well, aint this fun...

"Hai hai Ma'am! To the garden then!" Vayne said with a mock salute.

"Would you like to invite other people ma'am?" He asked still with civility.

OOCOut of Character:
who's going to create the topic?
OOCOut of Character:
I'll create the topic then PM it to you and other people :D

"Oui Oui! yes" She laughed, giving a salute back, "I think we will invite other, sir." She smiled and wondered who else they could invite.
"Yes ma'am, garden, here we go!" Vayne said enthusiastically with a triumphant grin.

"I'm sure that this will be fun Alexia, I mean, maam..." He added, looking at Alexia with a huge smile.
Alexia pulled a mock shocked face when Vayne forgot to call her ma'am, "Such horrible manners" She joked with a smile shaking her head in disapointment trying to forse herself to frown but failing. "Well then, how do we get to the gardens?" Alexia asked
"Pardon my manners ma'am" Vayne said with a bow. He is stopping to laugh at Alexia's shocked face.

"I guess we'll go there through the great lawn ma'am" He added as he straightened up trying to stop laughing but failing to do so.
Alexia did an over exagerated curtsy and laughed. Standing straight again she tryed to pull on a serious, sophisticated expression. Looking arround herself she tried to remember the way to the Great Lawn. When she remembered she turned back at Vayne still with her funny expresion "Well then sir, let us go" Alexia told him using her arms to dshow the direction they were to go in. She laughed as she lead the to the Great Lawn.
"yes ma'am let us go, on your lead then" Vayne said with a bow. He then followed Alexia as she lead the way to the great lawn

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