We're On The Same Team

Noah William Starr

Well-Known Member
That face… The face that Noah could never forget even though it's been so long. Noah remember those sparkly beautiful brown eyes. The girl grew into an elegant lady, she was the one who Noah thought was dead. Noah had never thought of meeting her like this. "Nuna (older sister)" Noah muttered as he thought of Annabelle. Last week was the first time of him meeting the deatheaters, Anna recognize Noah first, he had no idea how she knew that it was him. Or perhaps... Had she met Hikari? Noah shook his head as he picture the face of his older sister Annabelle. Questions started to come and one of it was whether or not Maybelle's alive. Again, the young man shook his head as she stood up and walk toward the counter, grabbing a glass of water and drank it. He walk toward the balcony and pushed the glass door, feeling the summer breeze. Noah took another step forward as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes picturing his childhood. He remember every detail of the house, of the face of his sisters and parents. "It's been a while..." He said and opened his eyes, looking at the green meadow. Noah liked New Zealand very much, it reminded him of home.

Noah slipped his hand on his pocket, feeling the diamond necklace that he bought for his loved one. He knew that Hikari was the one for him, he was sure of that. She kept him alive and she made him felt like he was home. The black haired young man couldn't wait until the fiance of his came home. Noah wasn't one of those who light up candles at night to impress his girl, he was far from romantic but Noah knew what love was. He had his own way to express it, he might ask for opinion but he would decide the decision. This was the reason why he chose Hikari not Emiko, Hikari was a lot more logical than Emiko. He was pretty sure that she wont force him to set up a candle light dinner, he didn't get the idea of expressing love with candles. It was pathetic, well why would someone eat with candles around them? Noah would rather turn on the light than using candles to light the room.
At the start of the day, Hikari had nopt been in a god mood. The move from France, to New Zealand had been harder than she first thought, she missed France already, but never voiced it, France was her past, just like Japan, New Zealand was her future, her hopefully very bright future. Even though her occupation was less than desire able to most, it made her who she was, and she didn't care about peoples opinions, because they were usually the opinions of scum, not her dear Noah. If Noah asked her to stop being a deatheater, she would probably stop, but he would bpnever ask her to do such a thing, it was far too important to her. The black haired woman walked through her new house, the house she had picked for her and Noah, the house they were, hopefully, going to praise a family in. She was already looking to the fututee, one where her and Noah woukd live hhappily, surrounded by beautiful, pure blood children of their own, no disgusting half-bloods to be in the presence of their babies, unless at school, when it would be nessesary for them to be around such bad influences. But Hikari's and Noah's children would be trained, to understand that though they might have to be around those of lesser status, they wouokd never be the same as them, they would be far too good.

A smile graced her face as she saw the man she loved, Noah. She sighed haooily, and walked toward him, wrapping a slender arm around his waist, and moving his own arm ti rest on her shoulders, she then rested her head on his strong, comforting shoulder. She really loved Noah, and she was quite sure he knew it, even if she didn't say it all the time, and didn't jump up and down with excitement like other finances, she knew that her thoughts and feelings were the same as his, or Atleast very similar. "Are you okay, Noah?" She asked, looking out into the distance also.
Noah was definitely not expecting Hirkari to be home this soon. What was she up to? He thought suspiciously or perhaps her work is done. "Hikari chan" He eyed his beloved future wife and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closely to him. He could smell the fragrance of her, she smelled nice and she looked lovely as always. "Come" He pulled away and walk in front of her, leading her to the living room. He stood up, crossing his arms and lean on the black couch as he eyed her coming in. "I have something to tell you" He looked serious as the smile disappeared. "Sit" He ordered pointing at the couch not caring if he annoyed her or not. As soon as the girl sat, Noah took out the necklace and helped her wear it. "Marry me" He said flatly as the smile appeared on his face. He lean forward and kissed her on the lips "Marry me" He said once more, resting his forehead against hers.

((sooooorrry for the GM))
OOCOut of Character:
It's fine, you kept her in character as always ^_^

Hikari smiled lovingly at Noah as he hugged her tight, but then he started leading her away, curiously, she followed him in silence, cocking her brow as they moved to another room. She liked the last room, but this one was just as nice. Why did he feel the need to come here? They were the same, in Hikari's opinion, but she shrugged it off and waited for Noah to explain himself. But he did not, instead he ordered her to sit, which she did, after some thought, she was sstill wondering what he was up to, he was usually scheming about something, whether it be something simple, or something huge, like when he first proposed to her, that had been a huge shock, she was so happy that day, and had been waiting fir when he would decide when they would aactually get married, she couldn't wait ti start a family, but she would never do it out of wed-lock, that would disgrace her family to no end. "Noah, what are you up to?" She asked, eyeing him carefully. But when he said this two little words... they were better than 'I love you', she smiled, a rarity, but it was definately called for. ''Noah...'' she whispered happily, allowing him to out the necklace on her, she leaning her forehead against his and sighed hhappily. ''I have been waiting for you to say that...'' she whispered, giving him aa quick kiss on the lips. ''Yes''.
The heart of Noah's started to pound faster and faster. He had never been as happy as he is, he was excited, nervous at the same time. He couldn't wait to see what the future holds for them. "I don't like parties, if you want to throw one don't invite to many people." He said as he lean toward her, planting a kiss one more time before sitting next to her. "What's our plan Hikari chan? What do you want in life?" Noah wasn't one of those who would go with the flow, not knowing where the river's heading. And what he meant by the question was if Hikari wanted a job or children or if they wanted to murder anyone or anything else. Noah would do anything for her and would do his best to please her. After all she was all that he had. "I have a question... Have you... Met my sister?" Curiously asking if she hadn't then he would be glad to introduce her to Anna.
Hikari hadn't been this happy for a long time, it was almost a foregin feeling for her, she just couldn't believe this was happening. Here she was, twenty years of age, marrying a pure-blooded, perfect man, and it was all one handred percent true. She just couldn't comprehend it all, and there was no removing her smile. Hikari nodded, she too was not a fan of parties, because she didn't like crowds of people and her family was extensive, she had siblings as young as five, and a sister that was nearly thirty, so she wasn't going to invite her whole family, maybe just her older sister, no-one else, though she wasn't even sure if Kumiko would be on the guest list. "I won't. I can just be us, if you want." Hikari didn't care if they just went in and got married, and skipped the whole wedding thing, because weddings seemed like a slight waste of time. Noah's question got Hikari thinking extensively. She'd always wanted a lot of children, but their line of work was a difficult one, and she knew that the cause they were fighting for was secreted, and it would be difficult to raise a family in this, but she was determined, a trait she was sure Noah shared. "A family would be nice." Hika had grown up in a tight family, and she knew that Noah didn't exactly share that, but she could juggle family and work by herself if the need arised. Hika chewed her lip in thought. Awhile ago she ran into a girl, that claimed to be sister to Noah, and Hikari believed her because it seemed so... obvious in a way. With a nod, she replied. "I believe I may have, is her name Annabelle?" The name had came to Hikari as soon as Noah had asked about his sister, because that name had stayed in her head the whole time since then.

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