Wesley Callahan

Full Name:
- Wesley Jude Callahan

Date of Birth:
- October 30, 2010

Current Age:
- thirteen

Basic Appearance:
- Long hair to his shoulder dyed red. Deep emerald green eyes, tall, athletic build.

- Introspective, Wild, Trouble maker, Rule breaker, tough, bitter

- Mother: Lucy Belle Callahan
Age: 28
Single mother and lead singer of a rock band

- Fugue: Beagle
Bob Marley: Cat

Area of Residence:
- London England

Blood Status:
- Unknown

- Unknown

Special Abilities:
- sings, writes music, plays guitar, drums, keyboard and bass,

Interests or Hobbies:
- Music Drawing and writing

Additional Skills:
- exceptionally creative and eloquent when he wants to be

- Creative, thoughtful, passionate, determined, intelligent, quick witted

- Over protective, Tendency towards violence, compulsive liar

Describe your character in three words:
- Passionate, Lost, Searching

Favourite place to be:
- In the park writing music

- Mikkie Callows, Frank Diaz, Ben Malone, Danny McAllister

Hogwarts House:
- Slytherin

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- He could care less about Hogwarts right now

Best school subjects:
- Potions and Transfiguration

Worst school subjects:
- History of Magic, Arithmacy

Extracurricular Activities:
- Music

- 2030

Current Job:
- Chinese food delivery boy

Plans for your future:
- apathetic

Your Patronus:
- Falcon

Your Patronus memory:
- his first concert

Your Boggart:
- losing use of his hands

Your Animagus:
- Pine Marten, just for the heck of it

Mirror of Erised:
- Him on stage playing music

A page from your diary:
-Dear Diary, I so Don't do Diaries. The End
Here are some questions for you about your character:
What does Wesley think of his middle name?

Note: First years must be eleven (unless otherwise approved... which we may have done... PM me if that is the case)

What is Wesley's natural hair colour? Why does he dye his hair red?
It seems Wesley's introspective nature contradicts all his other personality traits. There must be some sort of balance between them - could you explain it?
What is Lucy's blood status?
What happened to Wesley's father?
How does Wesley feel about his mother being the lead singer in a rock band? I take it he looks up to her?
What is your character lost from or searching for?
If not Hogwarts, what is on Wesley's mind at this stage in his life?
Why would Wesley's patronus be a falcon?
When was Wesley's first concert? What did he play?

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