Open What are you doing here...

Violet Fields

Un-Perfect ✒️ Rookie NZ Cop
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Aspen Wand 12 1/2" Dragon Heartstring Core
Open after Aciano.

Returning to school was like a relief wash over her. Sometimes, Violet's home was just too tense when one was dealing with a mother who struggles with the natural forces of the moon. Generally, uncle Jacob would be around to lend a helping hand. That hasn't been the case as of late, he's been busy with his twins to step in and help. Violet could understand that, but she felt a little abandoned by her uncle and her stepdad. Neither men stepped in to help, their excuses were legit and yet, Violet felt there was more that could've been done. Returning to school was returning to a feeling of peace in mind, somewhat, Violet still worried about the witch being alone. Lila will be with her mother, so she won't be totally alone. Violet came strolling into the Great Hall on the second night back she was shocked to see someone very familiar was sitting there with other Slytherins.
"What are you doing here? W-what, why are you here?"
Aciano sunk his teeth into a fresh apple, not facing the small brunette. He clearly heard what she asked him, the plan was not to react negative and make such a big deal of his arrival. Maybe telling her before he arrived that he was transferring to Hogwarts would've curb the melodrama. Aciano crunch into the apple once more, offering the rest to her as he made eye contact with his little sister. "Eat, sit and eat with me?" Aciano motions to the spot next to him. "I'll explain later, hey, just be happy that I'm here," Aciano jest with a small smile. They weren't as close as he would like them to be, but she did expressed how much she missed him over the break. It was a first time Aciano heard that come from her mouth and perfect time to tell her of the news. Aciano didn't want to have to explain to her why he was transferring, why he was switching schools. He didn't want to tell her then and he didn't want to tell her now.
An apple a day keeps the healer away. Vi denied the apple but sat down anyways. "I'll get my own," and she did. She picked one from a clean bowl, a plump looking green one from the bunch. She took a napkin and place the green apple in the middle. Vi then took a butterknife and proceed to cut the apple in equal sizes. Sometimes, Vi likes to be precise about some things. Like, same shaped apple slices or, portion sized meals. Vi took an apple slice and carefully, Vi would munch on the fruit. "Happy that you're here? You're not supposed to be here," the young girl growls some right after eating her first apple slice. "I said I missed you, not for you to follow me to my school."
Aciano shrugs and bit into the apple again, like Vi he enjoyed eating the healthy stuff. Unlike Vi, Aciano like the meat. He loaded his plate with the meat and craved it a lot during meal times. Some speculated that Aciano may have gotten the craving for meat from his mother, but that was just speculation. Aciano believed it was the weight lifting he did during his downtime from lessons. Gotta have that protein in order to flex. "Aw, c'mon it's not so bad having your big brother around, munchkin," Aciano tease in a low voice, knowing she would probably jab him for calling her that. "I was alone back in states, it only made sense to transfer, right? Am I right or am I wrong?"

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