Closed Walking Together

Kairi Kennedy

Creative- Sweet- Loyal
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Kairi had been having a lovely time at school. And not in a small part due to her best friend. Kairi was just so glad to have Daiki back in her life. She loved spending time with him, and loved being able to explore the school and its students with the security of having Daiki around. Having finished the book she was reading, Kairi set out in search of his company. After a bit of running around, she spotted him through a window. Lighting up, Kiari dashed down the stairs, running until she'd made it out of the castle, past the courtyard, and through the Great Lawn. "Daiki!" She called, running until she'd caught up with him. Out of breath, Kairi locked her arm through his and leant against him. "There you are."
Daiki liked going outside a great deal, it was just a good place for him to be, and he always enjoyed it. He liked wandering the grounds. He let his mind stray and never moved too quickly. He never needed to. The hufflepuff hadn't been walking around for long when he heard the voice of his best friend. He glanced at her and smiled. He waved. "Hey," he said, putting an arm around her.
Kairi pouted at first when he pulled his arm from her, but settled when it was just to put it around her. "Hey," She greeted. "How's your day going?" She asked, looking around and appreciating the day and the scenery. She shut her eyes, taking a deep breath and savoring the fresh air. "This is nice," She offered, looking up to him with an easy smile.
Daiki walked along side her and smiled with ease. He nodded, "It's been a good day," he said, since it had been, and now it was even better. "This is nice," he said. "Do you wanna go to the dance with me?" he asked, since he figured they would go, but he didn't want to accidentally end up with someone else asking her to the dance.
Kairi hummed, leaning a little more into his side without thinking. She liked it here, liked it at the school. It was pretty, she felt like she was making some good friends, like she could build a life with what she was being given. She smiled, enjoying the scenery and the comfortable warmth of Daiki. She paused as he asked her to the dance, and smiled again. "Of course," She agreed easily. "Do you think it'll be fun?" She asked, looking to him and tucking her hair back. "I've heard that its more for the older kids."

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