Closed Wedding Planning

Maisie Morvay

Old-Fashioned Witch- Bubbly- Fun
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
5/23/2042 (19)
Maisie was excited to get into planning for the wedding masquerade party. She was humming, setting up a lunch while she waited for her sister and mother to show up for lunch. She'd already had breakfast with her adopted mother, who'd not been able to make their lunch date, but that was alright. She had all the magazines and notes and ideas scribbled out at the table, with her brand new wedding grimoire empty and ready to be filled. She was having a lovely time, dancing around to the music playing. Weddings were so much fun! It was no wonder people got married all the time.
Families were interesting. Goring up it had been just her, then Linden had come along a few years later, and it had just been the two of them for ten years until along came Ivy. then a few years later, her parents adotpetd tara, Cas adopted himself, then suddenly their siblings were all miced into one large sibling group with the addition of Basil Maisie, and then Miran. it was nice to have a lot of siblings. the family nights were always fun with take out and lots of snacks involved. sometimes someone couldnt make it, sometimes the cousins would join them but it was always fun and cozy.
despite the two sibling sets merging like with any group of people, Willow did feel like she was closer to some than others. Which is why she was surprised to get an invite to a wedding plan with Maisie. She realised she shouldn't be. With Tara still missing and Ivy at school, she was the only sister left available.
not sure how much help she would be with wedding planning she would be. But she wanted to be there for her sister so she had managed to shuffle her shifts and got the day off.
Willow stopped at the shops and got some prosecco and some flowers before she apparated to the right area and walked the short distance to the house. she knocked on the door and waited for Maisie to answer.

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