Watching the Madness

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Knowing that the Halloween Feasts were usually great fun, Cyndi had worked hard on choosing a costume to wear, finally settling on a female viking costume. Getting into it had been easy, but it was very itchy and Cyndi found herself absentmindedly scratching her leg where the skirt lay. It doesn't look right yet she thought to herself and as she walked down to the Great Hall, her eyes fell on a sword being held by a suit of armor. That's it she realized and walked over to the suit as innocently as she could. After looking to both sides of the corridor, Cyndi lifted the sword out of the armor's grip and murmured, "I promise I'll return it."

With her outfit complete, Cyndi walked to the Great Hall and entered to see the feast in full swing and it seemed that this one was going to be one to remember. On stage was a group of deatheaters and dementors? What had she walked into? Professor Weasley stepped over to an empty seat, her eyes not leaving the stage as she listened. It seemed that some sort of auction was underway and with an amused expression on her face, she sat down to watch. Glancing over into a corner of the room, it seemed that two of her colleagues were wearing similar costumes and Cyndi wondered if they'd planned it. It seemed like an odd thing for male professors to do. She knew that girls planned their outfits with their friends all the time, but guys didn't do it as much. This feast was proving to be quite entertaining and Cyndi didn't know what to watch more so she decided to keep her eye on both.
"You honestly think you were gonna get away with that? Or was it just luck?" Sirius stood amused, he was standing right in front of the Ancient Runes Professor. He wasn't dress as anything, Sirius never celebrated Halloween. These days he had nothing much to celebrate, except getting his paycheck from Hogwarts. He didn't want to seem greedy and need of fun, but that's just it. "I'm surprise the suit of armors didn't back talk you you? You know they do talk?" he exclaim, he was a man with needs. What he earn here was his living, Sirius saw himself as close to a peddler. And to be frank, he did peddle on some occasion, he just used his guitar to do so. "Names Sirius?" he lean down to shake her hand. "Your Professor Weasley right?" he asked with a slight smile. He had happen to see her swipe the sword, he was curious and had followed in here. Rather the only reason why he was here, but looking around, he realize maybe a little socializing won't hurt much.

Professor Brennan was quite proud of her costume although its simplicity was definitely noticeable. She hadn't saved up her funds very well and so she had been forced to dig around her closet for a costume. Her findings were good, however and she could pass as a Muggle Explorer. She stood awkwardly watching the students laugh and chat with each other, and suddenly she laid her eyes on two adults speaking with each other across the room. It was time to finally try to make some friends here. Evie crossed the room, scolding a few older students who had allowed their hands to wander around on their partners and finally stood in front of the two. She know Professor Weasley for they had met at the graduation. The other man, Sirius was one she had met a while back as well. "Hello..enjoying the night?"
Cyndi looked up to see that it was the groundskeeper who was speaking to her. This was exactly why she usually didn't try anything like that. She usually ended up getting caught. "Well. A little of both" she began, shifting guiltily in her seat. "I didn't think he'd mind. Me and that suit of armor go way back. He used to be stationed outside of Gryffindor house and now he's by my classroom." She ended with a shrug and then bit her lip and added, "Sorry?"

When the groundskeeper introduced himself, Cyndi nodded and took his hand, shaking it quickly. She knew his name but had not had the opportunity to introduce herself to him yet. She nodded when he knew who she was. "That's me" she said, a small smile on her face. As another professor joined them, Professor Weasley breathed a sigh of relief. " costume" she said, greeting the professor she'd met only once before. She had seemed nice enough then and Cyndi was glad to see her at the feast.
"Tis no worries Professor, don't take things to serious" he chuckled. He had no intention of busting her for something a second year would seriously get in trouble for. He knew she was a professor so really he just approached her in a joking manner. "Hello Professor Brennan" he said welcoming yet another young professor at the school. "I suppose its a great night, with all that's going on? What is going on? I see a bunch of death eaters and dementors line up on stage, with no one hit with a curse yet? What am I missing?" he asked both woman, his eyes scanning the group. There were so many girls line up and hardly no boys around. "Weird?" he commented to himself. He asked the most unusual question right after, "Am I being punk'd?" he asked more Weasley than Brennan. Seeing as Weasley been here longer than Professor Brennan.

Cyndi laughed when as Sirius began to ask what was happening. She looked back to the front of the room where the line of dementors and death eaters were patiently waiting. She shook her head, " looks like the work of the Brotherhood." She rolled her eyes slightly but was still amused, remembering how creative the group could be when it wanted to. They were known for coming up with interesting plans. "I'm not entirely sure but I think those guys are bidding themselves off to the highest bidder." She looked to Evie to see if she knew any more. The girls standing at the front of the room facing the guys seemed to be quite enjoying themselves though a few seemed to be glaring at each other and becoming competitive.
"No you are not being Punk'd." Evie replied, smiling. She remembered very clearly watching that show over the past few years. "The BrotherHood is doing an auction where they are auctioning themselves off as Yule Ball dates." She had made it a point to be involved with anything going on at the school so she could answer any questions anyone might have. There were of course some things she missed, but usually it was unimportant. "It looks like a lot of fun." The auction was getting intense as the girls were tossing galleons to get a date. "I just don't think I would pay for someone to go to the ball with me.."
"Riiiiiiiiiiigght" Sirius expressed with his lips plucked to the side. "Its funny if a fifth year went with a first year other than that, I'm pretty sure its gonna be a awkward Yule Ball this year" Sirius shrugged looking back at two young professors. "Well what do you two do for fun? I mean you are the youngest here" he covered his mouth half way, leaning forward. "I don't suppose you guys don't go out once in a while? Better than being here" he wanted to say something about the oldest professor, but than he grew quiet. His comment was kept to himself, it was sort of funny. Sirius just couldn't trust any of these professor with what he had to say.

sorry lame
Cyndi shook her head as she listened to Evie explain exactly what she was seeing. It was even more outrageous than she had thought and she couldn't help but chuckle as she continued to watch. "No...I probably wouldn't either, but it is pretty funny to watch." She watched as a seventh year and a second or third year bid against each other. "You'd think they were bidding on quidditch players. I think I'd be willing to place a bid if it was a quidditch star." Her eyebrow lifted and she grinned cheekily.

As she listened to Sirius, Cyndi looked at Evie. She'd never thought about it but they were two of the youngest professors in the school and they didn't really hang out all that much. "We never have together" she said with a shrug. She did go out every once in a while to meet some of her old friends, but she'd never done anything with any of the other professors or staff at the school. She never really saw any of the staff interacting with each other outside of meetings that they had. "We so should. It'd be fun" she smiled.
"It'll be a fun evening to see all the mismatched couples." Evie agreed referring to Sirius's comment about the Yule Ball. It was rare that the young professor ever went out anymore, she was usually found cooped up in her office or under a tree somewhere with an enticing novel. She looked back at Cyndi and smiled. "I think we should all get to know each other more. I've barely spent anytime with the other staff members." She didn't have any ideas, but grabbing a butterbeer in Brightstone or visiting the Mall would be a great idea.
"Hey I'm up for that, I mean what is there to do in New Zealand?" he asked in his stray British accent. "I've heard wild stories from the Potters living here? To ummm, some auruor dying not to long ago? What's really up in New Zealand?" he asked with a coy smile that showcase his perfect white linen teeth. While he was asking he was still well aware of what was happening at the suppose auction. "Wait did I just hear someone bid a hundred and fifthy galleons?" Sirius ask nearly cracking up, "Jeeze that's sure was a pretty penny for one date" he grin turning his blue optics back to the young professors. "So just let me know, I'm usually near the green house, Professor Styx have me water all his plants and mend them" Sirius rolled his eyes. "Must be done or else we'll be run by 12 feet giant plants or something about mandrakes taking over the world" he shook his head remembering Styx ridiculous words. "So yeah," he snicker shaking his head. Styx was a pain in the arse but Sirius was told he was the best Herbologist professor since Rambolt who he knew because of her old work hanging around Professor Styx offices. Wonder if Rambolt was anything like Styx, Sirius thinks not.

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