Wanted: Helper

Daichi Hiroto

Well-Known Member
It was a warm Monday afternoon. Streets were crowded, people were in half-run, half-walk as they tried not to be late for their appointments. Mothers were with their children, bringing them out to play, and pet lovers walked their pets, couples lined the streets, and friends just hang out simply to enjoy the day. Everyone had their own businesses to attend to, and so did twenty four years old Daichi Hiroto. Sipping on a can of soda, the former Gryffindor tried to shield his eyes from the sun as he flipped the newspaper to the job ad page. It was a work day, and usually, at this time of the day, he would already be on the Romanian pub where he was working, attending to customers when he was not needed in the kitchen. The pay was low compared to what his twin brother earns, but he didn't mind it. He didn't plan of being a dishwasher/waiter/bartender forever anyway, he would be a famous quidditch player and participate in all those big leagues. Fans would scream his name and his photos would appear in all those souvenir items. He would be the talk of the town. His friends would celebrate his victory, and his story would grace the newspaper. He would be a quidditch player. He believed he could be one, that is, of course, once he actually passed the try outs. He had been to a lot of quidditch try outs before, but unfortunately (though he viewed it as just a temporary delay) he was yet to make the cut. That's why even though he rather train and have fun with his 'future' teammates, he was still working in a pub. No. He was no longer working in a pub, for to his frustration, he had been fired. That he could not accept. It was not his fault, totally not his fault. That stupid customer made a rude remark about his favorite sport, quidditch, and of course, as a quidditch fanatic, he gave the man a piece of his mind. Alright, maybe it was his fault. But he couldn't just keep his mouth shut when his beloved sport was being belittled. It was worth it. He could always find another job.

Daichi stifled a sigh. The newspaper job ad page was already filled with circles. How many establishments had he been to? He couldn't even remember. He even tried applying to muggle operated establishments, but to his disappointment, his disability had been a huge factor as to why he kept being turned down. He was partially blind, but for Merlin's sake, he could still see! Maybe his eyesight wasn't as good as other people, but he could still function normally. If they weren't going to accept a partially blind person, then they should have written it expressly on their ads: Wanted: waiter with two working eyes, one nose, one mouth, two hands, and two legs, then perhaps he wouldn't have wasted money and time knocking on their doors to apply.

The twenty four years old took one last sip from the can and toss it to the nearby trashcan like how a chaser would, however, it hit the brim and the can fell to the ground. Groaning, he picked it up and placed it the trashcan before flipping open the newspaper again. He had one last stop before he had to get home. He was yet to tell his twin about this recent development in his life. He had been living in his twin's house, with the latter paying for all their expenses. After all, his twin had a decent and stable job, he on the other hand, didn't. But he made up for it by doing all the household works and working on those pubs no matter how small the pay was. He couldn't possibly tell his twin that he lost his job again, he had to look for a new one before he could talk to him.

Daichi rolled the newspaper and stuck it on his back pocket, running his fingers through his thick black hair in an attempt to smooth it down to look presentable. This would be his last chance this day. He had to finish his 'Find Daichi a decent job mission', a stupid but fitting title for what he was doing this day. He started to walk and the cool air washed over him and assuaged the heat that clung to his skin. He had the address of the restaurant memorized. He wouldn't get lost, and after a few minutes of walking, he finally found himself facing a tall structure, his eyes, (or eye) warily trained on the wooden doors as he ran his hand through his hair, a nervous habit he had. He unnecessarily braced himself before he forged forward. This was it. He had to get this job. The door opened with a silent swish and he slowly entered the building. "Good After-Ah!," the exclamation barely escaped his mouth before he landed hard on his backside, cutting off any longer cry. Upon raising his head, he discovered that he crashed into a person, he stared for a moment, as if processing everything that happened. Different emotions flashed on his face, first confused, startled, then mortified, and out of reflex, he scrambled to his knees in an attempt to get up. "Hey I'm sorry, Are you hurt?" Hopefully, this person wasn't the owner of this restaurant or he was doomed.​
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Mondays. Saria absolutely hated Mondays. She was awoken that morning by the loud beeping of her alarm clock, signalling that another day working in her father's restaurant was upon her. Saria hated working with her father, but really what choice did the young, oriental girl have? She'd been in Germany for months now, trying to make a living off waiting tables so that maybe she could move out of this god forsaken house. Her mother had long ago left her with her father, saying that it was too strenuous to deal with illness. Saria was getting better though. At least, she thought she was. She had stopped going to therapy for her sister's death a little over a year ago, and was on medicine for her melanin and her anxiety, which was said to cause some of the amnesia episodes. It had been a few weeks since she'd had one, actually. Her father seemed to notice the improvement in the young girl as well. it didn't mean that anything was going to change though, which was the downside to this whole situation. Her father and her mother alike had only ever seen her as a little girl. Only her step brother had treated her as the adult that she was, and now he was off doing his own thing, working for some business in the Americas. That would be a dream come true for Saria. Anywhere that wasn't here would be a dream come true for Saria.

The young Korean woman decided that if she didn't get ready, she'd be late to work, and that wouldn't take her any closer to leaving. Showering first, Saria tried to stay awake in the steam on her room. She quickly slipped on the grey, long-sleeved dress that was the standard for her job. Her apron was down in the break room of the resteraunt. Saria, feeling that she was dressed well enough, left her bedroom and headed across the street to the restaurant, where her father lived. The walk was always short, but in the heels that she wore, seemed like a mile. She would spend all day on heels, as her father said it seemed much more dainty and lady like. Not that Saria gave two hoots about being lady like; after all, comfort was key. In fact, her dress was almost a sweatpants styled material; though her father thought it was just a particularly fancy form of cotton that was soft because it was so well made. If he knew that wasn't the case, he may make her wear something that was uncomfortable.

The minute she arrived her father was hollering for hr in Korean to tie up her apron and get to work. It didn't surprise her, she only wished he would have let her get a coffee first. However, it did seem unnaturally busy today. Regardless of why, Saria put on a wide smile and began waiting tables expertly, the largest of which had eight older gentleman, who were speaking to her in a dialect of German that she only half understood. Luckily the items on the menu were easy to point out, and they were very sympathetic of Saria, who spoke German fairly well; just not the Swedish dialect of it. Saria left their table, grabbing their drink order on one tray. Saria had gotten relatively good at carrying the drink trays, and most morning, it wasn't hard to navigate with them. However, she had to take the long way to the table, and held the drinks above her head to avoid another waitress with an empty tray running into her. Saria backed up to the door of the restaurant and smiled at the young waitress, only laughing for a moment before she was suddenly knocked off her feet. There was a horrible crashing sound, and Saria landed on hands and knees in puddles of water and some glass. The young waitress walked over to her, but Saria urged the girl to grab a broom and mop, and that she was fine. Saria turned, raising up of the ground, her black eyes focusing on the young man whom had knocked her over. She had small cuts on her hands and knees, but nothing that was serious. "I'm fine!" She spoke back with a smile, although her pride was very wounded. Saria couldn't just ignore her duty, so she waved her slightly cut hand toward a table. "If you take a seat i'll be right with you to take you're order." With that, Saria turned to leave, she needed to get cleaned up and change her tights.
Daichi had never been the clumsy type, in fact, he was pretty proud of his athletic physique and his quick reflexes. But perhaps, this wasn't such a good day for him. First, he had wasted hours, walking around the whole city in an attempt to look for a decent job. He hadn't even anything since he left the house that he shared with his twin. The last thing that he took to fill his stomach was the soda that he had been drinking earlier. Then there was this. How could he have been so careless as to forget that this building would be filled with people? It was a restaurant for Merlin's sake! And on top of that, it was business hours, of course, it would be crowded. Yet, he made no effort to watch what he was doing, and thus, there he was, down on his knees, face flushed as he stared at the person, a girl, that he had bumped into.

"I'm really sorry, I mean... yeah, sorry," he said in his broken German as he scrambled to get up. The lower part of his pants was drenched. He sighed, he doubted that the employer would get any good first impression about him. He ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm his nerves. Maybe he should leave and return later, once he was fully prepared for the interview and he's wearing decent clothing. But he couldn't really let another day pass without him getting a job. His twin would wonder why he was not talking about his customers and his co-workers that way he used to every time he returns from work. He bet that the other was already suspicious about it.

He sighed yet again as he finally raised his eyes to look at the woman he had knocked over, deep brown orbs locking with... equally dark ones. The strange thing, however, was the girl's eyes were all... black. Odd. But not bad weird, it was actually quite... interesting. Beautiful in fact, for it seemed that he could drown on that endless pit of darkness. He averted his gaze away from her as he once again brought his hand to his hair. He absentmindedly nodded his head at the girl's statement and walked towards one of the vacant table before he stopped midway to turn around and look at her. Take his order? He wasn't a customer! Merlin, he doubted that he had enough money on his pocket to even order the cheapest meal here. Yes. He was borderline broke. That was why he was looking for a new job!

It took him only a few steps to reach her side and as he neared her, he pulled out the rolled newspaper from his back pockets, unrolled it, and shoved it in front of the girl. "I'm really sorry about earlier, but can you help me? Says here you need a helper. Still looking?," he said, again, in his broken German. He had been staying here for a few years, but seriously, he knew very little about the language. And even though he could understand it fairly well, speaking it was a different matter.​
Saria's head was a little boggled, she had to admit. However, those who knew her would think that was pretty normal - with her condition and all. The rather small girl was inspecting her hands a bit, it hurt to move with some of the glass in her knees. It was nothing she couldn't fix with a little hydrogen peroxide, and bandages. Since there were quite a few muggles in the area, Saria wouldn't dare attempt any magic on herself, though her father's office was secluded enough. No, Saria could not risk it, not only would it give her father one more reason to keep her at this restaurant, it could also cause her to lose her wand.

"No, it's okay, really, I'm okay!" Saria gave the boy a smile, whose apologies were sweet to her ears. She had experienced enough rude customers in her life time to now appreciate when someone was kind to her. it seemed rude to just leave him there, so the brunette turned around to face him, now standing a bit away though. He looked to be a little wet, but nothing that was too damaging for him. She would of course offer him a seat, perhaps a drink on the house or to pay for his dry cleaning - though she doubted he would ask that of her. She looked over the boy, could he be much older than her? It was too hard to tell nowadays. While looking over him, the young Asian woman couldn't help but lock eyes with the man. His eyes were such a warm color of chocolate, they were nice. He looked away though, people always did. Saria was accustomed to the stares and whispers that her eyes got her. Some people even thought she was possessed, though those cultures were starting to die out in the areas that she was in.

Finally Saria turned to leave, able to go into the back and get cleaned up. Her father was once again yelling about how clumsy she must be to drop an entire tray. For some reason the woman felt the need to leave out the part about him knocking into her. Woman's intuition she assumed. Finally cleaned up, Saria made her way out into the dining area. The other young waitress had recruited someone to help her carry out the tray of food to the old gentlemen, and received a silent thank you from Saria. "I'm so sorry..." The petite brunette was going to ask him what she could get for him, though was shocked to see the paper he shoved in front of her. His German was broken, like hers, but she could understand it. "We are so desperately understaffed." She managed. "If you go back and talk with my father, I'm sure he'd be glad to have you start today!" Saria then motioned for him to follow her. "My name is Saria by the way." She said, feeling that since she ruined the bottom of his pants he should know who to blame.

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