Open Watching From Above

Giselle Rosenberg

In therapy, working on herself.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 15 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Giselle had been hanging up some posters around the school and one at Lius her bed which she thought was funny. She would get back at the girl, for throwing the quaffle at her and annoy her. The girl annoyed her so much, she wished she just had pushed her off the swings the day she met her in the park. How could she ever have thought she was gonna like the girl at first. That was no option ever! It was war and she was ready to declare it and show it. Now she needed to play it smart, because she knew Lius would not just do something out of emotion that quickly. She was on Styx his bad terms, so that was good. As long as she stayed off the radar with him. Although she still wanted an conversation with him about quidditch. But she had an feeling he didn't cared that much. Slytherin won the cup for the hundreds time and Styx didn't even seemed to care or be happy about it. That was one thing she liked about the man. And she had decided that people who played quidditch or liked it were on her dislike list. And there were a lot. She was still mad at Tilly for betraying her like this. Deep down she felt it was a shame what could have been that was gone. Tilly had been listening to her and not being annoying so far, but now she was!

The blonde found an place at the stands and was ready to watch the try outs. She had some signs with her, because she was gonna protest. Also she could see who were trying out and stuff it was good for the information. Than she spotted Lius ofcourse and had brought some handy stuff so she could hear what they were saying. From some kind of shop. She grinned as she heard what Lius said. She punching? She didn't even dared. '' Don't make me laugh! '' she than said loud, with no clue of if they would be hearing her. Lius was flying in the air and Giselle watched with hatred. Not only to her but the rest of them also. But didn't noticed she wasn't the only one here.
@Liusaidh Fergusson (just so you know XD)
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Seraphina still didn't quite understand the obsession with quidditch at this school. Everyone either wanted to be on the team or at least tryout, and then they always went to every game. While the idea of hitting people with bats seemed somewhat enthusing, Seraphina wasn't one for teammates. And from the fuss she had seen her classmate Giselle make during the previous years, she supposed the Slytherin wasn't either. As she sat on the bleachers, chin in her hand, she wondered what it would be like to actually be good at something. Seraphina wasn't in any clubs and really didn't have traditional friendships. While she was competitive, there wasn't much chance for her to test it or shine. Maybe she should tryout for quidditch... but then she'd have to deal with some of the insufferable Gryffindors and quickly decided against it. Glancing over as Giselle yelled, she wasn't quite sure who the girl was talking to and looked back out on the field.
Zachariah was making his way to tryouts. He knew he wouldn't make the team just yet because he was only a first year. Non the less he wanted to at least watch his future teammates and rivals. Collecting information on them was always a better option when you couldn't do what you wanted. He would definitely try out if he was allowed. He was in good spirits as he walked through the halls with a skip in his step. Well, he was in a good mood.

As he walked to the field he started seeing these posters that were protesting Quidditch. His mood slowly got worse as he spotted them. When he got to the stands he groaned. "What is all this rubbish?" Zachariah said to himself when he saw more posters. He shook his head and found a spot near the edge of the pitch. There were already two girls there who were older than him and he was slightly jealous of them. They could try out and possibly get a spot on their house team. All he could do was sit and watch.
The blonde watched the people down and than noticed an girl looking at her. She frowned for an moment and looked back. '' What are you doing here?'' She than asked, almost sure the girl was not from Slytherin. And than remembering the girl from an fight with Tilly, she was sure it was that girl.
Seraphina looked up at the boy complaining about the Slytherin's signs and smirked. The Gryffindor didn't have a particular opinion either way towards the sport, but she loved other antagonizers. Turning towards Giselle, she shrugged pulled a piece of gum out of her pocket. "I like watching people get hurt," she said, before popping the gum into her mouth.
Giselle had only seen the girl so far. She waited and put her arms over eachother, and frowned as the girl said she liked to see people get hurt. Was she for real? Giselle was kind of suprised by this, and didn't knew what to think about it. But she had been fighting with Tilly also so the girls seemed to like fights or stuff. She looked judgemental to the girl. Giselle knew she wasn't the sweetest person and used her fists is needed, but she didn't liked to see people hurt by pleasure. '' Uh. Why do you like that?'' She than asked the girl as she frowned. She shook her head for an moment and than heard some boy and saw him looking at her posters and saying it was rubbish. '' Shut up, you moron. That's no rubbish.'' She than said irritated and than looked back at the girl.
Zachariah hadn't expected anyone to notice him. He tiled his head to the side as he looked at both girls. They looked around the same age as his sister. The one girl was a Slytherin which made him think his sister might be behind this. He only noticed the other posters in her hand when she kind of snapped at him. He frowned at her biting his tongue as he thought about what to do. Picking fights with older students even if they were girls didn't seem like the best option.

"As a matter of fact, it is rubbish." Zachariah huffed out. "If you hate Quidditch so much then just stay away from the pitch. I doubt any of the players care about one opinion." Zachariah frowned at the girl. He knew that he didn't care. He would much rather be up in the air flying than here talking to someone that couldn't understand.

He turned to the other girl in the stands. "Why not join your house team? You get a much better view of people getting hurt from the air. Especially if you're a beater."
Seraphina shrugged at the Slytherin and then looked back out to the tryouts. She didn't know why she wasn't alarmed by the site of someone being knocked off their broom or breaking a bone. Maybe it was a reminder that she wasn't the only one who got hurt in life, or maybe it was because she lacked empathy. Either way, she looked at Giselle and raised her eyebrows. "Why don't you like Quidditch?" she said, glancing at the girl's signs because the boy interrupted them. Seraphina snickered at Giselle's initial comment, but frowned when the boy actually addressed her. She recognized him from somewhere but couldn't place it. She didn't want to play with a bunch of preps and ignored his comment, looking back over the team. "Don't tell me what to do."
Giselle her blood boiled as the boy insulted her posters. She didn't cared about what he thought or other players. '' I can go wherever I want! Little brat!'' She than said angry. Moving closer to him, whenever she became irritated she could not control it good. '' I'm here to protest and put up my posters stupid, it's about quidditch.'' Was he that stupid, the place where the terrible game was played was the best place to make people known. And she could laugh at Lius from here and the other stupid players. Than the girl asked her an direct question and she tried to calm herself. '' It's dangerous! And stupid. I know someone who died because of the sport.'' She than said. She was almost shocked by the fact she said it out loud. The girl didn't had to know who it was but she figured she had to say something. '' I can punch him. If he doesn't shut up.'' She than said looking at the boy and than to the girl.
Seraphina hadn't realized why Giselle was so vocal about her dislike for quidditch and suddenly felt a little bad for her. If it was someone she had cared about, she could understand why it was so upsetting. At the same time, she did find it humorous that someone was willing to punch a kid. "I'll distract any prefects," she said in all seriousness as she continued watching the game.

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