Closed We're Boyfriend Girlfriend

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Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (14)
Callie had never been to one of these dances with a boy who was her boyfriend. But she had decided to really try. In fairness, she knew she likely didn't need to impress him, what with the fact that she was already the one dating him, but she knew that these dances mattered and the little dresses her parents bought her didn't in fact do much to help. Callie had bought this dress, one she was a little unsure of, but that she could admit she felt pretty in. It was light and in a colour she loved. She had done her hair, put on make up though she wasn't sure how well she'd done with either and had come to the hall, waiting just at the doors down to slytherin for him.
Dante Styx had never been to one of these dances, even when he was single. And now, he was going with Callie! He dressed up the best that he could get, and then made sure that his hair was fine. In fact, he looked really good. He just hoped that Callie would like how he looked. He used to never care about how he looked or presented himself until he met with Callie - and now all he wanted to do was to impress her. Dante triple checked how he looked, and then rushed out of the Slytherin house to meet with her outside of the dungeon. As it turned out, she was right there, waiting on him. He beamed at her outfit, "Wow, you look pretty. Prettier than all the girls." Dante had not seen all the girls, but he already believed that he had the best one. He held his hand, palm up, toward her. "Ready?"
Callie blushed furiously at the compliment, resisting the urge to point out all of the much prettier people than her. She knew he was being polite, being a nice and complimentary boyfriend, but she still had doubts about herself. She took his hand eagerly, squeezing it lightly. "You look really handsome," she said, moving to lean a little into him, just needing to feel close to him, needing the support he would give her. "Do you usually come to these?" she asked, not sure if she'd ever seen him at them.
Callie squeezed his hand, which made Dante blushed. Only she could make him blush like this. He did not think that he could ever stop smiling for tonight. Or even around her. She was the best Hufflepuff he could think of, and he knew a lot, even in his family! "I think I only look good when I stand next to you." Dante was smooth, if one could call it that. He shook his head. "No, I never have. I wanted my first one to really mean something, and it does, being next to you. Plus, I might have gotten jealous if I saw you dancing any other year with someone else."
Callie gave a deeper blush but shook her head. "Please, you're handsome," she told him, not actually looking at him as she spoke, needing to keep her gaze elsewhere. Needing to not have to look at him as she said it. She wasn't too surprised this was his first, though his reasoning was sweet. She leaned in and tried to lightly kiss his cheek. "I never had a date to these,," she told him. "Mostly, I just had snacks and danced alone or with friends,"
Dante would agree with her, but he did not want to seem like some arrogant guy. He knew his brother was like that. Dante was not going to become like that. He might not be liked! She even kissed his cheek, which did not make his smile falter. It was as if it were permanent. And she revealed that she never had a date before, but then she would just have snacks and danced with friends or alone. So, she did not need people to have fun - which he admired. "And now you can do these things with me! I am a pro snacker." Dante did not really know how to dance professionally, but he would not mind making a fool of himself. It might make her laugh. "I can probably dance, but I also might not be able to. So, either way, you'll have the best time here!"
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