What A Jerk

Justin Cliffeton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Justin Cliffeton hadn't made many huge mistakes in his life, but only recently he had made one that had been beyond huge! And that was really saying something.. He didn't like knowing that he had been a really big jerk to the best part of his life, so he had spent pretty much the entire holidays trying to make up for doing it. And, from what he could tell, he had done just that. Though, it never really had seemed like Trinity had even been mad at him just disappointed in herself, and that wasn't cool. If Justin hadn't of been so quick to judge, none of this would ever have even happened, and they would probably be chilling in the castle somewhere.

Now, today, Justin sat outside as he waited for Trinity to come and find him. He knew that he would never have to buy anything in order to impress her so he didn't, he would just have to show her exactly how much she meant to him. Justin loved her, and he was more then willing to admit that to her. Justin wanted her to be the one, and one day, he would make that a reality. But for now, he would bask in her presence, and that would make him happy enough.
It was summer in New Zealand, the weather was hot and stifling for the most of it but today at least there was the gentlest of breezes. Trinity had arranged to meet up with Justin in the gardens and with a smile upon her face she set off after completing an assignment to do just that. Humming lightly to herself she mused on all that had happened to them both of late, how fate seemed to constantly step in and bar their way as if trying to tell them that their relationship was not meant to be. Against the odds, the young pair tried time and again to make it work and Trinity hoped sincerely that this time it would. She had never cared for someone quite as much as she did for Justin and though she would wish him every happiness if he ever wanted to break with her, she also knew that she would never find another like him in all the world. She had found her soul mate and was happy with him. Their relationship for now was on rocky ground while they both attempted to trust the other again and build back up their fragile bonds.

She had not meant to leave him as she had when her mother died but it could not be helped and with lessons taking up much of their time, even their vacation time at the Yule Tide break seemed fraught with platonic niceties. She wanted to be able to hold his hand again, to whisper she loved him or shout it from the tree tops. The once fearless go-getter had discovered all too early in life that it was a fragile thing and those that she cared about were very few. Smiling as she saw him wait for her she called out to him, waving lightly as she did so.
"Hi there, you weren't waiting long were you?" she felt so much older than what she was, as if a hundred lifetimes had passed by in her few years of attendance at Hogwarts. She had to grow up a lot and she sincerely hoped that the rest of her years of maturing were done with Justin close at hand.
Justin smiled when Trinity ran up to him, he knew of course that she wouldn't have ever dreamed of leaving him waiting. She was far too nice to do that to him. Because she knew Justin did tend to get sick and tired of waiting eventually and would just go back inside and get yelled at later. He knew that that wouldn't have happened today, because of course he still had to make up for everything that he had done to Trinity. But, until then, he would have to be careful. "Hey beautiful." He said, smiling. He was happy, now that he was here. She made everything better, she completed him in so many ways, and he was sure that he would pretty much be lost without her. Justin couldn't imagine losing her. He just didn't want to ever face that. Never ever ever. "You're right, I wasn't waiting very long. In fact I had just gotten out here. Perfect timing." Justin said, smiling brightly.

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