What a day

Johanna Murray

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Johanna tiredly walked into her dorm. It had been a long day but also a good day.She had made a new crazy friend called Chloe.She was a breath of fresh air for Johanna who had spent all her time playing music or studying.Her clothes were a bit wet from when Chloe had fell into the fountain and splattered Johanna with water. She had been laughing so much at the time that she had noticed until she had came back inside.Sighing she took out some dry clothes and put them on. She then went over to her bed and took out a book and started to read it,

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry its not very good.I'm in a bit of a rush
(OOC: Don't worry, its fine ^_^ )

For Amy, the end of the day was the best time. Finishing her lessons with her teachers was always tedious, and the thought of the coming summer was bliss. Sliding gracefully into her dorm, her dark eyes scanned the place, looking for any sign of life that might cause disturbance. Her beautiful features, the ones of a half-veela, were accented greatly in the dimmed light. Wandering further into her dorm, she found her bed and threw her bag on it. Sitting down, she found her eyes resting upon the occupant of a bed on the other side of the room. It was Johanna. Amy hadn't ever really spoken to her, even though they had shared the same room since they had been sorted into the house. Frowning slightly, she sighed. It was the perfect opportunity to talk to her, just as a friend, but the effort seemed to much. Sighing inwardly again, she pushed herself further onto her bed so she was sitting on it properly, and smiled across at the girl. "Hey." She began, loosening her dark, curly hair from its hair tie. It fell in a fountain across her face and sweeping it back elegantly, she smiled her stunning smile again. She didn't mean to try and be 'veelary' with this girl, but it came naturally for Amy.

(OOC: Sorry, this is really lame :erm: )
Johanna was rather relaxed and she felt all the energy that had been in her earlier start to drain away.She yawned but kept reading the book.I didn't matter how tired she was she would always finish the chapter of the book.Usually when she was reading she didn't really her what was going on around her so when she put the book down and saw her room mate sitting across from her it was a big surprise. "Oh"she said doing a little jump she had been caught totally unawares there. "Sorry"She said regaining her composure "I didn't hear you I was reading and then....."She said cutting off at the end.What an idiot she must look like. Finally she looked up "Hey"she said beginning to smile trying to forget about what just happened.
Amy smiled her understanding at the girl. Waving away her apologies, she smiled again and pointed to the book, feeling a surge of inspiration coming to the topic she was about to start. "Is it a good book?" She asked, her tone polite and flowing smoothly like ink across a page. The topic was ridiculously basic, but in the mood she was in now, it was the only thing that her distant mind could come up with. She smiled across at the girl, looking around for something else to say as if a piece of furniture would just fly in the air and give her a suggestion. Her lack of attention was something Amy struggled with unless the other person held it well for her. In a way, she had a strong childlike essence to her, meaning that she got bored easily and had to do something to keep herself entertained. Pulling her wand out of her pocket, she smiled and flicked it lazily and silently at a pillow on the end of her bed. Zooming it around her bedchamber, she turned back to Johanna to hear what she had to say and wonder whether she could help hold the conversation, or whether she too was out of ideas. Hoping for the former, she smiled sweetly again at her.

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