We're Friends, Right?

Alecto Saenger

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OOC First Name
Cedar Wand 13 1/4" Essence of Dragon Scales
<COLOR color="#000">Alecto Grimm set aside the fork she was holding and stared down at her plate quietly. The sparse amount of food on her plate had barely been touched by the fourth year. It seemed like no matter how much Alecto tried to convince herself that she needed to eat something, her stomach just seemed to disagree with anything she tried to eat. "This would be way easier if I didn't have the world's most sensitive stomach." Even when Alecto was a small child, she would often get sick off certain foods. Alecto thought that being a Vegan would help her stomach, and it did to an extent. Alecto pushed her plate aside and got up from the table. Maybe she could find Alessine or someone to spend the rest of afternoon with. Alessine and Caiden weren't always that nice to her, but Alecto was used to their harshness. In her opinion, she would rather be treated badly but have people to be around then be lonely and treated well. The other people in their group were a bit friendlier to her though, but they never seemed to be around whenever Alecto wanted some company. Perhaps they avoided her? Alecto knew she would be kind of naive and annoying at times, but wasn't the fact that she was a very good friend enough for them sometimes. "Ah excuse me!" Alecto apologized as she accidentally elbowed someone. The dirty look she was given pretty much revealed that she wasn't forgiven, however they didn't say a word to her about it. Most likely because if Alessine were to find out, there would be hell to pay. Alessine got what she wanted and when she wanted it, and she was fiercely loyal to her friends. If the blonde were ever to see anyone mistreating them, well Alecto didn't like to be around when her friend exploded.

"Hey! Samouel!" Alecto spotted the newest member to their little group. The day the group first met them, Alecto wasn't sure that he was going to make it in, but somehow, he seemed to impress Alessine, and before he knew it, the boy was adopted into their little group of friends. Alecto hadn't really had the chance to talk to him much, he was seen with Alessine a lot. Alecto wondered if they were close already or if he just seemed to be the most comfortable around her. When the brunette finally caught up to him, she gave him a brief hug, unwanted or not, that was how Alecto greeted her friends. Even the grouchy ones like Caiden. "Were you headed somewhere...oh wait...of course you were! Why else would you be walking! Would you like some company? I just came back from lunch and I'd love to have some company!" Alecto was kind of curious to see if Sam had found anything about Durmstrang that he liked yet. As far as she remembered, he really didn't like this school. Not that she blamed him, some people at Durmstrang was just awful. Maybe now that he had some friends, it would be a lot better for him. Alecto didn't like to see really cute boys look sad, it reminded her of those little sad puppies that people always saw in the pet stores. Not that she was going to tell him that's what he looked like.​
Samouel Kyle was in his usual muggle attire even though this was Durmstrang. Sam honestly did not care, and just hoped that he would not have to deal with idiots for a while. He was not around his group of friends, which was somewhat rare. There were four of them, excluding him. He was the newest, and one of the oldest too. He was in Alessine's year. Some things happened and now he found himself at a permanent home until he was old enough to get a job and move out on his own. Sam really did not want to get into it, but his mind drifted to that frequently. He just wanted to be on his own, and not have to worry. He did not even want to know who his parents were. He honestly did not give a sh*t about them, just like they probably did not care about him. Shrugging, Sam continued walking into the castle, aimlessly. Sure he had some studying to do, but he did not feel like it. He had some homework he had to do, but he did not feel up to wasting his time. Right now, he was just walking. People did not seem to mess with him anymore. Well, Sam was growing up too. From the skinny, short kid to the regular teenager. It took a year for a good growth spurt to kick in, and boy did it! He was not even that skinny anymore, which was good because he did not want to get constantly knocked down. He did not want to have to deal with people picking on him, and they no longer did. He was extremely thankful for his genes. Sometimes not all of the genes were good since he did not like his hair that much. It was too thick, and he had a lot of it.

The fifth year almost flinched a bit when he heard someone shout his name, and say hi. He looked back and he noticed that it was that one girl in their group, Alecto. She was a fourth year, and seemed to be cute. She was not 'all there' in the head, but that was what made her so amusing. He often thought that Caiden had a thing for her since he was rude to her a lot. But he was not really sure. Sam simply waved to her and started walking again, but then he heard her catching up to him, and then tensed up when she gave him a hug. It was not exactly wanted or unwanted, but more or less he was not expecting it. "Uh, just walking around really. You are free to join me but I don't have a clue where I am going or what I want to do." She was welcome to join, but his tone did not sound at all that inviting. He would have to tell her that she was invited to come along, or they could go hang out somewhere. He honestly did not care but he wanted to do something today. It was driving him nuts being in a school that he hated with all of his might. "Well, if you want to go and do something, I guess I can do the same thing. As long as it isn't anything fruity. I don't want Caiden giving me hell."
<COLOR color="#000">Alecto wondered if Samouel had any idea just how adorable he was. He was hanging out with a group of kids that rarely, if ever, commented on how one another looked, so he probably didn't. Alecto would be sure to tell him though! "Sam, you are way too cute at times!" Alecto wasn't shy about telling people things. Most of the time she forgot about keeping things to herself. The group hated it when she did that, particularly Alessine. Samouel was new to their little group, so it was hard for Alecto to tell whether he was annoyed by the way she was or not. If he was, then he was a total sweetheart for not making it obvious. Alecto grinned when Sam agreed to hang out with her, so long as it didn't involve doing something fruity. She had no idea what he meant by that, but she was still so excited that he wanted to hang out with her! "Caiden's gonna give you hell regardless of what you do. At least, that's the way it is for me. I could just stand there and he'd find something to get mad about. He's just a naturally grumpy guy." Caiden was particularly mean to Alecto. It didn't really bother her though. Even if he claimed he wasn't, he was still one of her closest friends. He would likely tease poor Samouel for hanging out with Alecto anyways, but it wasn't like she was going to tell him that. Alecto grabbed Samouel's skinny arm and directed him as to where she wanted to go.

"I'm glad we could hang out! I haven't spent much time with you, and I'm starting to feel like a bad friend. You spend a lot of time with Alessine though, so you guys must be pretty close." Alecto wondered if he liked Alessine or something. Although she was pretty hard to connect with sometimes, she could be an awesome friend. Alessine was the one to find Samouel to begin with. The others would have just poked fun at him, but Alessine had seen something that she must have liked. Next thing everyone knew, Samouel was walking with the group, eating with the group, and then he was part of the group. It didn't bother Alecto one bit though. From the start she had thought he was a real cutie, so it was just the icing on top of the cake that everyone else had wound up liking him too! "Do you want to go sit outside? At least until the others come along?" Alecto asked, her hand still wrapped around his arm tightly. She was sure that one the others came along, he would either find himself at Alessine's side, or that he would get embarrassed for the guys to see him hanging out with her. So Alecto planned to enjoy the time that they had together now, before the others came along and ruined it for her.​
As soon as Alecto said that he was cute, Samouel just blushed like mad. He could not help it. Alecto was a cute girl, and she was calling him cute. It was not something he was used to at all. He looked at her and he shook his head because he thoroughly disagreed with that statement. At first he thought Durmstrang was full of rude people, but then he was accepted into this group, and there was nothing really mean about them. Well except Caiden. “You really think so? Or are you just saying that?” Samouel gave her a look like he was somewhat suspicious about the whole thing. It was normal for him to be like that. He was often suspicious of people and their motives, but Alecto seemed like she was really simple too. Like she was easy to read. He nodded with agreement. Caiden was going to give him hell no matter what, and then Samouel would use upper level magic on him that he would not know until the next year. Sometimes it paid off to be a year older than some people. Especially people like Caiden. Caiden was one of those people that made him want to strangle others. But he was also a loyal friend. “You seem to take his treatment of you very lightly. Why? Why not stand up for yourself against him?” He shrugged his shoulders and wondered why she could stand against someone that was really mean to her. Then she grabbed his arm and led the way to wherever she wanted to go.

He didn’t tell any in the group that there was a reason why he and Alessine were so close. He owed her a lot. He sighed and he nodded, “Don’t think that. You are not a bad friend. She is like my sister, and she was the first one that made me realize that this school is not full of arses.” He really did feel like he had owed her or something. Samouel loved being in the group of friends that he was in, but he was glad that none had vanished since he was accepted in. They now had an odd number of guys but that was not too bad. Alessine was no longer the oldest. He heard her ask if he wanted to go sit outside, until the others came along. He looked down at her hand wrapped around his arm and he thought if he had a choice in the matter. He looked over at her and gave her a slight smile, “Sure. I would be glad to.” He would not mind some alone time with her. She was pretty cool, and she was really cute too. He wondered if she liked him in a more than friend way. F she did, he did not know how to see it, and started to wonder why he cared... Well, he really wanted to spend some time with her, so maybe...​
Alecto easily noticed that Samouel was quick to doubt just how wonderful he was, and it was no wonder that Alessine was drawn to him. For some reason she seemed to be attracted to people who seemed to be at war with themselves. All Alecto could do was shake her head and smile before she leaned in and gave Samouel a friendly kiss on the forehead. "No seriously, you're wicked adorable!" Alecto hoped that he would believe her, especially since she knew of no other way to make him see that he was a pretty amazing guy. When Samouel brought up Caiden, Alecto frowned a little bit. Although Alecto considered him to be a friend, he could be quite mean sometimes. Samouel seemed to notice as well, yet he didn't understand why Alecto took it so lightly. "What's standing up going to do? Sure it'll keep him quiet for a couple of minutes, but it won't keep him from making comments. Being a butt head is part of his personality. It's part of who he is. I've just come to accept that he's a total grouch, and that's the way it's going to be." Alecto did her best to explain what she meant. It was sort of like the way everyone was with Alessine. She had her own way of doings things, and that was that. No one questioned her on why she did them. Caiden was the same way in her eyes.

"Well, maybe not a bad friend, but a neglectful one. Alessine was the first one who didn't make fun of how long it takes me to learn and remember things. I'm not the smartest, and people used to call me stupid all the time. But Alessine just deals with it. Just like she's one of the few people to deal with Caiden's attitude." Samouel seemed like he really admired Alessine, so perhaps there was more to their friendship than everyone could see. Not like a relationship or anything, because Alessine rarely ever dated her friends. "I kind of wonder what we're all going to wind up doing today. I don't have any homework due, so unless you and Alessine have work to do, we might be able to have some fun. Ooh, maybe we could all make some cookies!" Alessine and Samouel were the oldest, so they had different schedules than the rest of them did. Hopefully they didn't though, Alecto had a powerful craving for some peanut butter cookies right about now. If she didn't get some soon, well she might just die from withdrawals.
Samouel froze up a bit when Alecto leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. He raised an eyebrow and wondered what in the world that was for. He listened to what she said and that he was wicked adorable. He shook his head and did not believe a word that she was saying to him. After all, he was somewhat taken aback by that action. "What did you do that for?" It was obvious to tell that the boy did not believe her, but he would get over that eventually. Samouel figured that there could be many things that standing up could do. It might not keep him from making comments, but it still might teach him a lesson one way or another. Samouel felt really bad about the entire ordeal. "Well, I don't know what it could do, but in the long run, it might change him to be a better person. But I doubt that so... Oh well. Maybe something will happen to make him change for the better." Samouel looked down at Alecto and wondered why Caiden decided to pick on her over anyone else in the group. She was the only one that would put up with it. Alessine would not, Elijah would just egg him on, and Samouel would kick his ass. There might not be anything that anyone the group could ever do for the lad before it was too late.

"We all should do something to change him, if possible. But it seems that there has to be something that he is useful for in order for Alessine to keep him around. From what I heard, her family is not a fan of what is in Caiden's blood." Alessine must not have been prejudice at all. Samouel was not one of those that judged, but Caiden just had this ugly attitude that set off his good looks immensely. Alecto mentioned that she did not have any homework due, and what the group would be doing today. And then mentioned cookies. Samouel looked at her and he raised an eyebrow, "You are so upbeat. I think that maybe we should find something to do. To hell with the others. I think it is about time I get to know you a bit more." Samouel was hinting that he did not really have anything else to do. So hanging out with Alecto seemed to be one of those things which would be really neat.​
<COLOR color="#000">Alecto wanted to laugh at Samouel, mostly because he was just that cute. Had he ever kissed a girl before? Well it was only a kiss on a forehead, so it wasn't like they were getting super hot and heavy or anything. "Have you ever been kissed, before?" Alecto questioned lightly. How was it that she barely knew Samouel, yet she found herself already crushing on him. Maybe it was because he treated her differently. Sure Elijah was nice to her, but she was pretty sure that she was never going to be his type. Caiden was nothing but rude to her. There were times when she was sure that he aimed to hurt her. But then there was Samouel, who knew that she wasn't all that smart, but still treated her like she was an actual human being. "A part of me thinks that one day he's just going to agitate Alessine so much that she beats him up. That's pretty life changing for anyone." Alecto threw in, hoping that Samouel wouldn't get upset that she called Alessine a brute. He was pretty close to her, so he seemed like he would be eager to defend her honor whenever necessary. Maybe he liked Alessine or something? Alecto had no idea, and she wasn't all that eager to ask how close they were either, it made her jealous.

"Yaye! Come on, we're going to have so much fun hanging out!" Alecto squealed with delight and wrapped her arm around Sam's shoulder, and led him in the direction of their destination. Alecto had a feeling that things might change between the two of them if she played her cards carefully. The only thing she had to worry about now, was Alessine not liking the idea of two of her friends dating. Alessine had a strict set of rules that she preferred to be followed when it came to her friends. Dating and possible relationships were a big one. Mostly because she didn't want fighting to break the group apart. But Alecto liked Sam enough to deal with the consequences that would follow if he did indeed decide to give her a chance.


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