Warewolf V.S Lycanthopy

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Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
I was wondering that since the label here is warewolf if there couldn't be another kind of ware on the site like a ware-cat or something and call it Lycanthopy in general. :D
Werewolves are canon to Harry Potter, were-otheranimals are not. Also, lycanthropy comes from "lycanthrope" which is Greek for "wolf man" so calling it lycanthropy is still calling it being a werewolf. ;)
We have no evidence of any other type of "were things" and as such, I don't feel comfortable making things up. :)
Good point. Still it's good to ask before I go asking for something like that on another carecter I was thinking of making.
True, and fair enough. :)
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