Wedding bells

Kevin knew that if he didn't go to the church Caysi would never speak to him again. He really didn't want his older sister not talking to him, so the boy made himself go. The reason he didn't want to go was, he felt that it would be somewhat the same type of marriage that his sister had before. Kevin really did want the marriage to work out and all, but he didn't want his sister to suffer. Kevin sighed and apparated to the church. Once inside he looked around for his sisters fiance, but couldn't see him, after the wedding he would make sure to find Ryan. Kevin looked around for his brothers or family to sit with. Finally seeing Dan's shaggy hair, Kevin walked over and took a seat with his family.
Mark looked at himself in the mirror, he thought that he was looking quite snazzy. He shook over his flippy hair and made it stick with some amazing gel that he took from Kevin. " Look at you." Mark said smiling at himself in the mirror. Mark looked at the clock and made his way to the door. The brown haired boy stepped out of his house and apparated to the church where his sister was going to get married. Mark made his way into the church and looked down the aisles and hallways, he didn't see anyone of his family. Mark finally saw Kevin, which made him feel relieved that he wouldn't have to akwardly wait for his family.
Eric in s billow of white smoke appeared before the house with the most important garment in the world. Eric smiled to himself at the thought at being a wedding, he enjoyed the cermony so much but it was the after party that really had him going today. Maybe he would find some hot young waiter or some gay cousin of the wedding party lurking around, but that was wishful thinking Eric thought with a sigh as he made it to the door of the church. Eric walked past people upon people winking and waving at everyone on his way up to the Brides room. Eric found the place easy enough and with a firm knock he bang on the door.

"Hello it is me the most bestest best wedding dress deliver in all the whole wide world!" Eric said in a cheery playful way as he waited for some one to open the door. The dress was in a secure black bag so no one could see it and a large amount of spells had been place on the bag and the dress to prevent anything bad from happening to it, Elizabeth had gone all out for the young woman she should be very grateful which Eric knew she was very pleased with the dress. Eric had all the counter spells and would cast them once everyone that she did not want to see the dress was gone. He was also skilled in hair and make up to help with whatever the bridesmaid or bride would need. To bad I counld not be dating the best man or something! Eric thought with a playful gleam in his eye.
Caysi looked at Kiera, " We'll have to talk about this after the wedding I guess Peachy." She gave a small smile. " Oh well then, it's the best wedding dress deliever." Caysi said whilst she opened the door to see Eric. " You, are amazing for bringing this." The blonde nodded and smiled. " Now, all I have to do is put the dress on, touch up some make-up, apparate from my house to the church, and I'm ready to get married." Caysi laughed.
"Thank you I know I am awesome but it is nice to hear from you!" Eric said with a smile as he walked into the room and head for the bed . He layed the dress down and began running throught the counter spells and charms one at a time it would take him a few moments but then the dress would be okay. Eric looked around as he ran through all the complex incanatations and realized that they were not alone and hopefully the bride did not mind the others in the room to see the dress. Eric returned his attention to the dress and kept working.
Caysi took a deep breath and looked over at Eric. " I'm ready when your ready." The blonde nodded. Caysi was starting to get nervous now. " Now, I'm more nervous than I've ever been before." Caysi said to Kiera and Eric. Caysi walked over to Eric, looking at what he was doing with the dress. " I can't wait to see it." Caysi said excited.
Eric finished all the spells and counter spells that safegaurded the dress and with a flick of wand the black bag opened up to reveal the magnificent Wang original dress. Eric stepped back and allowed the girl to marvel at its design and then he would step from the room to allow her the chance to of course dress and then he would help her with whatever she needed then. Eric looked at his watch and was counting down to the girls big day.

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