Closed What a Weird Sport

Demetrius Wagner

Magiconservationist Intern | Rich kid
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Demetrius was glad to be back at Hogwarts. It wasn’t that he didn’t like going back home – breaks were the only time he got to see his older brother, after all – but the routine of school appealed to him. Still, he felt like he hadn’t quite found his footing. He was in his fifth year and still didn’t really have any friends – not anyone he was truly close to, at least. Demetrius decided to go for a walk, aimlessly wandering as he pondered his situation. Maybe he should just try and be more friendly. It hadn’t worked with Aine but maybe it would with someone else. He sighed as he walked, finding himself at the quidditch pitch without really realising it. Quidditch. He didn’t quite get it, though he understood muggle sport well enough. He stopped and stared at the pitch, taking it all in, thinking about all the differences. He didn’t notice someone approach.
Ever since returning to Hogwarts, Isadora had slowly been visiting every part of the castle to truly feel back at home again. The Quidditch pitch wasn't a spot the girl often visited, as she had never been on the team, but she did like watching the games. She had been taking a walk outside, trying not to think about Cameron, and her feet had kind of just taken her to the Quidditch pitch. She briefly thought about her sister, who graduated last year and now doing Merlin knew what. She had been a pretty good chaser for Slytherin, maybe she was trying to play professionally? Isadora doubted it, it didn't seem to fit her. But she had no clue what she was doing, so it was possible. As approached the pitch, she spotted another guy there. There was no practice going on, and he wasn't dressed to fly. Isadora realized he was in her classes, though they had never really talked. "Hey." She said as she walked up to him. "Kind of weird being here when no one is flying around, right?"
Demetrius looked over at the other student, surprised. He hadn't expected anyone to come along since the pitch was empty. It took him a moment to recognise her, as he hadn't seen her last year. But he knew her face from class before then. "Yeah," Demetrius agreed, "I kind of prefer it." He paused, hoping what he'd said hadn't come across controversial. "I'm more of a rugby person anyway," he admitted. Demetrius wondered if she knew about rugby. It was hard to tell who came from a magical background and who did not.
Isadora shot the guy a grin, clearly he was as surprised to see her as she was. She guessed from his words he didn't play quidditch either. She shrugged when he said he preferred it this way. "I mean, it's quieter but also a bit boring." She said, glancing up at the hoops. She had briefly considered trying out for the team this year, but had quickly dropped the idea. She wasn't any good, and the Gryffindor team was always the most difficult one to get into, everyone knew that. Isadora frowned a bit at the boy's next words. "What's that?" She asked.
Demetrius smiled back, somewhat shyly. She seemed nice so far. "Rugby?" Demetrius asked. "It's a muggle sport. It takes place on a large rectangular field. There's just one ball and each team has to get it to the end of the opposing side's side of the field, in order to score points. There's lots of tackling and grappling for the ball. I guess it sounds kind of basic next to quidditch but it's a great watch." Demetrius wondered if he'd talked too much. He probably wasn't selling the game. He didn't know if she was really interested in it anyway.

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