Waves of thought

Maria Granger

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Maria had a stressful week. She was getting drowned with homework, and her thoughts were exhausting her. Maria walked to the beach and sat in the sand with her shoes off. She looked off into the ocean. Water for miles and miles and nothing else. Maria could not stop thinking about Alex. She hoped that coming to Hogwarts will help her heal and introduce her to new surrounding, but unfortunately it wasn't going as well as she preferred. The memories came in her mind when she was awake and in her dreams. Maria hugged her legs and put her head on her arms. She wanted to spend time alone, maybe then she would feel at ease, but even then she felt lonely.
Hamza was walking when he saw Maria sitting there with her legs and her head tucked in. Hamza was still in shame for what he had done with her yesterday, the trouble he put her through, the pain he had given her, he was so embarrassed at what he did that he really couldn't face her anymore, but he wanted to apologize. So he started to walk up to her and said, "H-h-hey Maria." said Hamza in a low tone and trying to hide his face since he was very embarrassed.
Maria looked up to see Hamza standing awkwardly. She looked back out to the ocean because she didn't kno what do say to him, after a while she said 'Hi' in a sad voice.
"Do you mind if we talk for a little bit?" Hamza said in a slam voice. "Look, about what happened yesterday.. we need to talk about that." said Hamza. Hamza knew that Maria was mad at him and sad at the same time, but he was going to make up for it, whatever the price maybe.
Maria heard him speak then answered ' You can have a seat if you like.' She offered. She was in no mood to hear him say anything but she decided to give him a chance. The whole time he was sitting there she didn't look at him or speak to him.
Hamza looked at Maria and saw a lot of pain in her eyes, she really seemed to have taken it pretty hard. "Maria, look, I will do ANYTHING to make it up to you, anything." Hamza said while grabbing Maria's hand. Hamza was very shamed at himself for what he did.
Maria took her hand back and placed it in her lap. Maria never cried when she mad, she just became quiet. Maria turned to finally look at him and said, ' Im not mad at the fact that you put my life in danger, but more because you expect me to love you and you can't accept anything else.' Maria was terribly upset with Hamza and why he thoughtthat he could just do something to be forgiven by her was not happening.
Hamza looked down to the ground and thought that she was right, he was expecting too much out of her and too soon. He raised up his face and said, "I know I made a mistake. I asked for too much of you and too soon. I should have never expected you to love me, at least not this fast." said Hamza in a low tone voice. Hamza then started to play around with some dirt in front of him and said, "I don't care if you love me now, I know that you have feelings for me that are strong and in the future, you will open yourself up to me and will say I love you to me on your own when the time is right." Hamza put his other hand in his lap and said, "I thought over this all last night and came to conclusion that I asked for too much, too soon, which I shouldn't have done. I'm sorry Maria, I really am." said Hamza in a depressed voice. Hamza didn't expect for Maria to forgive him at all, but he didn't want her to be sad.
Maria didn't look at him as he spoke but heard everything he had to say. She looked right in his eyes and saw that he was truly sorry for what he did and really cared about her feelings for him. ' I can't develop strong emotions as fast as you expect me to but know that I really care about you and like spending time with you.' She finished
Hamza rose up his face when Maria said she cared about me and said, "I understand what your trying to say. I know, I shouldn't have expected you to develop strong feelings for me that fast, and I am sorry for what I did." As he looked away from Maria. "I'm sorry Maria, I really am, I just don't know what got into me, I.. I.. I.. am truly sorry and won't ever let this h..h..happen a..a..again." said Hamza in a sad voice. Hamza only stuttered when he was truly disappointed at himself and was full of shame.
' I accept your apology.' Maria replied after a while. She just hoped that Hanza would never treat her like this again and not force her anymore. Maria didn't know what to say next so she gave him a hug.
Hamza having his face down to the ground, he all of a sudden got a hug from Maria. He the looked up and said, "Do you truly forgive me?" while looking at her face. "I promise to not put you in anymore danger and will let myself die first before ever letting you get hurt." said Hamza.
' I do forgive you.' Maria said as she let go of him. This argument with Hamza made them both understand each other better. Maria was still a bit mad at Xavier for his rude attitude the other day but that was her own problem
Hamza finally had a small smile on his face when he heard the words that he was forgiven. "By the way, have you met Xavier yet?" said Hamza.
Not only did she meet him but she wasn't very fond of him. ' I have met him but just so you know we didn't get off to a good start.' Maria stated. She didn't want to explain in detail of what happened, Xavier should do that himself.
Hamza was very surprised when he heard her say that she had met him and wasn't very fond of him. "Very surprising you are saying that." said Hamza with a puzzled face.
' Why is that surprising?' Maria asked. She sensed that Hamza knew something already about her and Xavier s meeting
Well, Xavier isn't really the guy who would have comments against him, you know. He's a pretty cool guy, very out going, nice mannered, very friendly, he's like a brother to me." said Hamza with a smile. Hamza wondered what had happened between Maria and Xavier.
' I thought the same until I saw him th other day in the great lawn. You should talk to him if you like to know what exactly happened.' Maria wanted Hamza to hear it from Xavier himself and not her.
Hamza was quite puzzled and wondered what had happened between Xavier and her. Hamza wasn't connected with Xavier at the time when she met him, so he didn't know what had happened between them exactly, so Hamza would have to talk to Xavier to find out what happened. "Alright, I'll talk to Xavier." said Hamza with a smile.
' You don't have to, I just thought you should know that we re not on good terms.' Maria said with a half smile. Maria felt that things were still a little awkward between them and Maria wished that this awkwardness would go away somehow.
"Alright, enough of that talk. Let's talk about something else." said Hamza with a smile.
Maria looked at him and said ' What do you want to talk about?' It seemed like after their argument their relationship that had been building up had been pushed back. Maria tucked herself a bit more and put her arms around her knees.
"Just a question, don't take it offensive babe. We are still dating right?" said Hamza with a smile. He wanted to know if their relationship was advancing or was it being pushed back.
Hamza hadn't called her 'babe' in a while which showed that there was tention between them. Now that he had called her by tht, it was clear tht he still wanted to be with her and so did Maria. 'Yes we are.' replied Maria with a smile.

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