembered times when she the phrase I want to die used to pass though her head.

"No." She said calmly and made to step out of the way. Her foot was caught though on some of the debree. Zazuka toppled forward right into the man running at her. Zazuka was filled with a sense of failer. She failed to keep herself alive. Something she had sucsseded at for seven years of her life. This was her fourth encounter with death. And this time Zazuka got the feeling that it was very possible that death would win.
"No!" Brian yelled as he grabbed the man trying to get him to back off but it seemed like he was stronger than Brian inticipated. Brian was pushed back falling to the ground. Brian looked around for something that might help him but didn't see anything of use in particular, untill he saw a large peice of stone that had come from the bridge. Brian picked up the stone and knew that it was more than heavy enough to take this guy down. Brian had to help Zazuka, this was all his fault. If he hadn't brought her to Paris none of this would've happened, she would've had a nice quiet danger free summer like she had the years before. Brian threw his rock hard at the man's skull knowing that there was a chance that he could kill the guy but not caring. He had to save Zazuka and if a crazed murderer died in the process Brian was sure people would understand.

Brian rushed forwards to Zazuka holding her in her arms "It's okay, calm down" Brian said knowing that Zazuka's seer power must've activated causing some sort've connection between the two. Brian didn't know too much about Zazuka's ability but figured that taking out the crazy guy would help snap her back to normal. Brian hoped that his planned worked, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if anything happened to her. Brian looked around, it had only been a few minutes and he could hear the sirens in the distance as the french police would soon arrive "we have to get out of here" Brian whispered to Zazuka as he tried to help her up. If they didn't get away soon then a lot of questions would start to be asked, questions Brian was sure he and Zazuka wouldn't know how to answer. Brian turned once more to see the man lying on the ground and then continued to try and help Zazuka.
'Get up Luxen!' her voice yelled inside his head as he opened his eyes slightly. He saw next to him his wand and picked it up a he got to his feet, something was in his eye as he rubbed his right eye it twitched but with something else added to it, looking at his hand he noticed the blood. His head hurt but he didn't feel it as he got to his feet looking at the two children that thought they could get away from him. 'Kill her Luxen, if you don't she will cause trouble for us later' Her voice said angrilly as he looked at the girl, she seemed weak almost incapable of doing anything extradinary yet she had to die. Luxen wasn't quite sure why but felt something inside her as he raised his hand and smiled.

'ring around the roses'
'a pocket full of poses'
'ashes ashes'
'we all fall down'

Luxen mumbled as he began waving his wand in a circle, he would curse the pair of them in the Labyroth spell and then burn the city to the ground it would all be over soon enough, they would die by his hands and she would be pleased with him. He wanted to laugh but didn't need too, instead he just hummed the theme to ring around the roses as he took a few tentative steps forwards. Those two were doomed, just like the rest of them, he felt the blood trickle down his face and even enter his mouth but didn't try to wipe it. They would die, he would kill them and she would be pleased. It was all too perfect and he dared not change a thing. He wanted to remeber this victory because it pleased her so. 'Do it Now!' her voice ordered as Luxen raised his wand.
"Incarcerous" Morganna said with a smile as the ropes appeared from her wand and wrapped itself around Silverback bringing him to the ground as he began trying to struggle "tsk tsk Silverback, no wonder daughter dearest has daddy issues" Morganna said with a smile as she walked over and kicked him in the stomach "nobody told you to go on a rampage, now look what you did" Morganna said showing off the area that had a dead muggle and a destroyed Bridge "that's okay, we'll just put you somewhere where you won't be a danger to anyone but yourself" Morganna said with a smile as she looked Luxen in the eyes. "After I'm finished with your wife and son, I'm going to kill you and that dog of yours" Morganna said with a smile as she looked over to see blue lights coming closer "now then Silverback, let's go home" Morganna said cruely as she apparated the pair of them away.
Zazuka took Brian's hand and got up. "Right let's get out of here." She looked around to see that the man was still gunning for her. What happened next puzzled her. A woman, kind of pretty but distorted in her eyes by evil. Then again it could have been the dust that had clouded them up slightly. She kicked the crazed man. In the state he was she didn't recognize him having seen the man only once in her life and that was though the window of his shop. "Silverback?" She asked softly. People around her could have almost heard the wheels in her head turning.

"That's Andy's dad." She whispered more to herself than to Brian. She gripped his hand and tried to lead him away. "Let's go I will tell you what I think this is all about right now let's just go." She said almost pleadingly. If that really was Andy's step-dad... This was bad. The woman had said something about a dog. It was no secret that those people thought of Andy as nothing more than a pet. It may mean that Andy was in danger. Zazuka tried to think that while she cared nothing for the family that had treated Andy so badly she would never let anything happen to Andy if she could help it. Zazuka looked at Brian so he could come with her and run back to the house his parents had taken them to.
Brian heard the noise as they made there way away from the bridge as the police and media arrived on the scene. Brian felt bad for the muggle, he didn't have a chance. The guy had left behind loved ones that would never understand or even know what had taken his life, they would have to grow old knowing nothing but a lie used to protect the very people that had killed him. Brian was a wizard but after last year he'd been feeling some resentment towards what was suppose to make him unique. The only real good thing that had came out of him finding out he was a wizard was the fact that Brian had met Zazuka. Brian made his way towards the river with Zazuka, they needed to clean themselves up before they met his parents again. They would also need a cover story since Brian needed to protect them from the truth, they would only worry about him if they knew what had happened on the bridge.

"Zazuka, we can't tell my parents about this" Brian explained as he washed his hands and face in the river, it was very clean but it was better than showing up at the doorstep covered in dust. Brian looked up as a few drops of rain began falling down, Brian smiled slightly thankfull for the extra hand. The water hopefully would be able to wash away any evidence. Brian looked over at the bridge which was less then a mile away, more people were appearing a few seemed to be wearing a bit of odd clothes, Brian wondered if they were from the french Ministry. "Let's go" Brian said as he took Zazuka's hand, they would have to get away quick before anything else happened. Running a bit farther Brian stopped underneath a cover to some shop that was closed. Brian looked at Zazuka and wrapped his arms around her "I'm sorry, I just wanted to have a normal summer..." was all Brian could manage to say.
Zazuka was thinking for the way to tell Andy without making her freak out. Andy was nearly as protective over Zazuka as Zazuka was over her. She would go ballistic if she knew all that happened but maybe she could make it seem like it was no big deal. Her head was already spinning the insedent so it sounded like it could have happened to anyone. She was also taking in what was around them. Zazuka started to wash in the river along side Brian "I know they would worry, that and how does one explain that a mad man attacked one on a bridge." She asked in a musing type voice.

Zazuka was shaken of course but she had dealt with fear for far too long to lose her head easily. Her mind had slowed down to help her think things through and make it so she appeared calm. "I have to tell Andy though. That was her step-father out there I'm almost certen of it." She said biting her lip. She ran along side Brian. She would have enjoyed it had the things been played out differently. They ended up under the shop and Brian's arms enveloped her. She wasn't pretending to be calm anymore after that. She layed her head on his shoulder and sighed. "I know and I was looking forward to it even though I knew I would miss the large bit of potions work I do over the summer but it could be helped it seemed." She said with as she let her arm slide around Brian's waist. Zazuka hoped she could make Brian feel better though she knew that like her he had to have been so scared.

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