
"Well one day I went down to the Dungeons to get a few Potions notes that I forgotten. Then I knocked Bella down, by accicdent and the Alyssa, Theodore and Aiden joined in and sort of ganged up on me, over my knocking Bella down. To say the least it was mad. But thankfully Henri Russo, came to help me, but then spells were cast and he got hurt." She said, taking a deep breath, it's the first time she's had to tell someone what happened, in one go.
Patricia contimplated the question, "Yeah, sort of. I'm definately OK with Bella, we had a long talk about all that happened. Aly, I'd say I'm OK with too. Aiden, we apologised but shortly after he got angry and left, haven't talked to him since. And well Theo, last time I met him, he was just like he always is, so I don't know." She said finishing shortly.
"Yeah, well Aiden kind of did make up with me but Theo, I just can't figure out that boy." She said with a defeated laugh. "Ah well, enough of me." She said, brightening up, and deperately wanting to change the mood. "Lets hear about you? Anything interesting happen lately?"
Patricia gave a small laugh, "Wow you are a hub of excitement." She said.

There was an awkard slience, so thinking of another topic Patricia said, "So hows Laura?"
When Patricia mentioned Laura Kyle looked down then said. " Im not sure i havent spoke to her in a while."
"What, when did this happen." Patricia asked, shocked at what she just heard. "And to be honest, I haven't really seen much of Laura this term. She has a lot more classes than me, and.." Patricia said, shrugging her shoulders.
" It happened a while ago, about last week or something. And i know you have known her longer than you have known me but dont stop talking to me becasue of this." Kyle said. He had hardly been out of his dorm since Laura and himself stopped going out.
When Kyle said when it had happened, everything kind of went into place, last week was when she had her problems, "Don't worry I won't." She said, reassuringly. "What happened?" She asked, before she could think about what she was going to say.
" Well, we both decided that it was best not to go out any more. She said that we should still be friends so i said ok but now shes not talked to me since." Kyle explained.
Patricia felt somewhat relieved, "Well nothing bad happened then? And if you both decided to stay friends, thenI'm sur you are. She's probably just, busy, with homework and stuff." She said realiseing how stupid she sounded.
Kyle smiled and said. " Yeah, I guess. So are you glad that spring is here or did you prefer winter."
Patricia give a small laugh at the abrupt change of topic, "Well, winter was lovely here." She said, "But I prefer Spring. It'd warmer and it was my birthday last week." She said with a smile.
" You could of told me." Kyle said grinning. " Well, happy late birthday. What did you get?" He asked.
"You never asked?" Patricia said, sticking her tounge out playfully. "Actually no one knew. It didn't bother me though, it was just a normal day." She said.

"So obviously, I got nothing. But mum and dad said they would have a few extra things for me when I come home. Especially since I didn't go home for Christmas, I get double presents." She said with a broad grin.
"Yeah, it will be good to see them again." She said, "Even my brothers." She continues with a smile. "Did you go home for Christmas?" She asked, trying to remember if she saw him or not over the holidays.
"Mmmm, I didn't see you around." She said. "Actually I have two brothers, on is 22 and the other one is 25. You can have the 22 year old one." She said with a smile. "I don't like him." She said in a loud whisper, shaking her head.
Patricia laughed, "You obviously haven't met my brother then." She said. "Anywho, do you have any sibilings?"

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