What are you, in love with your problems?

Lucas Sturridge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Maple and black walnut wand 15" core of dragon heart string
Lucas was pottering around his flat, putting the last minute touches on the place, if you call throwing a pillow over a stain on the couch and emptying the rubish for once last minute touches. Though he had been dreading this day for a few weeks now, it had to come around sometime and now that it was here he felt slightly less nervous about it all. The young man glanced around the flat, still a pigsty. But looking down at his watch there was nothing Lucas could really do in the two minutes he had before his sister would arrive. To be honest Lucas couldn't even remember if his sister was tidy or not. Laziness on his part, or perhaps the fact that he hadn't seen her for at least two years. He had gotten used to living away from home and his family, but he had to admit he had missed Elizabeth. Even though he didn't know her anymore. She would be attending Hogwarts next year, all grown up. Lucas took a deep breath in and looked down at his watch, she would be here any minute now.

Throwing a rug over a large tear in the carpet Lucas flinched slightly as the doorbell rang. He looked down at his outfit and wished for once he had taken his mothers advice and bought something nice to wear for once. Turning to the door, in one swift move he turned the handle and thrust it open. "Elizabeth!" he exclaimed, embracing the young girl before standing awkwardly in front of her wondering what to say or do next.
It was true that Elizabeth was reluctant about staying with her brother, but there was no denying her family had problems. She couldn't keep pretending she didn't see those bruises on her mothers arms, and she couldn't keep lying about where her father was before he finally wandered home at three am every morning. Effy had packed rather hastily, she didn't have to think about it. She had just thrown a few garments of clothing in her large case and topped it all off by piling a hair comb and a book, although she knew she wouldn't use either. The trip to Lucas' flat hadn't taken long, but it wasn't a pleasant one. It had been spent in silence with her father driving, cursing as he went. This year was going to be a big one. Starting Hogwarts was going to be an adventure for Elizabeth Sturridge. One she didn't particularly want to take, but one she was obliged to.

As soon as the old Citreon arrived outside the run-down UK flat block Effy jumped out and grabbed her case, not giving her father the opportunity to help her whatsoever. She ran towards door number thirteen and rang the bell immediately. If the number on the door was anything to go by Effy wasn't going to get lucky on her stay, not that she believed in supersticions anyway. As she was embraced by her older brother she smiled slightly, lightly returning the hug before sensing the awkwardness between them. "Uh its Effy" she corrected. She hated to be called by her full name, Lucas should have known that. "Its a nice place" she said, half-heartedly, glancing around the aged and unloved room her brother called home. "Sorry about all this" she admitted, it was more than unfair to expect her brother to look after her without pay or motive.
"Oh ah, of course" Lucas replied, feeling stupid for calling his baby sister Elizabeth. She hated the name, ever since she had aspired to rebell she had gone against their poor mother in everything she did. Lucas couldn't help but feel like it was partly his fault. She looked up to him, and he had been a terrible role model. Now he was away at Durmstrang paying for it big time. Lucas wasn't stupid, he knew that Effy had only complimented his flat to make him feel better and kill a little awkwardness between the brother and sister. The flat looked awful, even at its best. "Really its fine. I've heard whats going on at home" he replied. What Effy had been put through was more than unfair. The family was falling apart and she was only eleven for goodness sake.

"Uh take a seat if you'd like?" he asked his little sister. He was surprised how much she had become him these days, her messy hair, her carefree attitude, even the way she dressed. Lucas knew it would make his mothers day to see Effy in a little frilly dress and pigtails again. But she wasn't her baby anymore. She was growing up, just like he had. Too fast.

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