Closed What Do You See?

Eurydice Nightray

princess • wanting to be seen • sweet
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Ever since Tizi-nii had gotten into the school, the Library had become a safe space for Eurydice. Oftentimes, when she wasn't with her friends, she'd find herself just camping out in the Library, sometimes to do her homework, and other times just to spend time with her older brother. Now that Tizi-nii was in the school, she didn't have to worry much about ending up somewhere alone with Morrie. It also gave her quite the bit of free time, which she was now using to practice her tarot card reading. Since Morrie had destroyed her cards, she'd kept her new deck safely tucked away in her room and only used it when nobody else was around. Now with Tizi-nii watching though, she was free to do some readings in the Library. In her opinion however, it gets boring really quickly just doing three-card readings on herself. Which lucky for her, Tizi-nii could also be her willing subject. Today, she'd told him to ask her a question she could use for her reading.

What is blocking me from reaching my goals?

And then she was left to her own devices. Deciding what spread to do took her a few minutes as she shuffled. As any reader, Eury had her own preferences. The Major Arcana spreads were hers. But they were tricky. Choosing which spread to do for each question played a big role. Should she do The Tower? Perhaps The Emperor? She paused before deciding on The Chariot spread. And begun to draw the cards. The Charioteer as a Reversed Eight of Pentacles - reflecting on goals and taking proactive steps. That sounded like Tizi-nii. She'd heard about his decision for the headship, which she suspected was why he'd been coming around more recently. The Dark Horse as a Reversed King of Wands - lack of direction and focus. Impulsiveness. That's what leading Tizi-nii astray? That he was being too impulsive? That... actually didn't sound as weird as she initially thought it was. The Light Horse as The Moon - trusting instincts and embracing uncharted paths. That's what would help Tizi-nii. He didn't really seem like the type? Or maybe he was and she just hadn't noticed it? Next Step would be a Reversed Nine of Cups - a perspective shift. Eury actually winced. Tizi-nii was stubborn. Well all her siblings were really. But the card was saying that he was really unhappy about something. Like his expectations haven't been met, so now he needed to shift his perspectives just a little. Why was this reading seemingly something her brother wouldn't enjoy hearing? The Obstacle was a Reversed Wheel of Fortune - bad luck or going against the flow. She was more inclined to think that Tizi-nii was going against the flow of something. It didn't seem right to tell him that his biggest challenge yet was... just bad luck. She took a deep breath as she pulled the last card. Destination was the Ace of Wands - new beginnings. That... That wasn't actually as bad as Eury thought. She... wasn't sure what the goals were for Tizi-nii but his Destination was leading him towards new beginnings that she assumed was related to his goals and it should work for as long as he took action and continued to purse his goals.

Eurydice stared at the spread in front of her and took a deep breath. She wondered if she should really tell Tizi-nii all about the reading when he comes back from whatever he was doing.
Eoghan had spent the morning with Callie, pouring over their Geography textbooks so that they stood a chance of passing their exams when the time came. Just because they were at a magical school didn't mean they didn't want to make sure they were fully prepared for the muggle work too. Once they'd decided their brains were starting to hurt, Eoghan had packed up his things and was on the way out from the Library when he spotted Eurydice sitting by herself, a spread of cards out in front of her.

The Ravenclaw couldn't really tell from his angle what it was he was reading, but he could still recognize the spread she was doing. Eoghan remembered seeing Eury watching him from the corner of the room when he was doing the reading for Teddy, although he never realised the Hufflepuff read them too. Perhaps after she'd seen him doing it, she thought it was worth giving it a try herself. The brunette's sigh made Eoghan wonder whether she was reading something she didn't really want to hear, "That bad?" he asked, pausing as he got closer.

godmod approved
Eurydice had been staring - probably closer to glaring - at the spread laid out in front of her for a good while before someone approached, and she immediately tensed. It took a second for her to remember that she was in the Library and Tizi-nii was probably just around the corner and this was a safe space for her in Hogwarts. With all that kept in mind, she looked up to see Eoghan Blyth asking her a question. She pondered on it for a moment. "Depends who you ask," she settled for as an answer. She moved her hand so she could point to the sixth card in the spread - the Destination. "The outcome is pretty okay, see?" The Ace of Wands wasn't an ominous card, especially as a probable outcome. New beginnings. Inspiration. As far as she could tell, there was a level of success in her brother's Destination, probably backed by luck, which was ironic considering the Reversed Wheel of Fortune. "He probably won't be happy about the rest of the reading though," she said with a sigh as she leaned back and clicked her tongue.

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