Closed What happens in Hogwarts doesn't stay there

Hunter Robinson

Cheerful| Talkative| Funny| Helpful
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Holly Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hunter was walking around the city. Wellington was a lot different than Brightstone and the boy didn't mind that, in all honesty the wizarding world could be a little tiring so it was a good thing that he lived amongst muggles.
The school year had just ended, the cold winter was approaching and that could be felt by a little cold breeze that got colder every day that passed. He still coupdn't wrap his mind that he was already going to his second year. When he got home his moms had invited his, not so big family, for a welcome back party, it was really nice...mostly because it had cake involved.
He was on his way to the supermarket, one thing he missed at Hogwarts was sweets that didn't jump when you tried to eat them or that didn't burn holes in your tongue so he was going to buy an old fashioned jar of Nutella, that is if the nearby bakery's sugary scent wouldn't make him go inside and spend his money on cake. He couldn't help but think about Hogwarts, a weird thing. When he was at Hogwarts he thought about home, when he was home he thought about Hogwarts, he was so absorbed in his own thoughts and looking down at his feet that he didn't even noticed that someone was walking in the opposite direction he was and they bumped into each other, "Oh sorry, my bad" he said looking up at the person.
Emmaline could not say she was happy to be home. She missed Hogwarts more than she could explain; even if her last semester was stressful beyond belief. It was not as if she did not like seeing her mother (even if it was for an hour before she rushed off to work) and her sister, River. Honestly Emmaline missed River terribly. River had always been her best friend. As much as she enjoyed every ounce of freedom that Hogwarts offered, she felt terrible that she left her younger sister alone to fend for herself. Their home however, just felt too empty. Now that Emmaline was used to a school full of people constantly moving, talking, laughing, and at times breaking down, she felt almost lonely returning to an empty home.

For this reason, Emmaline decided to get out of the house for awhile. Her mum was working another double shift and River had been super excited about the prospect of attending Hogwarts, Emmaline knew it would be a good time to window shop. Although they did not have the money to buy anything that wasn't a necessity, it was always fun to look. Plus Emmaline had saved a little bit of money, a few knuts every once in a while, to buy River a present. Going to Hogwarts would change her life, much like it did for Emmaline.

The two girls wandered around their local shopping center. It did not compare to anything near school, but it was better than being in an empty home. Emmaline walked the streets pausing ever so often to look at a shop window. River loved to go in, but Emmaline knew she would much rather look than dare enter a store to check on the prices. It would only get her hopes up. It was just as enjoyable, to see the wonderful window displays especially those of the bakeries. Now it wasn't a cauldron cake, but some of the desserts did draw her blue eyes and make her crave those sweets. She did have such a sweet tooth.

Emmaline continued walking down the street, her sister entering a little shop that had 'wicked' selection of items. Emmaline would not go far, she had to be responsible after all, but so many other stories called her name. She walked down the street when suddenly a person bumped into her. Instantly Emmaline began to adjust her outfit and hair before looking up at the person, the voice sounding almost familiar. "It's okay." She began as her blue eyes looked up at the individual who had apparently not seen her. To her surprised her eyes widened. For a moment she could not find the words. She had not expected to see anyone outside school, nonetheless, Hunter. "" She began hating that suddenly she became so brain missing due to surprise.

Bringing herself back into reality, Emmaline smiled. "Hey" She said "I honestly did not expect to literally bump into you here." She added knowing it was a lame comment. Sometimes her words expressed themselves before her brain had time to think.
Hunter bumped into the person he was least expecting to but he also couldn't think of anyone better to bump. He chuckled a little "Always fun to see you Emmaline Hopkins-Vance speechless" he said teasing her with a grin. He didn't remember her saying that she lived here, she had to live in New Zealand there would be no other reason why she could be there, he also didn't remember them talking about that so it was fair that he didn't remember her saying that.
The boy decided to keep teasing "Oh who were you expecting then?" he said with grinning "Cuz I bet that no one would ever be as good looking and nice as me" he added waiting for her reaction, teasing her was definitely one of his favourite hobbies mostly because he always obtained some sort of reaction from her that amused him.
"What brings you here anyway?" he asked her, for a momemt his quest to go buy sweets didn't seem at all relevant and he decided to stay there and talk to her for a while.
Emmaline could not help but roll her eyes playfully at Hunter's comment. She however could not hide the smile that was creeping onto her face. This young boy always knew exactly what to say to get her a little 'flustered.' He definitely had the ability to push her buttons, as friends could. "Not speechless just surprised." She said sticking out her tongue. For a moment she forgot she was back home in her hometown instead of back at school hanging out with Hunter at the lakefront or studying in classes together.

The young Gryffindor let out a little laugh at his comment. "Always so high and mighty." She said playfully, the conversation just seemed to flow, almost as if it was supposed to be like this. Was this friendship? Emmaline was learning to grow accustomed to it; she really did not know what she would do without it if she ever had to go back to her 'normal' life of muggle school and taking care of all the responsibilities in the house. That will never happen. She thought pushing the troubling thoughts out of her mind, trying to enjoy the unexpected conversation.

"I live not too far from here. I did not expect to see anyone from school year." She admitted honestly. Her blue eyes glanced around the area looking for River. Emmaline was worried about introducing the two, her sister and her friend. River was always so much calmer, less neurotic as her mother would say. But the young girl could not lie. Her sister would be joining her soon anyway. Her friends would have to meet her sister eventually, just this seemed sooner than she expected. "I'm just window shopping with my sister." She explained. "She is around here somewhere." she gestured close to the last store River had entered. "To be honest, I could not stay put in the house any longer." Emmaline said knowing that she had barely been home long enough to be craving freedom once more, but even this short time felt like forever. "What brings you here?" She asked wondering if Hunter was visiting or if he actually lived in the area, what a coincidence that would be.
Hunter couldn't help but be surprised, it was weird that Emmaline lived so close to him and he never seemed to notice her before especially because they probably must have crossed in elementary school at some point or maybe they just were unlucky enough to always go to different schools.
The boy laughed "Sure, of course you are with your sister. Going to pretend you aren't just stalking me" he said giving her a teasing grin and ending up laughing as he couldn't maintain the grin for much longer. He nodded as she said she couldn't just stay put in the house, it was a feeling he was familiar with and even though it was winter and it was cold he decided not to care and leave the house anyway.
"Well, like you I live around here" he told her and suddenly when he was about to tell her what he was doing he couldn't help but laugh a bit "I was going to buy some food, Nutella to be more precise. It seems like our encounters somehow are always related with food" he said remembering that the first time that they officially met they had shared some cauldron cakes and did a little promise where they would try all the wizard world sweets.
Emmaline could not believe Hunter had lived in the same area as her. It made sense she had never noticed him, it was not like Emmaline had many friends around here. She was focused on school then going home to help her mother take care of everything in the house. The few friends she did seem to have were individuals she had in her classes at school; the ones just as obsessed as she was. For a moment she wished she had met Hunter earlier. Maybe she would have fought a little more to be social if she had. But you could not change the past and here it was now, one of her closest friends of Hogwarts shopping in her, well their, home area.

Emmaline let a small laugh escape when Hunter mentioned she was stalking him. "Oh yes you caught me" She said playfully rolling her eyes. "You always see through my lies" She added with a little laugh. It was nice to laugh, to feel normal again. Hogwarts was normal for her now even if she had only been there a year. Emmaline listened to the real reason Hunter was shopping, looking for sweets. "Not surprising at all." She said honestly knowing they often had meetings around food, wasn't that the best way to go though. "That bakery I hear is the best. You know if you want something fancier than Nutella." She added sticking out her tongue. No offense to the wonderful treat, Nutella on pancakes was always a special treat when Emmaline or her sister were feeling sad.

Thinking of her sister, Emmaline looked around once more. River had been taking awhile in a single shop, which did not happen too often. She hoped she was not trying to haggle some prices. That never ended well. With that slight worry, Emmaline let out a small sigh as she saw River leaving the shop empty handed, a smile spread across her face. The young Gryffindor waived her sister over, making sure she saw her the few feet ahead of the shop. Here we Go Emmaline thought not sure why she was so nervous all of a sudden. Her sister made her way over towards the two as Emmaline tried to keep that smile on her face, that almost practiced smile.
River had been browsing this lovely shop that seemed to have a little bit of everything, from clothing to furniture to some decorations she would love to have in her dorm room when she attended Hogwarts. River had been thinking about Hogwarts a lot. It was something kept her going through the lonely year she had had. River's mother had been working even more trying to make up the extra money for RIver's school supplies as well as her older sister's. At least River was the only one that had to buy a wand this year, that was always quite a few galleons.

The young girl looked around the shop, her brown eyes gazing at a lion lamp that looked so ancient it was homey. A smile spread across her face as she rushed out of the store to let her sister know. Emmaline needed this lamp, River knew that they would never afford it, but maybe as a gift or something next holiday. The young girl left the shop looking around for her older sister. She assumed her sister had found a little clothing store that she was obsessing over the window display, however this was not the case. River was surprised to see that her older sister waved her over towards her and another boy around the same age. I wonder who that is River thought knowing the few friends Emmaline did have, knowing they rarely hung out with anyone besides themselves.

River walked over to the pair, tucking a strand of her red hair out of her face. Today her hair was bright red, blinding almost. It was one of River's favourite colours, however it did make it difficult to believe the two were related. River looked more like her father she assumed, not that she could know for sure. But the tendencies the family had, the similar habits, did make it clear they were very much related.

A huge smile spread over River's face as she walked up to her sister. "Hiya" She said to the boy who was standing there. "Oh before I forget! Emmaline there was the perfect lion lamp in that store. You need it for your dorm, or maybe our dorm" She added the last part playfully pushing her sister. Oh how River hoped the two would not be separated again due to something as simple as houses. Either way she knew she could not be happier to be joining her sister at school.

Realizing her excitement over the last store had probably come off as rude, something she should never be during first impressions. As her mother always made sure to drill into her mind, first impressions were absolutely important. She turned to the boy who she was indeed curious as to who he was. "Sorry. I'm River!" She said extending her hand with a smile on her face. "And you are?" She asked looking from the boy to her sister. River felt like she was missing something.
Hunter laughed, he had to admit that teasing Emmaline was fun but the way she played along made the whole situation even better. For a moment he couldn't quite figure out what bakery she was talking about but then remembered that it was probably the cute cozy place that his moms were always saying that they should try but never actually end up trying "Nutella is fancy thank you very much" he said laughing.

He was about to tease her about her sister again when this girl with actual red hair came out of the store and approached the two of them. Hunter wondered if that was River, the girl Emmaline couldn't stop mentioning during their time at the lake. She had never told him how her sister looked like and if Hunter didn't knew he would never say that they were related. He wondered if River was as uptight as Emmaline or if she was more of a rebel, maybe a bit of both.

The girl presented herself as River, confirming that Hunter was right. Did they not look alike at all. "Nice to officially meet you River." he said glancing at Emmaline "Your sister talked great things about you. I'm Hunter by the way" he added lookimg back at the young girl "The boy your sister can't stop thinking about" he said looking back at Emmaline to see her reaction after he just said that. Saying this in front of River made things twice as interesting. He hoped that the young girl would tease her older sister about this, maybe Hunter had just found someone who liked teasing Emmaline as much as he did.
Emmaline smiled at her younger sister, deep down cringing at the thought of them being in the same house nonetheless the same dorm room. Luckily most dorms were separated by year, but as much as Emmaline hated to admit it to herself she did not want River to be in the same house as her. Not only because the two did need their space but also that would create some competition Emmaline was not prepared for. As River talked about the lion lamp, Emmaline placed her hand on her shoulder. They were around the same height even though they were a year apart. "Thanks River. I'll have to check it out and add it to my list." She said knowing she did have a list of things she wanted but probably would never get. A lion lamp was definitely not on the top of that list, but she did like to make her sister happy.

Emmaline was not able to do introductions before Hunter spoke up. She could feel her cheeks turning slightly pink when he described who he was. Of course Emmaline had spoken nothing but great things about her friend. She even told River about him being her 'date' to the Yule Ball. She had never mentioned much about their friendship labels though. Emmaline, herself was not sure. Right now they were close friends. Someone she could always turn to when she knew she was getting too far into her own head, someone who could break her out of her antisocial behaviours. But as most siblings, River and Emmaline had a bond. River had always wanted to meet all of Emmaline's Hogwarts friends. This of course included Hunter.

"Yes this is Hunter. You know my friend from school" Emmaline added trying to shake Hunter's comment off before River decided to make more of the situation than it was. "Apparently we are stalking him, but he bumped into me first." She added playfully trying to in a way to make the subject of introductions go another way. If that worked was another story, of course. Emmaline could not help but wonder what Hunter thought of her little sister. Would they end up getting along better?
River was trying to judge the situation in front of her. Here was her older sister who was more focused on education than anything else in the world and the boy from her school she had spoken of a little too fondly. Of course River knew this conversation could go many ways, but now was not the time to upset her sister even if she was doing it in a playful manner. River did know her boundaries of course, sometimes she toed that line, but she also tried her hardest to tip toe carefully when it came to Emmaline. As strong as her older sister appeared, she easily crumbled.

The red hair girl smiled brightly letting out a little laugh at Hunter's comment. So there is something I'm missing. She thought glancing over to her sister who looked like she was blushing. River wondered if Hunter's comments were true, if Emmaline really did speak so highly of here while she was away at school. "Em's always too nice. I bet there are loads of things you forgot to tell you about me." River added with a laugh. Emmaline was a very motherly type of individual when it came to River. River really did appreciate that and often felt guilty she did not try harder to take some pressure off her older sister. Now was not the time for regrets. "I'll be in school next year so I guess you'll hear more about me." She added thoughts of Hogwarts floating into her mind.

"But it is nice to finally meet you as well Hunter. I hear you convinced this bookworm to go to an actual dance" River mentioned thinking back on how shocked she was that her sister had attended the Yule Ball. It was so out of character for her. Obviously a ball could not be placed on a resume after all. River gave Emmaline a small smile, almost to show that she was playing nice. The young girl could not help but wonder if it was true that her older sister had a crush. Hogwarts did change you apparently.

River let out a loud laugh at Emmaline's comment about them stalking the other boy. "Don't worry. That could not possibly be true. We would be much sneakier if we were actually stalking you. Come on give us a little more credit." She added playfully sticking out her tongue, a habit she often did as she was making it clear she was joking or being sarcastic.
Hunter looked at the Gryffindor girl surprised, by the sound of it it seemed like she had told her sister about him which Hunter wasn't expecting, he guessed that Emmaline wouldn't talk about the guy she ate cauldron cakes and went to the dance with to her younger sister but apparently she did.
The boy turned his head to River again and gave her a smile "One of my proudest achievements." he proudly said to her. Hunter remembered that day, he sent her an owl and she sent him one back, it didn't seemed like she struggled to make a decision but maybe she did, after all he didn't invite her face to face to know that.
Hunter laughed "Maybe you are saying that to throw me off and stop suspecting you" he said to them, he knew he would do that. He decided to keep playing along, obviously he knew they weren't stalking him but he had to admit that it wouldn't be a surprise for him, after all he was indeed very cute and it was nearly impossible for Emmaline not to feel tempted to follow him. "Any prospects about which house you'll be falling under?" he asked the younger girl.
RIver rolled her eyes at the young boy. He was fun, a little sarcastic. Not that way Emmaline had described him at all, not someone she would ever see Emmaline being best friends with. Maybe her sister had changed with the whole year away. Good for her The young brown eyed girl thought as she smiled at her sister, wondering what was saying too much. River smiled as he said that she was basically trying to throw him off. She knew this was one big joke, something River did not get to experience much with her very serious mother. Was this how most people at Hogwarts were? Oh how amazing that would be.

River felt bad that she seemed to take over the conversation, something that happened a lot when she was around her sister. RIver was just a little more outgoing, more talkative, more perseaurvie. Emmaline of course had her wonderful characteristics. Honestly River had always wished she could be more like her older sister, but she was not quite the same. It just was not who she was.

The question about her soon to be sorting made River smile from ear to ear. She even did a little bounce of excitement. She had given this a lot of thought her year alone. "I mean obviously I'm a Gryffindor." She said doing a little pose as she stuck her hands to her hips, a smile still on her face. "But I guess Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad. I do love to write. Mum says I'm going to be the best journalist ever one day." She said proudly. There were few times that her mother complimented her. River's writing, determination and persuasiveness to get the best story had always been one of her best features, in her mother's eyes. Apparently it was a decent profession. River knew her mother would much rather her be a doctor, but that just was not in the cards for either of her daughters.
Hunter was surprised the girl was so confident in her house, when he was at his sorting ceremony he knew he would like to be in Hufflepuff but he never had such confidence that he would actually end up in Hufflepuff. "Would you look at that" he said looking at Emmaline hoping to get a hint of how she felt about River being in Gryffindor, of course Emmaline would probably love that, even if she didn't Hunter wouldn't see her getting upset or at least showing to other that she was upset. If Hunter had a sibling he wouldn't like to share his house with her or him, Hufflepuff was his thing, no need to share their actual home and even their house outside of their real home "The Hopkins-Vance duo in red. Let me tell you one thing River, the best house is the yellow one" he said, this last sentence in almost a whisper as if it was some sort of hige secret. But it was no secret at all, Hufflepuff was indeed the best house.
Emmaline cringed slightly as River mentioned the Yule Ball. Emmaline had always known she was not the type to attend such events, but Hunter had a way of bring her out of her shell, something she had mentioned to her younger sister; although she doubted River believed her. Emmaline had always been the more focused one of the two, knowing what was important and what was optional. It almost seemed as River believed the same thing just had different priorities. They were different people after all, Emmaline was not sure why she always seemed to compare herself to her, to other people. It was a way to determine how well she was doing in the world, she assumed. Maybe not the best method, but Emmaline was not perfect, even if she tried to portray herself that way.

The young Gryffindor girl listened to River and Hunter talk for a little bit. How easily the words seemed to flow, both seemingly trying to get a rise out of her. The topic of Sorting came up, as Emmaline knew it would. Her younger sister had no doubt she would be in Gryffindor. Emmaline could see it, much more than she could see herself being in Gryffindor. It was a surprise. Apparently the sorting hat saw something that she did not.

Emmaline let out a little giggle at River's pose and tone of voice. She clearly was not afraid of what people would think of her, she knew who she was or it seemed. Still hearing the word Gryffindor come out of her sister's mouth made her heart sink. She really could not imagine a worse situation, other than River getting more house points than her in Gryffindor of course. But Emmaline did not let any of this show on her face. She smiled brightly at her sister. "Oh you'd make a great Gryffindor" She said honestly. It was the truth even if Emmaline was not ready to face it. "Plus it would match your hair" She added playfully smiling proudly at her little sister. It did not matter what Emmaline wanted, rarely it did. She would never have the heart to crush her sister's dreams of being a Brave and Adventurous Gryffindor. She'd have to definitely have to talk to her about losing housepoints. Getting in trouble for anyone in this family was unacceptable.

Emmaline looked at Hunter and gave a little laugh when he 'secretly' said that Hufflepuff was the best house. Although Emmaline never had a bad opinion about any of the houses, she could not let Hunter tease her that much. "Well sorry to say, Gryffindor was the winner of the House Cup this year so well..." she stuck out her tongue. "Kind of proves that us Gryffindors are the best." She added not meaning it, although she was proud of her house winning the house cup, even more so that she earned the most points for her house.
River's smile was from ear to ear when Hunter mentioned the sisters as a duo. She certainly knew they were best friends, sister, all each other really had. She liked the way he put it. She would have to remember that in the future. Her smile grew even wider as her own sister said she would be a great Gryffindor. River really hoped she would be. It seemed like the house she was best suited for, but of course she could be wrong. She had expected Emmaline to be a Ravenclaw and that never happened. Apparently the sorting hat had a mind of its own. An intriguing thought River thought wondering if muggles would enjoy a story about a thinking talking hat. Maybe she would have to add that to her list of storybook ideas. Thel is was obviously overloaded and ever growing.

"Thanks sis" she said nudging her a little bit in appreciation. "And the hair thing is on point!" she added doing an over the top hair flip, her hair going all over the place. Not as smooth as she had imagined, but easily fixable. River ran her fingers through her hair, keeping up appearances as always, out of habit more so than desire.

River's mouth fell open slightly for a second as she heard Emmaline reply to Hunter, almost sassy. That was a side of her sister she had rarely seen, it was exciting to see her comfortable instead of always so stressed and well sometimes unstable, so wound up the older sister could pop any moment. For a moment, RIver wondered how Hogwarts would change her as well. There were so many opportunities to grow it was definitely a new adventure.

River turned to Hunter, bringing herself back from her own thoughts. "No offense" She began with a kind smile. "You seem cool and all" She added knowing deep down she would not mind being sorted into Hufflepuff. "I might not be tame enough to be in" She said. "that yellow house" she whispered following Hunter's almost secret tone.
Hunter looked at Emmaline, he might not know her for a long time but something on her voice was off or maybe it was her expression, her mouth indeed said that River made a great Gryffindor but Emmaline did not say she wanted her sister to be one. Maybe that was it, maybe Emmaline wanted Gryffindor to be her thing, her own place that she didn't need to share and honestly Hunter could relate.
The boy looked at the older girl like he was in shock, like he had never been informed that Gryffindor won the house cup "Oh poor child, don't ypu know that that is fake news? Hufflepuff won, not Gryffindor" he said teasing Emmaline, they both knew it wasn't true but, again, he enjoyed teasing her and now with River it could be fun to see the confusion get settled in her face so he looked at her giving her a smile and a wink, hoping to also confuse her a little, maybe she would find this amusing.
"Excuse me?" he said to River laughing "I'm not tame!" he added still laughing "Just because I'm a Hufflepuff doesn't mean I am tame! I'm very wild thank you very much. Emmaline can confirm you that!" he said looking back at the Gryffindor girl again waiting for a confirmation of what he had just said.
Emmaline rolled her eyes playfully at Hunter. She knew for a fact that Gryffindor had won. The young Gryffindor had put her heart, soul, and all her effort into earning points in classes. She had not really connected her grades to the house cup, but it was nice to know that she went above and beyond. Even if Hunter knew this, the young girl realized he was teasing her. "Oh no you're not a sore loser are you." She said laughing a little bit. She knew Hunter from his first year and they were definitely getting to know eachother better. Even with this knowledge she doubted he was actually a sore loser.

Emmaline turned to her younger sister.
"Apparently he is still grieving the loss." She said glancing over to Hunter with a smile on her face. She often had a smile on her face when she was hanging out with her friend(s). Emmaline let out a little laugh when her sister mentioned she was not tame enough to be in Hufflepuff. In all honesty, Emmaline would never describe her sister as 'tame' so that certainly was true. Emmaline wondered if her words would strike a nerve with Hunter. Emmaline never really understood the houses and why certain people fell into them. The characteristics of those individuals always differed so much. Someone who was a kind and caring as Hufflepuffs were described could always be brave and adventurous as the Gryffindors were characterized at. It certainly had to be a difficult job being the Sorting Hat.

Hunter's reaction to River's comment was certainly an enjoyable one. Emmaline personally would not consider Hunter tame either, but wild, well maybe she did not know him well enough. He had jumped into the cold lake during their little picnic which was insane, but she certainly would not let Hunter get off this easy. "Well I mean..." She paused looking at Hunter, making him wait, almost as if she was thinking deeply about the question at hand. "You're a bit crazy... in a good way of course" She added honestly with a smile. "But I wouldn't call you wild exactly" She finished sticking out her tongue at the boy.
River listened to the interaction between the two, intrigued. It was really interesting to see the difference between Emmaline at home and the Emmaline that seemed to come out at school. A little less intense, more playful. River watched as the other boy teased her. She could not help but wonder what their friendship was about. She had heard some stories, but seeing the interaction in person was a new lens on the situation.

River rolled her eyes as Hunter had said that Hufflepuff won the house cup instead, an eye roll that almost mimicked her sisters, unintentionally of course. She could already tell he was lying to mess with her older sister, something that seemed to be a habit for the two older students. "I guess Hufflepuff's aren't as honest as the stereotypes say." She said laughing a little bit. She hoped she was not overstepping her bounds by playing along, joining in. It was, afterall, her older sister's friend and this was River's first time meeting him. She would have to get to know him better and he her before she could get a vibe off him.

She could not help but laugh again as he mentioned he was wild. She had not meant to offend by her comment but she did often think of Hufflepuffs as rule followers. Again she tried not to follow the stereotypes; it was difficult when you had very little to compare it to. She knew this would change once she met more people in the school. She only really had Emmaline to compare to and now this new boy. "Oh very wild it seems" She added after her older sister's comments. "You'll have to prove that before I believe it" she added jokingly, or was she.
Hunter rolled his eyes playfully at Emmaline, clearly this was amusing her, next year he would make sure that Hufflepuff would win the house cup so he could get bragging rights. Hunter heard as the Gryffindor girl gave her opinion on him, she wasn't wrong, that was probably more like it but now he was determined to show both that he could be wild. The Hufflepuff reputation was on the line.
"You haven't seen the half of it" he said to River when she said Hufflepuffs were not all honest. Houses weren't as balck and white as that, there were Ravenclaws who weren't particularly scholar, Gryffindors whose main characteristic wasn't bravery, basing things on stereotypes wasn't a wise decision but River would see that soon enough. "You're on" he said accepting the younger girl's challenge "You are so on. I took your sister to a ball, I think you already know that I'm known to do the impossible, proving I'm crazy it's nothing" he added with a grin.

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