Claude walked into the great hall, wearing an untucked dress shirt and sweatpants. He smacked his lips and rubbed his eyes as he walked to get some breakfast. He streched and sighed, and he caught a quick glimpse of Eleona. "ELEONA!!!" Claude screamed out! He whipped out his wand, and chanted, "Wingardium Leviosa!" His breakfast plate floated next to him, and Claude ran over to Eleona, with his plate following behind. H grabbed Eleona at the shoulders and hugged her, while shaking her back and forth relentlessly. "Eleona!" Shake. "I," shake, "Missed," shake, "You," shake, "So," shake, "Much!" and shake. He hugged her and shook her so fiercely that even the plate levitating behind him shook in the direction he shook Eleona. He sat down next to her, and he didn't care he wasn't in the same house as she was. His plate levitated behind him, and plopped itself infront of him. "Yummy," said Claude as he dug into his french toast. He was so happy to finally see Eleona again after the two weeks of unpacking and getting used to Hogwarts. "So whats good Eleona?" Claude said smirking, totally not caring he was dressed so oddly for a sunday morning.