watch where you are going duh brain

Morgan Chase

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Morgan was walking along the corridors with her books held against her chest. The corridors were rarther crowed so she had to weave in and out of the way of other passing students. As she moved out the way another student walked right into her knocking all of her books and work onto the floor. The other student diddnt stop to help though they just carried on walking engrosed in their convosation. She swept her hair back befor kneeling down to pick her things up and to be met by another student once she had got down.
Mark was walking away from his lesson, which haddent gone too well as it had been potions but it had been better than usual as his potion that he made diddnt blow up or anything. He smiled to himself at this and he would have to tell Tyson. As he walked through the corridor he spotted Morgan. He smiled then began to walk over to her when someone walked into her making her drop her things. He ran over to help. When he got there he kneeled down to pick her stuff up when she looked at him. He looked at her while picking up her stuff. "Hello again, are you ok?"
Ty was wandering the corridors when he saw 2 familiar faces crouched down next to each other picking up books and things.

"Alight guys?"
Morgan looked up from Mark to see Tyson. She smiled at him and Mark then stood up with her things. "Hey boys, nice to see you again. It seems that when ever i see one of you the other one isnt too far away." She laughed a little. "So where you you's off to?"
Mark smiled at Morgan and Tyson, this was the perfect oppoetuneuty to speak to her for Tyson. "Hey mate our potions teacher is looking for you, he said that he wants to talk to you and that if you dont go he will give you a detention." He looked back at Mogan and slyly rolled his eyes
Tys Smiled. "Hey Morgan, it's good to see you again..."

Mark started to speak to him so he listened. But Tyson's smile dropped as he heard the word detention.

"Detention? What? Listen, I better go, it was nice to see you again Morgan, we'll have to catch up sometime...Oh...and...Cya Mark."

Tys walked calmly until he was out of sight of Mark and Morgan, from then on he legged it to the Potions Room.
Morgan smiled at Tyson then wave. "It was nice to see you aswell bye." When Tyson was out of sigh she looked back at Mark then smiled widely at him. "Hi Mark. Its nice to see you again. You look good." She was afraid that she had said too much so she shut up and looked down at her feet then giggled.
Morgan shrugged, She was getting a little giddy now. Seeing Mark again had certainly made her day, She woundered if he was single or if he was interested in her. She smiled sweetly at him. "Yes im fine thank you and iv been fine aswell." Morgan followed Mark even though she had no idea where she was going and she woundered if Mark did. " So Mark do you have a girl friend?"
Mark chuckled when he noticed how happy she was, but his good mood drooped slightly when she asked him if he was single. Mark looked at her and diddnt really like the way she was staring at him. She couldnt be actracted to him and not Tyson, that would kill him. Mark had to think of something to do. " Yeah i do have a girl friend. Iv been with her for severn months now. Shes amazing and she makes it so i only have eyes for her. She is the only girl for me and i love her." He smiled at the thought, it seem ed more like Tysons fantasy rarther than his but there we go. " What about you. Are you single?"
Morgan nodded, a little disapointed by this so she wanted to know if Tyson was single as he was good looking aswell. "So Mark is Tyson single or has he got a girl friend aswell?" She did knid of like Tyson but she diddnt know him very well so wanted to become better friends first.
Morgan looked at Mark and giggled a little out of embarrasment. "Why do you say that, i hardly know the guy." She was a little giddy now. It was true she did have a little school girl crush on him but it diddnt mean anything, it was just a crush. She sighed then looked a head then looked puzzled. "Where are we going Mark?"
Mark shrugged to answer both of her questions. He began to head over to the lawn. "Well i just want to walk so here is better than anywhere right? So tell me, if you hardly know him why are you so very friendly to him, i mean come on i not that friendly to people i just met." He chuckled before looking at her to check if she was ok with what he had just said.
Morgan laughed. Ok then Mark if you say so. She waled along beside him as they walked around the grounds. " So how is Tyson... Just out of interest, i mean i only saw him for like two seconds before he ran off again." She tried to sound casual about it but she diddnt know how good it was.
Mark looked at her then began to laugh. "Ok then little miss not caring. He is fine as far as i know so dont worry you can relax now ok he is fine." He smiled then sat by a large Oak book and looked at his school then Morgan. "So how have you been then? Is everything ok with you?"
Morgan laughed with him the sat next to him in front of the huge tree and folloed his gaze. She loved it here and never wanted to leave. "Yes i have been fine i suppose." She looked at him then sighed. If she was going to talk about this then Mark was the best person to do it with. "So do you think that i have a chance with Tyson then?"

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