Open Watching From the Corner

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Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus hadn’t made any formal plans for this valentine’s with Hamish but he knew that the other boy would likely join him at the event. He wouldn’t mind it in the slightest. He was just stood towards the entrance of the room, leaning against one of the walls and looking out at the people in the room, the different ones dancing and trying to see if he knew any of the people there, he couldn’t admit to having that many friends but he was also not spotting any of them. He had to wonder if Avery would even come to such an event.
Hamish knew Seamus tended to frequent these sort of events, and he wasn't going to let his brother just lurk by himself. He found his twin easily enough, stopping just behind him. "Anything interesting?" He asked, hoping he might have startled his twin at least a little bit.
Seamus glanced at Hamish and gave a half smile. "Nope," he replied. He kept his gaze on all the other people in the hall as he spoke. "You?" he asked, he wasn't sure how long Hamish had been there or if he'd spotted anything interesting. There wasn't too much happening in the hall just people dancing.
Hamish pouted a bit as his brother seemed unfazed, but got over it quickly. He shrugged. "Not really. The older Hufflepuff chaser looks like someone kicked him, he's pouting at a table. And a couple of first years ran into each other, the one girl smeared cupcakes on the other girls dress," He shrugged. It wasn't the most interesting thing ever but whatever.
Seamus glanced around the room, looking from the tables and looking for the girl whose dress was ruined but he couldn't spot them in the room. "Thanks for the rose," he then said, since there was no one else he was going to get a rose from. "It's a bit of a lame celebration, but I do appreciate it," he said in case Hamish had enjoyed it.
Hamish smiled softly, trying to nudge his brothers arm with his own. "Same. But I figured it would still suck to be left out of it," He reasoned, adjusting his glasses on his nose. "I actually like roses though. They smell nice." He offered, looking around. "Maybe next year we should try asking someone to the Ball?" He turned his gaze back to his brother. "We could try being more social."
Seamus glanced at his brother and then shrugged, he actually wasn't too surprised that roses were something that Hamish liked. "What's the point in inviting anyone?" Seamus replied with a little shrug. "What would change if we come to this with other people or with otherselves? Do you want to dance or something?" Seamus replied, he didn't need to be more social he had at least one friend, what more could he need when he had his twin.
Hamish looked to Seamus. "That would be the point, wouldn't it? We know what to expect from each other. Bringing someone might change how we'd take the dance. Though you're probably right, they'd probably just want to dance and eat snacks." He ran a hand through his hair. He wasn't particularly interested in dancing. "Do you want to raid the snack table and head out? I'm bored," he announced, looking back to his brother.
Seamus considered his brother's point and then gave a little shrug. He didn't think this was Avery's scene and that was possibly the only person he would invite perhaps he did need to get to know more people, but how was he supposed to, there were so many school things and everyone was dull. "We can always get snacks and just watch?" he countered, they were here now, so maybe it would be worthwhile to stay for a little bit.
Hamish considered what Seamus proposed and after a moment nodded easily. "Sure. Let's go sit down though," He shrugged and started for the snacks table. "So. Ravenclaw versus Slytherin. Think you can take me out before I catch the snitch?" Hamish teased his brother with a sly grin.
Seamus followed Hamish towards the snack table and gave a little roll of his eyes. "I won't be playing, I'm an alternate...but I'd careful, slytherin beaters are supposed to be strong..," he knew that he would have to be one eventually. "Try to avoid getting hit in the head," he told him. He knew that their positions would pit them against each other eventually.
Hamish scowled. "Aw, but you're better than any of the beaters they have," He scoffed. He started putting together a plate of treats. "Nothing will hit me in the head," He reassured his brother. "How often does that ever happen?"
Seamus rolled his eyes at his brother's statement, no matter how nice it was to hear. "It can happen, people can die from quidditch," he told him. "Just be aware and always protect your head," he knew there would be little to be done if that happened, because it would happen so quickly, but it felt right to at least warn him about it.
Hamish could tell his brother was worried, and he didn't want to make it any worse. He knocked his arm into his brothers gently. "Alright, you win. I promise, I'll be careful," He gave Seamus a smile and reached to start filling his plate with treats. "Do you think you'll play Quidditch after school?" He asked Seamus, curious.
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