Open Watching the Try-Outs Through My Fingers

Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie wasn't trying out, quidditch was violent and scary and she didn't want that for herself, but she knew she was a little the anamolly of her family, since all but her and her dad were a bit hesitant about quidditch. Bran was on a team, she knew that her mother had been on a team, she knew Aunt Sara had been on a team, she knew Aunt Lydia and Uncle Ty had both been on teams, and now Aurora was trying out too. Rosie was determined to support her sister and be at the try-outs but as soon as people had flown up into the air and she'd mostly lost track of which one was her sister, she couldn't help but watch through her fingers. she just was so worried for Aurora, she didn't want her sister getting hurt, or being hurt. She winced as someone else took a bludger and just hoped that hadn't been Aurora. Rosie wondered if perhaps she could persaude one of her friends to describe the try-outs and possibly games after so she wouldn't have to watch.
While Kiara would never ever consider playing quidditch herself, something rather unusual within her family, she did enjoy watching it. Sure, she hated to see any of her relatives get hurt but there was no better feeling than to see them thrive either. Knowing her brother had been more excited for tryouts than he had been in the years prior because there were beater positions opening up she had decided to head out to support him. She had done the same last year while he was trying out for an alternate position again so it would be strange for her not to do the same this time around. Even more so now he didn't have Chloë to support him from down on the pitch anymore. Making her way up the stairs Kiara noticed a familiar face and quickly headed over. "I don't think you'll see much like that.." She said quietly as she took a seat next to Rosie, before realizing she was probably there to watch her sister. Aurora had been vocal about wanting to try out last year and Kiara squinted to see if she could spot the girl between the other players. " you want me to try if I can see how your sister's doing? Do you know what position she's trying out for?"
Rosie glanced through her fingers at the familiar person who joined her. "I can't really see much, but it's better this way, or I'll start crying or something," Rosie said with a light joking tone, though she wasn't entirely joking, it was just easier to be light hearted about it. "She's trying out for beater, Branson helped her pick the position," Rosie told Kiara. "She's on a nimbus 2001, if that helps at all?" Rosie added, just in case that made it easier to pick out which one her sister was. She was glad for the company and happy that someone was going to watching more closely than she could stomach.
Kiara could understand why Rosie didn't want to fully look at tryouts but at the same time admired the other girl for showing up for her sister anyways. She could've easily just stayed inside and wait for Aurora to report back but it still seemed like she was trying her best to support her. Even if she didn't want to see her get hurt. "Hmm, that could make her a little easier to spot." She responded, trying to sound as confident as possible. She didn't see too many girls on the pitch so far and only one of them seemed to be wielding a bat so that had to be Aurora. "Oh I see her!" Kiara smiled although she was sure Rosie couldn't see. "I think she's doing alright." She spoke up after watching Aurora fly around the pitch for a while, hitting the occassional bludger. "My brother's up there as well so if they both make the team I'm sure he'll have her back.." She offered, wondering if that would make Rosie feel any better.
Rosie nodded, glad that Kiara was actually able to watch where she just couldn't. She was trying to look through her fingers but had lost her sister in the other players and found it difficult to watch knowing her sister could be one of the people getting hit. It was good that Kiara spotted her and that she was doing alright, she felt relief wash over her. "Oh good, I'm glad," she said, she hoped she had some success, Rosie was sure it would disappoint her sister if she wasn't successful, it would make her litle a little easier since she'd only have to worry about Bran, but still. "Oh please, if he could, if they both get in. What position is he trying for?"
After years of watching quidditch with her family and hearing about it more and more Kiara had gotten quite used to it. She wasn't super keen on the bludgers in the game but it also secretly made things a little more interesting. It made things easier than she knew her brother was more than able to handle bludgers hits by now. He had told her they hurt, sure, but that she didn't need to worry about him. And although she wouldn't often follow his advice she knew she could trust him on this. "He's trying out for beater." Kiara answered. "He's already been on the team as an alternate for two years so I reckon he has high hopes." She added with a small smile, trying to see if she could distinguish him from the other boys wielding bats out on the pitch. "It would be cool if they both make it."
Rosie felt a little better now, she was still not taking her hands off her face, since even with someone she wasn't about to start watching the tryout. She thought it would be good if they could be on the team together because she trusted Kiara and if Kiara said her brother would look out for Aurora then she trusted that he would. "I'm sure he will get on, I think both of the beaters from last year's team are gone, so there will be a slot for him." she didn't know for sure of course, didn't know how many others were trying out for the position beyond Aurora and him, but she felt he'd be in with a good enough chance having already been an alternate. "I would be cool, would you then have to support gryffindor more?" Rosie asked.
Kiara nodded when Rosie mentioned both beater from last year's team were gone. She was very well aware of that considering how often her brother had mentioned it during the game. She knew him talking about it a lot was also a sign that he was both excited as well as nervous about the possibility and she could only hope he did get the position. "He was pretty confident, so.." Kiara responded with a smile. "If he does I reckon I won't even have to ask him if he can keep an eye on her, he'll likely do so anyways. I mean he does it with me even if he doesn't have to." She said before giving a smalls shrug. "I mean it's not so much supporting Gryffindor as it is my brother I think. It was the same last year when my cousin was still on the team."
Rosie felt that it was likely Kiara's brother was more confident than her sister, which given he had been an alternate. "He's a good brother then," she knew that if Kiara joined the Ravenclaw team that she could ask Branson to look out for her, since theat was what brothers did. But since she knew that Kiara was much more like herself and uninterested in becoming part of the quidditch team, there would be no way to return the favour other than through general kindness. "Hmm, that's fair Kiara, I do certainly support Branson more than ravenclaw when they play," since she did, though if Aurora got on the team would that have to change..."I don't know who'll I'll support if Aurora gets on the team and it's Ravenclaw against Gryffindor,"

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