We're a good team

Chyou Jin Howard

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sally [main]
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
"NO!" Chyou screamed. It was the nightmare, the same nightmare over and over again.

Three years old Chyou walked in the forest all alone, she could hear the sound of wolves crying and birds flapping their wings. "CHYOU JIN!" A loud voice of Calvin was heard by Chyou. "I'm gonna get you!" Once more the voice echoed in the forest. The little girl ran as fast as she could as she slipped into a freezing icy pond. Fortunately she got to cross the pond, right after she got up and managed to stand, her right arm was grabbed by a familiar figure. The little girl who suddenly became a twenty years old young lady spotted Devlin Howard, leading her toward a strange direction. She rebelled, she tried to escape but the grip was too strong. There lies the figure of Calvin Jin on the ground, not moving. Chyou began to tremble seeing him there "What are you doing?!" She screamed at Devlin. Devlin then took her by the neck and pointed his wand at her as Calvin began to join him. They both laughed mischievously as Chyou fought her best to get off Devlin's grip. Tears started rolling as she felt betrayed and unloved. That's when the nightmare ended.

Chyou took the napkin beside her and wiped the tears that rolled down on her cheek and the cold sweats that dripped off her face. She had never cried before, especially not to dreams but since this time the dream included Devlin in it, her heart was poked. She was aware how much she love that man of hers and how much she want him to stay with her always and always, dreaming of him being on the foe's side hurt her. She knew that Devlin would never leave her, she had faith in him yet the dream was something else. Her right hand patted the other side of the bed and found nobody occupying that side of the bed. "Devlin?" She whispered, hoping that he was there. Slowly Chyou got off her bed to reach for the glass, gulping on the water as fast as she could. She drank so fast that water started to roll down her lips. The glass then fell down making a loud noise as she trembled, she didn't care of the mess that she caused. "One, two, three, four, five" She counted her heartbeat as she laid herself on the cold floor trying to catch her breath, calming her down from the panic attack that she just experienced.
The crisp morning air and the sound of cicadas greeted Devlin Howard as he awoke from his deep slumber. The weather was perfect, the best day to relax and go out and bond with families and friends. It was perfect indeed, but not to the young Devlin Howard. Grabbing a pillow, he tried to block the light and the irritating sounds made by the cicadas, but his efforts had been proven to be futile. Irritated, the twenty three year old threw his pillow at the window and pushed himself off the bed. He was tired and all that he wanted to get some sleep yet these stupid creatures were not making life better for him. He almost had the urge to burn everything around him into ash just to get himself some peace and quiet yet, as he walked around the room, his eyes lay on the sleeping figure of Chyou Jin, his childhood friend, and now, wife. He still couldn't believe that he had married the girl. Sure, she was special to him, but never did he envision himself to actually settle down with her. H3ck, he never even imagined that he would be married for that matter. Having a family would be troublesome. He couldn't see himself fathering those stupid kids. He didn't really want to live in a house full of people like his own sister. A household full of Dorothy Howards would be hell. Yet, here he was, married to the girl that had been his companion for the better part of his life.

Chyou was beautiful, that much was obvious. It would be stupid not to see that. However, when they were still younger, he never did notice that about her. After all, they were constantly neck-and-neck, biting at each other's throats. They never did agree on something, except if that something pertained to their own families. Most of the times, however, they were arguing, and when their harsh fights ensues, it would be advisable not to watch them play. Their banters and battles were closely matched though Devlin would always claim that he was better, and somehow, he wasn't sure when, this violent dance of theirs became enthralling and now, he found himself tied with her. It wasn't that he regretted it. It was more like he didn't expect that she would marry him. He was a monster after all, a devil according to her in fact. He was a monster that stalks through the day, displaying much anger and ire. Just one wrong step and the unfortunate person's body would fall down lifelessly eternally crushed in the depths of hell. Yet she did, and now she's with him.

Not even bothering to change out of his sleeping clothes, Devlin exited the room that he shared with Chyou to get something to drink. They were still living in the same penthouse that they bought before though of course both of them were financially capable to buy themselves a huge manor. He didn't really care though. The house was big enough for them; it wasn't like their family would grow soon. He was in the middle of drinking his second glass of water when he heard that familiar scream. It was her. Even with his eyes close, he would know it was her. Even in a mile away perhaps, for he had been with her for as long as he could remember. "D@mn," he hissed under his breath. Not bothering to put the glass on the sink, he quickly went back to their room, only to find his wife lying on the cold floor, pieces of glass around her. "What are you doing?" he asked sharply. They might be married but he never did learn how to speak softly to her. He never did change, and it wasn't like he was planning to. Chyou had met him like this and he wouldn't change just because they were married. He then approached the girl and offered his hand to help her stand up. There was something wrong with her, that much was certain.
Noticing that Devlin was around, Chyou stood up, her brown eyes were glaring sharply at him. The panic attack was over, the young girl suffering from depression stood quietly not moving an inch. "I fell" The low tone of Chyou's filled the room as she grabbed her wand and clean the whole mess. "What were you doing?" She didn't care if she annoyed her beloved husband, after all it's a free country, Chyou got to say whatever she wanted to say. Funny how this young couple acted like they hated each other but inside they're madly in love. If it wasn't because of Devlin, Chyou might've been dead by now. She hated life and Devlin is the only reason why she continued living. "I'm a few days late" She paused as her heart smirked "Suppose I'm pregnant, what are you going to do about it?" She took a glass of water and gulped, holding a tight grip on her wand in case of a sudden attack. Chyou was just messing with Devlin, she loved it when she got to his nerve, seeing him frustrated, annoyed is entertaining for Chyou it times of distress.

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