What A Beautiful Night

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Faxen Lowart-Kozlova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Dymetris ❤
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Faxen Lowart looked at herself once last time in the mirror in her dormitory. She threaded her earrings though her earlobes. The slender brunette was dressed in a long silver dress that hugged her curves and accentuated her thin waist. The neckline plunged slightly low. Faxen's hair was pulled half up and curled. All in all, she thought she looked rather stunning. Faxen had spent weeks in search of the perfect dress before she finally found this one. The sixteen year old hoped that Dymetris felt the same way. Faxen was supposed to have met Dymetris out in the fourth corridor five minutes ago so that he could escort her down the stairs to the Yule Ball. With a nod to her reflection, Faxen left her House. Butterflies jittered nervously in her stomach. She had never attended a Yule Ball with a date. In the past years, she had gone and danced with her friends. This year would be different and special to her. She was attending the dance with her love. Dymetris was the perfect guy for her, and she was looking forward to spending the evening with him.

The gorgeous brunette smoothed down her dress as she began to descend the stairs from the fifth floor to the fourth floor. She took the steps carefully, not wanted to fall and mess up her pretty dress. It was tight on her hips which made walking a little more difficult than what she was used to. Her caramel eyes scanned the floor below as she looked for her boyfriend. It only took Faxen a second to spot Dymetris looking incredibly handsome all dressed up. Her lips stretched into a bright grin as her eyes sparkled as they met his sea green eyes. Faxen suppressed her urge to run to him as she took the remaining steps slowly. The clicking of her heels on the stone floor were audible as the sixteen year old walked towards the part veela boy. "Don't you look handsome?" her musical voice asked as she smirked slightly at him. "Sorry I'm late, love." Faxen apologized for keeping him waiting on her.
All afternoon he spent his entire time organizing his clothes and combing what he had to make him look good. Dymetris would expect it would be demanding task, since he was less likely to own a suit, neck tie, and slacks for pants.He did with /what he had, in the end he'd look decent to be Faxen date. Knowing his girlfriend already from the back of his hand, she would be delightful tonight. He would have to be a good enough escort since he lack in clothes style and taste. He didn't look so smart, except his blazer and tie made up for somewhat he was already lacking. He had his hair tied down in braids, neat and style down his scalp. All in all, the puff wanted this night to be wonderful more for Faxen. She deserved a perfect yule ball, from what he could remember she had never went with anyone. It was her first time with a date, that added pressure to Dymetris. He did one last looked at the mirror floating right next to his bedside. He nodded an approval and walked out of Hufflepuff common room.

Shortly after his sea green eyes met Faxen as she stroll down the steps. She looked amazing, he was taken by her choice of dresses. It pretty much reminded him how deep his desire for her was running. This just took the cake, she has grown so much from the beginning of school year. He chuckle in greeting, "Thanks but I am nothing compare to you sweetheart. You look stunning as usual" he offered up his arm and kissed her briefly on her delightful lips. "Let's go" they headed for the ball in arms, Dymetris snake his arm over her small waist. "What would you like to do when we get there?" he grin. He felt as if he struck gold with Faxen, she would be a lot more entertaining then his last year date. It just how he felt about her, with Faxen there was never a comparison against anyone. Everyone from his past suddenly became irrelevant tonight. Was it bad that he felt that way?

They approached the ball and were greeted with the light music spilling from the massive hall. They may or may not be like, however it was their night to enjoy. Screw everyone else. He turn To Faxen, "Let's have some fun" he stride in with her and were greeted by many faces. His fellow peers, some look over, others paid no mind to the couple. He cup his hand, letting his arm drop he walk backwards taking her to the dance floor. "Show me how you dance lovely.."
The way that Dymetris looked at her as she descended the stairs brought a slight blush to her face. His eyes burned as bright as if they were the sun. She wasn't sure why that look made her feel as if she had nothing on. Faxen dropped her honey eyes to the ground for a moment before looking back up into those sea green eyes of her boyfriend. "Thank you." she replied to his compliment as he offered her his arm. The Gryffindor prefect took his arm with a bright smile of excitement on her face. She was sure that they looked lovely together as they made the rest of the journey to the Great Hall. Faxen looked up at Dymetris with wide brown eyes. "You know what I like the most about dances. Dancing." she told him with a wicked grin. Dymetris had protested that he did not dance at the Halloween ball. Faxen disagreed as she thought he was a great dancer. They had danced the night away much to the brunette girl's delight.

They entered the hall together, and a few heads turned to stare at them. Of course they did. Very few people had gotten as much attention from that gossip magazine as these two had. Faxen didn't care one bit if people talked about them. Faxen was going to enjoy her night with her handsome boyfriend. "I'm in." she said to his response about having some fun. That was exactly what she wanted to do tonight. Faxen saw some of her classmates and friends that she nodded a greeting to. Dymetris led her straight to the dance floor. The sixteen year old grinned at him. He knew her so well. "Try and keep up okay?" she teased him with a light, seductive kiss on his lips. Faxen began to move in time with the faster pace of the music, blissfully happy.
Dymetris chuckled at her witty remarks. “Well technically it’s a yule ball” he said correcting. “But no you’re right it’s a dance, what’s not a dance without dancing” he said shaking his body in some weird way, she may think he was a good dancer, he thought otherwise. Okay so he knew a few moves here and there, he danced from behind her guiding his arms with hers. The best about fast track music, no one can ever tell if you suck or not, and slow music was all about swaying and twirling around in placed. ”Back home in Moscow, we had traditional dances at the yuletide.” So maybe he picked up and sprung a few moves from there. Made perfect sense, and he was good on his feet. Dymetris hardly seemed clumsy. A coupled of fast track music played on the old stereo and then he heard this weird folk music being played in the background. It was nice, made him want to line dance; however it deem physically impossible with Faxen long dressed. He did what he could do and manage to do with her. Dymetris looked from where there was stage and everyone was crowding around the musicians. In concert band? He thought it was clever, since the school had so many inspired musicians, including Faxen.

Then he saw Sapphire, with a few of her mates, or he thinks he sees them. They were playing some type of music, it sounded quite amazing when they played as a whole. Dymetris took hold of Faxen again and turn around slightly and ever so carefree around in circles. "I had no clue she could play, and wow a band?" he was very impressed by Sapphire, his Hufflepuff mate and Kate. They both, well all of them sounded wonderful. In folk traditional dances, there would be a point where you bowed, Dymetris tried to be old fashion. It was funny seeing him do such a dance, when he clearly looked someone out of a muggel hip-hop magazine. Oh well, he tried besides he wanted to be the jester for the evening. Be more playful and spontaneous around Faxen. Suddenly past events, the gossip magazine vanished from his thoughts. He laugh and be merrier around his girlfriend. He was so full of life around the brunette, it was hard to be serious.
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