Watching and Waiting...

Jon Pear

OOC First Name
Jon Pear was sitting on a rock in the courtyard observing the other students wandering to and from their classes, he knew very well that he was skipping his own classes but he did not care much for this. As he sat he planned how he was going to get back at his parents for sending him to this place, there was nothing to do here and he couldn't find anyone with the same interest in destruction and despair as he was... so all he could do was watch and wait...
Brielle wasn't in any hurry to get to class. All the classes at Hogwarts seemed like lies to the Slytherin girl. She still wasn't sure if she liked Hogwarts or not, especially since Vivienne wasn't there. She missed her family more than she would admit.
She walked slowly, her arms wrapped around her school books. Brielle saw a familiar-looking boy. She was sure that he was in her year and house, but she didn't know his name. "Hi..." she said quietly. "Aren't you going to class?" she asked, confused. It didn't look like he was going to class, and Brielle wondered vaguely if he was skipping class. She dismissed the idea, as Brielle was a little bit of a goody-good and always did her homework.
Jon Pear looked up as a blond-haired girl approached carrying her books, she said hi and Jon Pear looked at her skeptically, "What are you looking at?" Jon Pear smirked at the girl, "Fine then, Hello, happy?" Jon Pear said flicking the lighter in his hand on and off, then she asked him if he was going to class and he almost laughed, "Of course I'm not going! Why should i? i already know all i need here and unlike you, I don't intend to become a wizard, you nerdy little freak!" as he finished his sentence he stood up abruptly, he was eye to eye with the girl and his eyes were blazing with anger.
Brielle looked at the boy in slight amusement. Insolent little child, she thought. "I'm looking at your face, genius." Brielle smirked. Her mean side was coming out, a side that she had been trying so hard to hide. She stiffened when the boy called her a 'nerdy little freak' "Drop dead." she hissed
Jon Pear looked at the girl with a smile on his face as he replied, "Sorry to inconvenience you, nerd, but my life expectancy is around 70, so i suggest you get used to disappointment!" he finished his sentence strongly by stepping back to observe the girl's next move, but then he decided otherwise and extended his hand, "allow me to introduce myself, I'm Jon Pear and who, may i ask, are you?" he watched the other students hurrying off to class as he waited for her answer...

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