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Stella Thompson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rowan Wand 9 2/3", Essence of Mermaid Scale
Okay, I have made the ultimate nerd character. Stella is a muggle born, absolute computer genius and well versed in the internet (except the squicky stuff, because she's only 10...but for an 10 year old, she's not THAT innocent). I'm hoping to have her in Ravenclaw. But the thing is, she's extremely good with technology and things (her dad's a programmer, she helps him out), but she has NO idea how to cope without it. And absolutely no idea about the wizarding world. So, it's going to be a steep learning curve for her.

So, anyone willing to attempt to befriend her? Warning, she references the internet a lot (to the point of talking in memes) and will be quite awkward to befriend, as she's so used to sitting behind a screen. :p But she'd be a good friend once you got to know her, and would be willing to help you with your homework. xD
I have Molly Flynn. She is ten years old and a half blood that was raised by her muggle father so she really had no idea about the wizarding world until she got her letter and still doesn't exactly believe or understand it. Anway, she is the type of girl to get outside and play games and not to stay behind a computer so she won't understand half of the things Stella says (by the way I love the name!) about computers so she'll have to make it really basic for her. (Like mouse, screen, tower, etc.) I'm not sure what they'd have, it could be Stella thinking Molly is annoying because she doesn't understand things or they could have a great friendship because they are opposites but no "enemies" please. Just casual dislikes if you want. Oh btw, she loves to learn things so she would ask she would just be a little clueless at first. She will be the type of Ravenclaw that asks instead of reads for herself.
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